Author Topic: Mind Blowing Reading?  (Read 65231 times)

Offline poorprincess

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Re: Mind Blowing Reading?
« Reply #45 on: December 01, 2018, 07:52:00 PM »
I read with her. She was more like a therapist as previously stated.

hmmm...still worth going or should I cancel?

That is your call. It might be different for you.

I'm gonna keep my appointment - will update thereafter! :)

Offline whskers

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Re: Mind Blowing Reading?
« Reply #46 on: December 22, 2018, 02:26:04 PM »
I read with her. She was more like a therapist as previously stated.

hmmm...still worth going or should I cancel?

@poorprincess - how was your reading?

Offline bonbon

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Re: Mind Blowing Reading?
« Reply #47 on: January 28, 2019, 01:52:08 PM »
I have had several mind-blowing readings from Jessie J. my first reading with him almost two years ago seemed so far off the mark that I told him he was crazy and that he must have confused my energy with someone else's. turns out he was 100% accurate on everything he told me in that first reading and the things he told me in consecutive readings. this past weekend he gave me some advice on something I should do and again I questioned him and told him he was crazy. But based on his accuracy and amazing advice to date, I took the advice and it worked out perfectly and exactly like he said it would. The details of the scenario were so incredibly accurate. I honestly don't know how he picks up on so many details.

Offline hope36

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Re: Mind Blowing Reading?
« Reply #48 on: January 30, 2019, 04:18:24 PM »
I read with Tara based on this thread and thought she was good! My prediction is not until summer 2019 (July-Aug) so I have a long wait (Yona also gave me the same timeline, so hope that happens). Tara did say that she sees it happening sooner (first week of April) but most likely in the "time of Leo". she picked up my current situation really well, but she did ask few questions though (do you have one child (correct); does poi have 2 kids (wrong))

Also scheduled a reading with Rita for next week. She told me to give her my phone number and that she would call at a specific time. Wondering how much she charges, does anyone know? I asked her about duration and price, she didn't address that part although she replied to all my emails. Will update this thread after the reading

Offline hope36

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Re: Mind Blowing Reading?
« Reply #49 on: February 08, 2019, 01:57:46 AM »
[update] - I read with Rita, she charges $125 for 30min. I didn't know she used Tarot, but she did.

She picked up current situation and my feelings VERY accurately (so much so, that I was crying during the reading). Unfortunately for me her prediction was negative for contact/reconciliation with poi.
She is definitely not a fairytale reader, and mentioned that by summer I'd be feeling stronger and better. She gave me a 10-15% chance for communication/contact from poi, and said very slim chance based on current energies.
Her other predictions were career related, and they seem reasonable enough for where I am at the moment.

I did read with Yona and a couple from CP as well, their readings had a "contact" prediction late summer, they all were consistent in saying that poi will NOT contact until then

I'm hoping Rita was able to see current energies and not that far out, and eventually the others are right, but for now its just heartbreaking :(

Offline Wildheart81

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Re: Mind Blowing Reading?
« Reply #50 on: February 08, 2019, 05:18:43 PM »
Are any of the California Psychic's cheap?. I want to try some of the ones mentioned but if they charge more then $5.00 it is expensive to me.

Offline Snow-white8

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Re: Mind Blowing Reading?
« Reply #51 on: February 08, 2019, 06:35:59 PM »
Are any of the California Psychic's cheap?. I want to try some of the ones mentioned but if they charge more then $5.00 it is expensive to me.

Keith is $3/min currently.  He’s not one of the top recommended ones though, those are all higher than $5/minute as far as CP ones go I believe.

Offline hope36

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Re: Mind Blowing Reading?
« Reply #52 on: February 09, 2019, 06:47:59 PM »
Are any of the California Psychic's cheap?. I want to try some of the ones mentioned but if they charge more then $5.00 it is expensive to me.
If you're a first time user, they usually have a package for half off. You could get 20min for $80 (I first talked to Tara using this "package")
The higher priced psychics like Mattie are NOT available using this offer though.

Offline hope36

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Re: Mind Blowing Reading?
« Reply #53 on: March 01, 2019, 03:43:28 PM »
Psychics that read energies are only really good for the current(now). However energies change. So those type of readers like Rita are better for the short term but not so much for the long term. Try Mattie on CP, Elliot & Petunia. Also Kisha(aries intuition, yona, or leanne halyburton for long term(outcome readers).

@Rinny, Thank you for this, it really helps to know the difference!
I had a reading with Yona in Jan (she mentioned the 'outcome' of my connection with poi isn't determined yet, but I will receive contact in summer)
I should be hearing back from Kisha within 2 weeks as I ordered the email reading this week. Mattie is on my to-try list but she is so expensive, so am saving up to read with her!

