Author Topic: People on Keen not Psychic  (Read 31779 times)


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Re: People on Keen not Psychic
« Reply #60 on: June 17, 2017, 09:45:12 PM »
ats1rk and Satu you are generalizing everyone on this forum. Furthermore, what does it matter to either of you whether some of the people here continue to read with psychics or not? You are not vested in anyone's lives on this forum. You both seem to want to herald your grand opinions as prophecy as to why people don't get good readings and outcomes. Please, allow me bow in your presence. pffsh

Face it most psychics are incorrect with very important aspects of what a true psychic should be picking up. Many on here have been fed so much bs from so many psychics, it saddens me. When I was new to keen, I called quite a few that were just plain crap before finding this forum. I have 2 (not on keen) that work for me whom I call rather infrequently and they are not always correct. Because it affords me, I have called others mostly for curiosity and have found that almost all of them were not up to par. Some may pick up a common theme that could be generalized for many, but when it comes down to it, they were a no. Especially on keen. Yes, blame the psychic for having no true ability and being unethical no matter where you may have read with them.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2017, 09:49:20 PM by Amb »


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Re: People on Keen not Psychic
« Reply #61 on: June 17, 2017, 10:02:01 PM »

Also, how can I sabatoge something I have no control of? My ex was a damaged man child, I didnt have any control about that. And even if I did (which I don't))..How is a client supposed to know what actions are sabatoging or ruining their prediction? See how crazy it is to think that way? The reality is that I wouldnt have a future with him because he was not mature enough to be in a relationship/marriage. Thats all there was to it. 99 percent of the psychics said otherwise.

I'm talking about accuracy here. I notice a lot of you like to give psychics slack when they get things wrong. I dont know why that is. If you call someone and ask if there is a future with this person, no matter if you are stuck on him or not, they should be able to get it right. Instead, you guys like to believe its your fault that a psychic cant read you. I just dont get this. The psychic should be reliable enough to get it right. I mean, you either believe that the future can be seen or you don't. Only one was able to do it in this instance.

Blame the guy. Blame the psychics. God forbid you actually take responsibility for your participation in things and the outcomes you created.

This actually  is true and pisses me off at the same time. In my case, I was with a sociopath. I didn't know it until the relationship ended.  He promised me marriage, a life together, he remodeled my home (half done) and we were building a life together.  Yes, he drained me financially but he was paying me back and promised to do so. My fault in it? I loved him, believed in him and trusted him. After 2 years he told me he never loved me and left. Of course we had our problems as couples do.  He left,  had a woman lined up to go to and he's never paid me a dime since. I'm not blaming psychics. But I do believe that if they can see him coming back and us in a relationship, they should be able to warn me of his character or what might happen.

Unless you've been taken by a sociopath, you have NO room to judge anyone.  Please tell me what fault is it of mine, that he's a sociopath? Maybe i didn't see the signs? Hmmmm yeah, no one does.

Agreed Baypark! No room to judge from these high and mighty know it alls! They wouldn't know the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath! I had a friend who was destroyed by a sociopath! I'm so sorry you had to go through that with such heartbreak. But so glad you're here witnessing the rantings of the two narcissists satu and ats1rk! It's all about them and are always right you know. Lol
« Last Edit: June 18, 2017, 03:58:02 AM by Amb »


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Re: People on Keen not Psychic
« Reply #62 on: June 17, 2017, 10:38:10 PM »
You guys really are sad. I'm glad you've found similar company. Then again, what's that saying? Like attracts like.

Ya, you pissed a few of us off. For the most part I'm a pragmatist, but I have no problem passionately speaking my mind when people become almighty know it alls. No worries on your comments, I've a thick skin and have dealt with many young brains not quite fully developed.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: People on Keen not Psychic
« Reply #63 on: July 01, 2017, 11:08:59 PM »
Saw this person while looking for Kelly C.

She says straight females and flirting, which confused me, but whatever.

Offline Calleronhiatus

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Re: People on Keen not Psychic
« Reply #64 on: October 15, 2019, 04:54:27 PM »
Psychic don't work differently they interpret things differently. From my experiences with all the readings, many can pick up past and present but not the future. Many can pick up what your wearing what you ate for lunch but can't predict the future. That is why so many are wrong. Nothing to do with people change things or they are mentally ill.
Excuse me, if you are a registered member and posting on this board then there is a 99.9 percent proof you are addicted to psychic readings.
Yes, we are all in the same boat here.....
In my reading with Yona the other day she stopped after 5 mins. Why? she couldn't understand what she was being shown. Reshuffled the cards twice got the same thing. She was kind enough to offer a refund or reschedule.
I must say in my experience getting general readings the reader has been most accurate. When I've asked specific questions then they tend to be wrong.
Sorry wrong is wrong. Read too many heartbreaking stories on here to know many psychic have been wrong.
If you don't like a post or agree with it move on. No need to attack someone.
Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend.
Love and light.


