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Purple Ocean

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--- Quote from: Lys on July 05, 2024, 08:59:29 PM ---Anyone tried Readings with Rali, MaryMoon or Manon ?

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Yes, on all 3 LOL.

Manon-PHENOMENAL! Always accurate for me, always!
Mary Moon - seemed to give me a very accurate reading. Everything resonated extremely well. Time will tell if she is correct though.
Rali-at first was fantastic. Then it seemed like she put no effort into the next couple of readings. Like she said it was a new situation, but it has been a very old situation, total opposite of her first couple readings. She seemed to put no effort in after she saw me return. Hopefully I am the only client she did that to, and is accurate for others.

New reviews about these readers? What’s your experiences :

Readings with rali
Energy guide
Sasarah spirit
Luna abundance
Blue rose

Anyone tried pinkladybug ? Or Lolas love tarot

Anyone tried bridges light ?


--- Quote from: artsygirlms on May 01, 2024, 12:11:25 AM ---I can report Alma has told me the exact same thing about POIs over the years. None of it was true

--- End quote ---

same. she is a total scam


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