Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Readings That Came True

My Ex Came Back, After I Let Go.

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--- Quote from: Love-33 on December 17, 2017, 06:36:46 PM ---Thank you! :) I think I'll try Siobhan Darroch...
My fave (so far) on bitwine is Miss Ann, did you read with her?
Also I think you recommended pixie dust once, would you still recommend her or was she wrong? I've been hesitating about reading with her

Lily oak I like her but realized she interprets cards wrongly sometimes. I don't rely on her much anymore.

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I did read with miss ann and she was right that the smitten guy wasn't going to be an long-term relationship type thing; however, with her reading it almost sounded like gibberish in a sense. It's weird, even reading back on it. Pixie, is notoriously good with signs. Like she knew my mom is a Fire sign, that my dad is an earth sign. No name or anything given to her. I think she's WAY better as a medium than a psychic if you ask me. Like if you want to gain messages from your grandfather or whomever on the other side, she's incredibly good with that.

Oh well... actually I'll just not read with anyone else for now and save some money. Miss Ann predicted earlier this month that I will be meeting with my POI. I couldn't believe it at all and earlier this week he said we will... after almost 4months without seeing each other and not talking to each other, he thinks it sounds good to catch up. (We are both going back to our home countries for the holidays so can't meet up now).he said in January when we both come back. I'm a bit afraid because the reason why we stopped seeing each other was him realizing he wasn't ready for another committed relationship yet (after being cheated on by his ex). I guess I'll just wait and see. I'll go without any high expectations, just have a fun moment with him and see how things will evolve.


--- Quote from: YellowLove on December 17, 2017, 06:50:35 PM ---
--- Quote from: Love-33 on December 17, 2017, 06:36:46 PM ---Thank you! :) I think I'll try Siobhan Darroch...
My fave (so far) on bitwine is Miss Ann, did you read with her?
Also I think you recommended pixie dust once, would you still recommend her or was she wrong? I've been hesitating about reading with her

Lily oak I like her but realized she interprets cards wrongly sometimes. I don't rely on her much anymore.

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I did read with miss ann and she was right that the smitten guy wasn't going to be an long-term relationship type thing; however, with her reading it almost sounded like gibberish in a sense. It's weird, even reading back on it. Pixie, is notoriously good with signs. Like she knew my mom is a Fire sign, that my dad is an earth sign. No name or anything given to her. I think she's WAY better as a medium than a psychic if you ask me. Like if you want to gain messages from your grandfather or whomever on the other side, she's incredibly good with that.

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Thanks for your review. So did pixie tell you that you and your ex would get back together?


--- Quote from: Love-33 on December 17, 2017, 06:53:31 PM ---
--- Quote from: YellowLove on December 17, 2017, 06:50:35 PM ---
--- Quote from: Love-33 on December 17, 2017, 06:36:46 PM ---Thank you! :) I think I'll try Siobhan Darroch...
My fave (so far) on bitwine is Miss Ann, did you read with her?
Also I think you recommended pixie dust once, would you still recommend her or was she wrong? I've been hesitating about reading with her

Lily oak I like her but realized she interprets cards wrongly sometimes. I don't rely on her much anymore.

--- End quote ---

I did read with miss ann and she was right that the smitten guy wasn't going to be an long-term relationship type thing; however, with her reading it almost sounded like gibberish in a sense. It's weird, even reading back on it. Pixie, is notoriously good with signs. Like she knew my mom is a Fire sign, that my dad is an earth sign. No name or anything given to her. I think she's WAY better as a medium than a psychic if you ask me. Like if you want to gain messages from your grandfather or whomever on the other side, she's incredibly good with that.

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Thanks for your review. So did pixie tell you that you and your ex would get back together?

--- End quote ---

Sorry, I had to go back to her transcript. She was wrong...she even told me to "let go of the idea of him returning back in my life". On a medium standpoint, she did get some personal things (non-relationship) in something that confirmed it was my grandfather. Hence why I say, she's best to be used as a medium moreso than a psychic.

Thank you very much for looking back at the transcript, you save me some money here haha!

I wish you a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year.

I'll post an update too in a couple months or so, hopefully as positive as yours haha. I'll stick to miss Ann only as she is the only one who nailed every event so far


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