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Psychic Reading Cleanse: December 1 - March 1

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I understand that we all have different patterns when it comes to frequency and nature of getting psychic readings. Some of you may have a healthy approach and capable of using psychic's assistance as powerful guidance and many others here at some point have developed somewhat unhealthy dependancy in which we gave so much of our own power away as a result of connceting with psychics.

 I came to conclusion, although I do not claim that it's the correct one, that not even 1 psyhic can  always 100% be correct in predicting future (it took me "only" over 30k to get to that insight, lol),  but I do understand that at this time I need to create time and space without getting psychic readings. And even if I connect with them again in a future, I would be more capable of using them more for spiritual growth, while asking them how and what I can create, then asking for future. Actually a number of psychics gave me awesome pieces of advice, but i got so busy calling them one after another, that i never trully got to apply what they have advised.

AT this time I am thinking about going on a "cleanse" so to speak and NOT CALL any psychic for let's say 3 months: December 1 - March1. At one point i didn't call them for 4 months and it was so increadibly empowering, I want to feel like that again.
If any of you feel like joining me, feel free to hop in and declare it here. Let's support each other and share what reality we are building outside unhealthy psychic reading mania. Let's play and redirect our energy purposely into building something empowering. How about we also set 1 Goal that is not related to psychic readings? I think what I will do within these 3 months is: develop a habit of working out 3 times a week and lose 17 pounds (from 140 to 123) by March 1.

Let me know here what you think and if no one joins me, I would still be happy to share about my progress in a future and time without feeling hooked on psychic readings  :).

I am with you on this "cleanse"....  ;)

Yeyyyyy! I have a buddy now 8) ;D
I am looking for forward to these months! I definitely allow the idea of connecting with a psychic for reading some time next year after the cleanse, but by then I want to understand how I can actually use their guidance as empowering instrument maybe as life Coaching, self-development and what psychic to chose for it.  :D
I have a friend of mine, who is a very successful interpreter and 3-max4 times a year she goes to see one psychic, who helps her on her development. That girl never got readings online, only that one in person and that psychic, which I think is a true professional, does not allow my friend to get readings more often than once in 3 months not to develop dependency. Such a healthy way of getting guidance, I would love to develop that balance.


--- Quote from: Angelina11 on November 30, 2017, 08:11:51 PM ---Yeyyyyy! I have a buddy now 8) ;D
I am looking for forward to these months! I definitely allow the idea of connecting with a psychic for reading some time next year after the cleanse, but by then I want to understand how I can actually use their guidance as empowering instrument maybe as life Coaching, self-development and what psychic to chose for it.  :D
I have a friend of mine, who is a very successful interpreter and 3-max4 times a year she goes to see one psychic, who helps her on her development. That girl never got readings online, only that one in person and that psychic, which I think is a true professional, does not allow my friend to get readings more often than once in 3 months not to develop dependency. Such a healthy way of getting guidance, I would love to develop that balance.

--- End quote ---

Hi and great idea. I am going to try to join you.

Not too long ago I was like your friend. I only saw psychics in-person. I did it infrequently (2-4x year). And although I mixed it up a bit I made sure they were always professional and had both gifts and integrity. They helped me with spiritual and personal growth.

I feel that using phone and online psychics can really mess you up, energetically and otherwise. For me, it's led to a lot of confusion and anxiety. Lots of people have posted about this, but IMO the very nature of the it -- instant, rapid, easily accessible, removed from the actual human contact -- all of those things combined make it feed the confusion, anxiety and addiction.

Anyway -- I like the idea of a cleanse and am going to see if I can make it 3 months. Good for you and it would be great it you could report to this forum on how your perspective and world shifts during the cleanse!

I would like to try too!  I am at the point where I just want to let my readings play out, I haven't really been tempted in the last week or so.


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