Author Topic: I'm Done  (Read 10731 times)

Offline Kate

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Re: I'm Done
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2017, 07:39:25 AM »
I've tried to come to a similar conclusion that someone who doesn't respond doesn't care. I haven't spent much on psychics, but like you my POI hasn't responded to me opening up to her a little over 3 months ago (and this is a lady who made the first move physically, btw), but she accepted my connection request back in June after it sat in her inbox for 20 days. Still the strangest thing to me because if you're not interested and/or don't plan on saying anything to me why accept my invitation to connect? Strange.

I contacted two psychics (Psychic Sedra and Paulina at Soulmatelove) and they both told me this lady has deep feelings for me. Paulina told me she needs time as she's very afraid of relationships and that I should "focus on myself and not wait on her right now" but that she sees her overcoming her fears and coming forward and telling me how she feels. Paulina also told me that she sees us in a relationship at some point in the future. However, the focusing on myself part and not thinking about her has been hard to do because the universe keeps putting her name in front of me constantly and in the oddest places and oddest times. Her name isn't even a popular name, it's like between 89th and 99th on the list of popular American female names so I shouldn't even see it or hear it as much as I do. Universe throws out her name, foreign language variations of her name, obscure internet advertisements with her name in it, TV shows where the name is said or a character has her name, and a commercial for a specific model of car that's spelled differently but sounds exactly like her name when it's spoken, lol. The universe has a good sense of humor :-)

I fell in love with a woman 10 years ago and a similar thing happened to me. I contacted her, told her how I felt and it took her 6 months to respond, lol. And up until that very day her name popped up everywhere and in odd places at odd times just like this situation.

All of that being said, if by chance this current POI does respond positively I'm not sure how I'd take it. Would I even want someone who would make me sit for months? I just lack the tolerance for being put on the backburner. I deserve someone who is sure and excited to be with me. She'd need to do a lot of convincing at this point.

When I first met my POI. We spent about 2 months together before he took off. He never stopped communicating with me during the time he was gone, even though it was very minimal. Anyways my story with my POI is so long it would require me to literally write a 10 page novel about it. He's come back but then he will take off again and continues this pattern. Long story short on the last night before he disappeared, things had gotten so intense physically and emotionally that it felt like we were inside each other's bodies and i'm not even kidding, it felt like i was hearing him think. I was not one to believe in soul mates, twin flames and all of that sort of stuff but this was just too intense and almost supernatural. Different from anything i have ever experienced, I was always usually the type of girl that didn't get caught up in emotions. But this happens everytime we are together and it grows more and more intense before he takes off again. The only reason I learned about twin flames was because i was googling what was happening as embarrassing as that sounds. That's how i stumbled upon psychics. After he left though I kept seeing his name everywhere and all of these signs started showing up out of nowhere. I even passed him driving a couple of times, and we don't even live very close to eachother and The city I live in is fairly big. I kept seeing his car make, model, color everywhere. We posted on social media at the same time... Maybe it was Law of attraction bringing me these signs, maybe me and my POI do have a very strong bond to one another. As time goes on, my POI still hasn't gone full on with me. I feel like we've been suspended in slow motion for a very long time. I can't seem to let go of him, I feel like I feel his emotions and his love come over me. It sounds crazy but I will be preoccupied with various things and have a surge of INTENSE emotions consume my body. I don't even want to feel this anymore!! He has admitted that he thinks whatever we have is very powerful. He's given clues about it also. I would never tell anyone about this in my real life, they would think i was a psycho. So do i believe in soul mates? I'm not sure I believe in the whole new age propaganda of it, that seems like pretend. What I do believe is that some people on this planet have a very high charge to one another in an energetic sense. I wish I knew how to get rid of it to be completely honest. I'm afraid i will never be happy and i will never be able to give anyone else my heart. I feel like he is on a different level that i could never reach with anyone else. Back to your comment though if you're going to call psychics make sure to read the reviews here. There's obviously a few that are very popular. I would recommend them before you go to a "soulmate" psychics. Those people are feeding off the so called "soul mate concept". Do some research if you ever do decide to call another psychic.

Hi Wildfox - I really relate to the above.. it's like being in a prison of feelings that are not your own.. not free, not attached.. somewhere in limbo. Sheer agony. I guess (in relation to this), I subconsciously know that calling does not help, but it's hard not to when the feelings are so intense.

Offline mystery123

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Re: I'm Done
« Reply #16 on: September 23, 2017, 02:20:33 PM »
Lady A -- YES! I know exactly what you're saying. I have the security in knowing that he is always there with me.. even if it's been a week or 2 of no communication. I will feel him at random times, and those times are strangely times in which he gets off work or just times when he's not preoccupied.. i'll look at the clock and be like yep right on schedule. I really want it to go away, it's quite annoying. In a way i have more control over him than i realize. It's when i call psychics that I lose touch with that gut knowing.

I do that too!! I can actually feel the hugging and the peace and safety. It's so distinct and real. I REALLLYY want to stop doing that because it's not letting me move forward and I do want to!! How do i stop this? Sometimes I will get mad at myself for prolonging my recovery just by thinking these thoughts.

