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Purple Ocean

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Monarchofnymphs was one of the only accurate people on the app during my last psychic phase.


--- Quote from: Abundantia on March 28, 2023, 02:19:23 PM ---Monarchofnymphs was one of the only accurate people on the app during my last psychic phase. But her demeanour was unnecessarily rude so I haven’t gone back

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when you say accurate do you mean her predictions came true?

Yes everything came true and she picked up third parties (other readers assured me there were no 3ps)

I do also have to say she was like 90% accurate on my reading. I actually re-downloaded the app and went to listen to her reading back from July 2022. I'm actually going to order another one now haha. I also agree with you Abundatina; she was low key rude and has a smart mouth so it prevented me from getting another reading from her for a long time lol.


--- Quote from: serenejoy on March 29, 2023, 08:44:25 PM ---I do also have to say she was like 90% accurate on my reading. I actually re-downloaded the app and went to listen to her reading back from July 2022. I'm actually going to order another one now haha. I also agree with you Abundatina; she was low key rude and has a smart mouth so it prevented me from getting another reading from her for a long time lol.

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i would love to know more about what she told you, can i dm you? did she ever give you a time frame?


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