Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Readings That Came True
My Ex Came Back, After I Let Go.
--- Quote from: Love-33 on December 18, 2017, 06:31:29 PM ---
--- Quote from: sawthelight on December 18, 2017, 03:18:43 PM ---
--- Quote from: YellowLove on December 17, 2017, 07:00:03 PM ---
--- Quote from: Love-33 on December 17, 2017, 06:53:31 PM ---
--- Quote from: YellowLove on December 17, 2017, 06:50:35 PM ---
--- Quote from: Love-33 on December 17, 2017, 06:36:46 PM ---Thank you! :) I think I'll try Siobhan Darroch...
My fave (so far) on bitwine is Miss Ann, did you read with her?
Also I think you recommended pixie dust once, would you still recommend her or was she wrong? I've been hesitating about reading with her
Lily oak I like her but realized she interprets cards wrongly sometimes. I don't rely on her much anymore.
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I did read with miss ann and she was right that the smitten guy wasn't going to be an long-term relationship type thing; however, with her reading it almost sounded like gibberish in a sense. It's weird, even reading back on it. Pixie, is notoriously good with signs. Like she knew my mom is a Fire sign, that my dad is an earth sign. No name or anything given to her. I think she's WAY better as a medium than a psychic if you ask me. Like if you want to gain messages from your grandfather or whomever on the other side, she's incredibly good with that.
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Thanks for your review. So did pixie tell you that you and your ex would get back together?
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Sorry, I had to go back to her transcript. She was wrong...she even told me to "let go of the idea of him returning back in my life". On a medium standpoint, she did get some personal things (non-relationship) in something that confirmed it was my grandfather. Hence why I say, she's best to be used as a medium moreso than a psychic.
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I agree about Pixie Dust. She has an ability, for sure, and is definitely not a fake, but she seems to be a very sweet person and maybe she tells most to move on to avoid the pain in the interim, if that makes sense. I think she leans negative towards relationships in general. But I do like her a lot. She is real, for sure. She freaked me out the first time I read with her, she can get the signs of the people involved without you telling her anything. Truly amazing.
As far as Miss Ann, she's accurate as hell, but she gives you a full overview of things. Meaning, she is not good for a quick question..she gives all the steps along the way, so maybe that's why her readings can be confusing for some. But she is on point, for sure, and will tell you if a situation is hopeless. She's also funny as hell. lol
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Maybe pixie is good at present but not future
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I had a reading with Pixie dust not so long ago and she said I should move on and that my ex doesn;t have any feelings for me. She also mentioned my ex seeing someone too. I'm not sure how factual this is since we don't speak other readers have said we will work things out. I'm on the verge of just trying to accidentally drop a text to my ex just to open the lines of communication because this psychic stuff is confusing me
Pixie is pretty good at picking up feelings, IMO. I'm not sure she can see the future too well though. I think she leans negative towards relationships in general.
Karen "knowingangel" on bitwine is also great at picking up feelings.
I had a reading earlier on with Pixie and found she was very negative, she said I need to "let go" and saw a water sign around me. Right now I'm pretty much spending a lot of time alone and home while I work on building my website so not sure who the water sign is. I'm really not into star signs so wish psychics wouldn't bring them up. She also said my ex was an air sign when he is in fact an earth sign.
I left her a positive because I thought was picked up well on other things but now I'm starting to see that is not the case.
It's insane to think it's only 2 months shy from a year since this happened. We're still together and I just recently moved near him (the city has better opportunities anyways) and our puppy.
--- Quote from: Spiritual_rose on May 31, 2018, 07:24:01 PM ---
--- Quote from: Love-33 on May 31, 2018, 07:13:49 PM ---
--- Quote from: Spiritual_rose on May 31, 2018, 06:59:36 PM ---Is this really true? That when you let go of an ex they usually come back?
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No, it depends on many things: if they are with someone else, if they have moved on....
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Yea it's just I've been told numerous times that I can speed him up coming back if I move on .that if I keep waiting around it will delay things longer.
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They say this because it’s about perspective.
Think about it
You ever been engaged in something you enjoyed and it seem like time flew? Or you’re concentrating on something and you look up and time gone quickly?
That’s the basis of it.
If you keep focusing on something it will seem like forever that something is time.
Imagine watching a cake bake. It takes like an hour right? That hour would drag on if you sat there and looked at it in the over for that entire sixty mins. Or kept opening the door to check. But if you go distract yourself for that hour it will be done quickly.
So In essence if your ex was suppose to come back. They will in no time because you wouldn’t be focused on it. Even if it was 3 mos or 3 yrs you’ll be so busy and look up and think o wow has it been that long? Imagine looking for a text from that person every few mins for 90 days? Or 1095 days Torture.
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