Author Topic: Question to the the psychic that read the forum here.  (Read 20181 times)

Offline lostsoul209

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Question to the the psychic that read the forum here.
« on: November 27, 2017, 01:06:11 PM »
Do you even feel bad if you get the outcome wrong? Do you even go back and think why you were wrong? How can you keep doing a job like this and give people flase hope? It pain that I don’t think it ever heal. It a battle for me everyday. I did seek help on my own free will like one of the psychic that responded to me but why keep getting people flase hope?

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Question to the the psychic that read the forum here.
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2017, 04:42:39 PM »
I think a few of them have honest intentions, and want to help.  VERY few of them, but still. 

bottom line is, it's a business for them, and a scammy business to boot.  The scam artists give the few good ones a bad rep.  They will make much more money off of you to give you false hopes, and have you come back time and time again, asking why and when things will manifest.  Why are things going in the opposite direction, etc.  And that's most of their objective: money! Not whether or not you end up with the person.

Some honest ones will tell you to let things play out and not obsess.  Trust your own intuition first and foremost.  And also accept responsibility with your own actions.  I have been my own worse enemy when it comes to overreacting in my situation and pushing POI away further. 

« Last Edit: November 27, 2017, 04:44:18 PM by sawthelight »

Offline lostsoul209

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Re: Question to the the psychic that read the forum here.
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2017, 05:36:40 PM »
I think angelic dream one of the few psychic that care most of them will block you if you run out of money. I think my poi is not a good person anyway. She said she doesn’t care. I have to find a new gym now. She just acting like she is a good person on Facebook.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Question to the the psychic that read the forum here.
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2017, 07:08:55 PM »
Angelbaby of Light was the most caring reader I found on Keen. I thought she genuinely cared and wanted to help me and I think she genuinely felt really bad when her predictions didn't happen. But she messed me up worse than all the others put together. And the crazy thing is I still miss talking to her because she was so caring, even though I know she will just give me wrong predictions. Caring readers aren't always the best ones.

This is very disheartening to hear. Did she not look into her wrong interpretations to see how she was wrong. I know what's done is done, and there isn't any way to make it right, especially if you were strung along - - - I guess I'm looking for a valid reason instead of a lame apology and shoulder shrug. idk.

Offline lostsoul209

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Re: Question to the the psychic that read the forum here.
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2017, 07:31:41 PM »
To this day my poi never tell me the stuff that she did when I ask her she just go and block then  unblocked me. She was playing game I don’t think she a good person. And I just blame some of it on myself believing what the psychic told me that she care.   

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Question to the the psychic that read the forum here.
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2017, 07:54:00 PM »
I could keep going but that's the gist. They feel most clients situations are obvious and usually unrequited love and the reason they are paying a stranger is because most people in their life have told them to just accept the fact it's in their head.

Please by all means, do continue. This might be the best reality check ever for people who don't know what Keen is really like behjnd the scenes.

I can see both sides of it but what it comes down to is most of them are just exploiting people and they know it.

I disagree with what you said above about blame and accountability.

You will never meet these people, you must only deal with your own actions. I've learned in therapy and (TRY to) forgive them to move on with my life.

“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”  Is something I have to tell myself everyday.

I know I'm a work in progress, but if you know this place is a scam and you keep going back... are we not just scamming ourselves?

And if power of attraction is real, which I think it is, and this is part of our lives, this scam.... what are we attracting because of this choice?

Do we blame bars for our alcoholism? They lure us in, but every time we call we choose to and most of the time I know this is another liar.

That's why I'm in therapy. These psychis are like x-boyfriends and other people in our lives and there are scammers everywhere, when you know
it's not their fault anymore, it's ours.

(((counting days til I see therapist as I reflect))))

The problem is from the man I know that worked at Keen and a reader who while on Keen "befriended" me to "be honest" about "my reputation", is that Keen doesn't care about anyone and Keen ignores them too so it becomes every man for themselves.

If feedback didn't exists according to her (and I sometimes agree) you'd get a lot more honest readings. When readers get bashed they are much much much more likely to suck up to future calls so they flood their feedback so ironically when we bash them, they are more likely to spin fairytales to make up what is lost.

So to sum it up:

What someone bashes : the reader ends up more dishonest to win back clients trust with happiness. When they are aware of feedback they don't read, they hustle.

When you call them : they know you are spending your money on others and already going to blow it anyway, so why not them take it instead.

When you ask about someone that never calls or is spoken for or treats you right : they feel you're in denial and that's where you want to be.

A lot of readers feel we attack them rather than the POI that treats us like shit. So rather than confronting and having an honest "what is this" conversation, we call the reader and PAY them to answer in a positive way because if you confront the person and the truth, you will not be happy.

After hearing that, I  confronted my ex and would not settle for him trying to talk circles around me (like them) and I would not stop the conversation until he straight up told me what we were. And when he said it, that he didn't look at me the way I looked at him, after leading me on for years I felt relief. I didn't stop him before he was honest, I didn't get the answer I was looking for, I rode the truth out of him and it was over but it was real and no one could take that truth from me.

Before he would tell me whatever I wanted to hear, but I learned words are nothing and actions are everything.

I also learned I wasn't letting go of Keen and the readings just like I wasn't letting go of the relationship. That not moving was my thing.

That's why moving on is key. If you use this place to keep getting readings fine, but if you can't move on from readings how can you move forward in love?

I told the reader what he said. She confirmed it to be factual and was happy she could be honest with me. She said a lot of people call when the POI is flat out not into it and has said he's never leaving the wife, he never says he loves her, he's only coming over to have sex and the writing is on the wall but the caller calls to be lied to and was happy to see this time it wasn't me.

Excellent post.  Denial can run deep and it's rampant on Keen (and other sites).  Good for you for confronting the person and getting the truth.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Question to the the psychic that read the forum here.
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2017, 08:36:44 PM »
Also I remember one reader talking about respect and everyone in the post agreed.

If the caller is sleeping with a married man or someone spoken for - the psychic feels if the caller doesn't care about the girlfriend/wife/kids who are they to judge the psychic.

Some psychics judge your situation. If you're a mistress or with someone who has another, they feel you losing money is your karma.

You call a lot of married psychics. They don't take well to people who get involved with someone taken, so they feel you deserve to suffer.

They also share information to make fun of a client.

One caller kept asking when he was leaving the girlfriend and she was a booty call he'd randomly see. All readers said stop screwing him and she wouldn't listen and they referred to her as "free milk" because they said she wanted everything but not willing to do any changes. And because she thought him sleeping with her meant they had something special. Readers are very cruel and judgmental to woman who believe sex is love and that the guy is forced to go home when he just like them has free will.

Jesus I'm having flashbacks to them laughing at clients. I think that's when I went on a bashing binge and took them all out.

Then one chimed in saying they feel sorry for people who look to be rejected by emotionally unavailable POI so they are doing them a favor by making them feel better whether right or wrong, that the callers are usually unhappy and lonely and they made them smile albeit even if for a moment.

So most judge and some people feel they are cheering you up from a situation where you aren't going to win in the end.

Oh I could totally, 100% believe this. 

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Question to the the psychic that read the forum here.
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2017, 08:37:50 PM »
Also I remember one reader talking about respect and everyone in the post agreed.

If the caller is sleeping with a married man or someone spoken for - the psychic feels if the caller doesn't care about the girlfriend/wife/kids who are they to judge the psychic.

Some psychics judge your situation. If you're a mistress or with someone who has another, they feel you losing money is your karma.

You call a lot of married psychics. They don't take well to people who get involved with someone taken, so they feel you deserve to suffer.

They also share information to make fun of a client.

One caller kept asking when he was leaving the girlfriend and she was a booty call he'd randomly see. All readers said stop screwing him and she wouldn't listen and they referred to her as "free milk" because they said she wanted everything but not willing to do any changes. And because she thought him sleeping with her meant they had something special. Readers are very cruel and judgmental to woman who believe sex is love and that the guy is forced to go home when he just like them has free will.

Jesus I'm having flashbacks to them laughing at clients. I think that's when I went on a bashing binge and took them all out.

Then one chimed in saying they feel sorry for people who look to be rejected by emotionally unavailable POI so they are doing them a favor by making them feel better whether right or wrong, that the callers are usually unhappy and lonely and they made them smile albeit even if for a moment.

So most judge and some people feel they are cheering you up from a situation where you aren't going to win in the end.

Oh I could totally, 100% believe this.

BUT there's many who I'm sure told her he would leave the girlfriend.  Check out wintersonata's FB for faery lady.  that woman has been seeing a married man for 9 years.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Question to the the psychic that read the forum here.
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2017, 09:11:34 PM »
I do think that many that getting readings do require a therapist rather than a psychic.  I went for therapy and it helped enormously.  Psychics only keep you in a state of denial/delusion, UNLESS you find a good one, which as most who post on here can agree is next to impossible.  And it's so accessible, these sites, just join, click and chat with someone.  It's scary how easy they make it.  Obviously seeing a therapist is not so easy. 

I wish there was a chat therapy site LOL.

« Last Edit: November 27, 2017, 09:13:10 PM by sawthelight »

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Re: Question to the the psychic that read the forum here.
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2017, 01:50:09 AM »
I have had readers who were wrong totally own up to it, apologize and give refunds or free minutes to make up for it. In my opinion the best readers can only be 80%


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Re: Question to the the psychic that read the forum here.
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2017, 01:52:18 PM »
Great posts @Realist.

Offline lostsoul209

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Re: Question to the the psychic that read the forum here.
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2017, 02:21:41 PM »
I really don’t think my poi felt sorry for what she did. What the psychic failed to pick up was she was playing games. If I were a real psychic I can’t do it for money or tell anyone to hold on and waited for them. I’m sure 98 percent of these psychic are not good people.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Question to the the psychic that read the forum here.
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2017, 02:25:44 PM »
lost soul I feel bad for you, I really do, but if your posts here are any indication of what dealing with you was like, I can only imagine why she pulls away.  It's like you only hear what you want.  And that goes for what psychics tell you as well.  I am not saying a lot of them don't BS or sugarcoat shit, we all know they do, but for God's sake, move on and forget it.  Let it go.

Offline lostsoul209

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Re: Question to the the psychic that read the forum here.
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2017, 02:33:43 PM »
lost soul I feel bad for you, I really do, but if your posts here are any indication of what dealing with you was like, I can only imagine why she pulls away.  It's like you only hear what you want.  And that goes for what psychics tell you as well.  I am not saying a lot of them don't BS or sugarcoat shit, we all know they do, but for God's sake, move on and forget it.  Let it go.
trying to move on from her. But I don’t think the pain can ever heal what she did.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Question to the the psychic that read the forum here.
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2017, 02:36:37 PM »
lost soul I feel bad for you, I really do, but if your posts here are any indication of what dealing with you was like, I can only imagine why she pulls away.  It's like you only hear what you want.  And that goes for what psychics tell you as well.  I am not saying a lot of them don't BS or sugarcoat shit, we all know they do, but for God's sake, move on and forget it.  Let it go.
trying to move on from her. But I don’t think the pain can ever heal what she did.

It will, just give it time.  time heals all.