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Psychic Reading Cleanse: December 1 - March 1
Can’t beleive it’s already been two week! Yay! I don’t have any craving at all and i am doing the same thing building my faith muscle .. but i feel so good and peaceful and honestly i dont care anymore about future. Once or twice I had the craving but then i went through old chats and emails and realized not even a single reader has been right for me in looking at complete picture.. even aries intuition - maybe she was right about nothing happening with poi but meeting some one new in October November didn’t happen.. and I don’t care about office meetings, or if I will buy a car so i dont want to be spending 80 bucks to know about that..
I might get reading next year in april just cz I love the whole idea and concept but for now I am GOoD!!!!
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, and Happy New year everyone!!! May the next year be best year for all of us
Alright guys, so it goes. During the "cleanse" I did have a few readings, but a few indeed. Only 1 with Cookie, Yona and LP (since I've never had a reading with them before, I was curious since so many of you left good reviews).
Also, I had literally miraculous occurrence at the end of January beginning of February: I had 4 of my exes reached out to me (NOT my last poi though, which is sad) and also guys I've never dated, asked me out and gave me a compliment enough to suggest that they would be open to something more than just dinner. I called it miraculous, because it literally felt like someone made a magic spell to attract guys to me, the irony is I lost all interest in anything romantic. I said, "NO" to all of them. Not because I wanted to get back at them, but because i feel like I run a veerrrrrrrrry long marathon for the last 4,5 years going after guys and at this point I feel like I'm not capable of investing any emotional energy into any type of relationship.
I feel so exhausted from these 4,5 years... calling psychics about these 2 guys, it gave me no happiness ina long run. I feel damaged and incapable of starting any relationship, I feel like I doubt any relationship worth it all together. It feels like I lost a believe in a magic worth it all between two people.
I don't call psychics anymore, I don't see the reason anymore. Many of them predicted happily ever after, but I can't help myself but look at this all with apathy, neutrality at best.
Guys, I've started to get some private messages about my reading with psychics Ive mentioned. Please ask your questions here, since It doesn't really matter whether I answer privately or publicly, besides you ask pretty much the same questions. .
Reading with Yona:
She didn't answer EVEN 1 question I had for her before the reading. She only gave a general reading and aswered clarification questions, so to my opinion she is the type of psychic you go to and say, "what do you you see my future may be like?" She did say that someone from my past will come back, but I had several of them (exes) even before I had a not sure who was "included" (like if my most anticipated 2d poi would reach out).
cookie said, do your things and your poi is likely to come back.
However, I have to say this - by now I already have about 6-7 psychics who described me a man I would end up having as a life partner and all of them gave prett much the same description. But now I would answer, "who the fuck knows...oh I'm sorry I forgot about God of course...yeh that dude should know"
LP gave me "your poi will be back" story
Ho I forgot about Hilary80 from Keen. I had a reading with her in January- VERY positive about both my ex poi flattering by returning and future guy. I so don't want to disrespect the reading with her, but at this time it just feels like blah blah blah....
Hilary80 reading with me last summer was BS. I took her off my favs after her reading flopped. Keen is such a gamble. I tried friendsue based off the reviews here and i cant say if it was accurate yet but she did give me a rainbow and sugar type reading. So time will tell.
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