I bumped into my POI yesterday, so I want to give an update on who was wrong and right so far re the information I got from him (which, was hard, as we were surrounded by people..)
The only person who so far has been 1000% correct is Cookie.. she saw the contact, a recent trip, everything in advance. I trust her completely.. sometimes she doesn't see things exact.. but she does see things.. and she is truthful. I have a great deal of respect for her talent, although she costs me a lot when I speak to her, as she is a slow reader, and it seems to take a while before she gets to things that she "sees"
Melody Marie.. partially right from what I can tell.. she picked up on a lot of accurate stuff which was confirmed last night.
Sophia Sees - also very good. She saw contact, she also saw someone I would be concerned about.. she has a talent for sure.. at one point she mentioned that there was something about "shoes" - "did I bring the wrong shoes with me" (on a trip I'm on) - after the call, I looked in my case and found an odd pair of shoes (I have two pairs similar in style and I had put in one of each pair..)
As for his feelings.. well... it's hard to confirm if Zadalia, Lisa Dianne etc etc have been correct or not until I find out more..but the contact was overall very positive - so they are not incorrect.
Sapphire picked up a lot of things, and her advice so far has been spot on... she has seen names and dates in readings before, and I really trust her..
Maharrett - a tarot reader (partially blind so you need to give her time to lay out cards etc) has picked up on correct details - in the past, she saw something no one else saw (that happened a couple of months later from the prediction, so I had forgotten about it until it happened.)
Very recent readers who were wrong (i.e, that I have spoken to over the last few days) - Kelly777, she said if he saw me, he would avoid me - that was not the case at all!
MagicSong said similar.
Others have been partially right... I need to think a little of who has and hasn't been and report back. But I hope others find this helpful..
I'll come back with more as I think about it...