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Purple Ocean

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if just timeline not working, then it doesnt make her a fairytale reader.
i read with her before, overall direction was accurate; timelines were delayed though

--- Quote from: mike412 on August 22, 2021, 03:44:55 PM ---I read with Beth in the past..... I mean, she got overall prediction correct (1 year later), but her timeline did not work for me. Fairytale reader.

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How long were your timelines delayed?

Nikki rich gave me a 3 month timeline so no further than october. Essentially what both beth and nikki said was that when I meet someone new, the ex will contact.

I will wait and see

Nikki Rich was wrong for me.

it's like 4 or 5 months.

--- Quote from: mike412 on August 23, 2021, 04:50:40 AM ---How long were your timelines delayed?

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