Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Readings That Came True
Sunshine Girl's Story - Came True
Hello everyone,
So many of you have asked me what my story with the psychics is, that I decided to post it for everyone. In no way am I "special" in the manner of having something actually happen, I just followed a different timeline than some of you.
Some people have asked me if my timelines changed a lot. They did change a little bit but not to the point that some of you are mentioning. I'm not sure what to make of that but I do know that even if it doesn't happen in the exact timeline the psychic says, it doesn't mean its not going to. Sometimes I'm not sure timelines can ever be accurate. If I would have followed an exact timeline... according to some, I would be engaged by now...LOL!
So, without further ado, here is my SM story.
I started with The Tarot Lady on accident one day as we happen to be in the same place and she happen to be board and gave me a free reading. When all of her predictions came true, I was floored! She actually told me I would buy a house and I had no intention of it whatsoever. I had a roommate at the time and a couple weeks later my roommate came home and said, I'm moving to my own place after we had lived together for 8 years. I was floored! I started looking at apartments to rent and the place that I live in now (and bought) sort of fell right into my lap! I couldn't believe it and didnt' really think much about it until after the deal was done.
Since she amazed me so, I decide to go see her as a client. One of the things she told me was that my relationship with the bf at the time was ending for me but he would hold on, however there was no future there and I needed to move on. She again hit the nail on the head. I was alone for a while after that (he and I are still friends), but she told me in Fall (it was Feb), I would meet someone new that I would end up in a relationship with, however I would be a freak about it. I met him in Oct. and I WAS a freak about trusting him... LOL! So this was now a year and a half ago and we are still together. I tend to continue to freak out about it somewhere in my own mind only because sometimes I just don't believe he will stay, but he still has thus for.
I think that it was one of my "freaking" episodes about a year ago along with the desire to reseach the metaphyiscal world that lead me to CP as I also visit where they were advertised and I thought why not try it, the Tarot Lady has been right so maybe I can get more info. I think I started with Meryl there who was OK but I wanted someone more lively. Everytime I've called, everyone other than a couple, had told me this is a long term committed, relationship and that I will be getting a ring from him but it's going to be slow so I have to be patient. All I could think was "great", I'm so bad with patience but I guess this has helped me learn to have more and truely not to freak out so much. When he's being weird, I just step back and let him have a some time. He always comes back just as they say he will.
Sunshine girl, what an inspiring story!
Thanks Angel! I hope things work out for you too!!!! :)
who are the ones you spoke to on cp?
CJ - the psychics that I like on Psychic Source are all listed here under the Psychic Source review. The Healer took them from one of my posts and listed them out for us so I (we) could review them. My absolute all time favorites there are Emries, Abbie, and Andrea. Andrea is hard to find online but when you do she is sooo good! A warning though, they are expensive so I don't call much. Someone mentioned that in some cases the same psychics are on Hollywood Psychics. I have not had a chance to check that out but if they are there, it might save some money.
I know I brought PS into the board so I owe you reviews on the Psychics listed. I hope to do that soon.
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