Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services
Purple Ocean
Was this through video or chat?
--- Quote from: mike412 on August 17, 2021, 03:43:08 PM ---I asked if he saw me getting back with my ex OR if he saw anyone new coming in. He stated he saw someone new coming in which happened at exactly when he said it would down to the physical description. The only small thing he got wrong was that he said it would be a committed relationship. And even so the POI was perfect on paper I just wasn’t feeling it so you can blame that on free will. I normally don’t praise any psychic I’ve gotten readings from be he was suprisingly accurate. So I get the need to post.
--- End quote ---
Through video.
I ordered from psychic beth so we will see
How good is beth with timelines? She predicted a September contact for me
I read with Beth in the past..... I mean, she got overall prediction correct (1 year later), but her timeline did not work for me. Fairytale reader.
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