Author Topic: Therese  (Read 43031 times)

Offline Awesomeness

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Re: Therese
« Reply #45 on: February 17, 2013, 04:55:32 PM »
I have a general question... I think we can al conclude that there are times when we get a good reading and times when we don't, and one of the reasons for this could be there is no connection with the psychic.  We feel it on our end because either what they are telling us is not the case, or it could be just a gut feeling.  Do you all think that the psychic performing the reading can also feel that there is no connection or do they really believe what they are telling us.

I've had Readers to tell me that there was no connection. I read with a Reader named Maeve who get's RAVE Reviews. I spoke with her twice and both times she told me she got nothing. She told me I should try someone else and refunded my money. I appreciated her honesty.

The first time I spoke to her she said I'm not getting anything would you like me to continue trying. I told her yes. The information that she got was totally wrong. I later told her. I kept reading her reviews and thought maybe it was an off day for me or her so I called her again and she told me she couldn't get anything.

I think an assumption is that if the person is psychic they will connect with everyone but that isn't the case. I have a reader who I've used for 18months and she can only do so many readings in an hour or so b/c she says the energy will start to mix together and before she get's back on she has to wash her hands and face and do some other things to cleanse the energy from her. She said if not then the readings will be incorrect and information scrambled. She gave me something to think about.

I wish they were all as honest and ethical as this. If there is no connection, don't fake it, and don't take my damn money! I would be more likely to call you back if you just said, "I'm sorry, I'm not connecting with you. Maybe another time would be better."

Offline tammyp

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Re: Therese
« Reply #46 on: June 27, 2013, 04:36:18 AM »
I read with Therese a few times and nothing she said ever happened for me.  My long list of fav PS advisors gets shorter every month.

Offline Jade65

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Re: Therese
« Reply #47 on: July 07, 2013, 11:59:04 AM »
Therese can be an amazing reader, I read with her for years and some little things would happen from time to time but not the big stuff.. Still waiting if it's going to happen but it's been a handful of years and if it does, it's been a looong wait! I'm not holding my breath.. Loved speaking with her but I could only use what I could verify at the time...

Offline whskers

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Re: Therese
« Reply #48 on: July 21, 2017, 06:08:45 AM »
I have read with Therese a couple of times.  Reading the person in question, i think she was accurate.  But she never gave me predictions or any value adding on the situation (e.g. If situation will improve or if if the guy will pull away).  She's just good describing the situation.

Offline Psychicaddict

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Re: Therese
« Reply #49 on: September 19, 2017, 03:08:19 AM »
I talked to her a couple of years ago. She was nice to speak with,but nothing came true. I spent a lot of money on that phone call and I believed her because of the reviews and she seemed so sincere.

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: Therese
« Reply #50 on: October 21, 2017, 10:03:26 AM »
I read with her over 2 years ago, that date she gave me came and went and nothing she said happened.

Offline Vanno

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Re: Therese
« Reply #51 on: July 31, 2019, 03:15:08 PM »
Interesting. I talked to her a couple of years ago and just realized this week that nothing she predicted came true. I just came by this thread to see if others had the same experience.

Offline Scorpio9227

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Re: Therese
« Reply #52 on: July 31, 2019, 09:56:47 PM »
She’s awful! She sort of sucks you in to keep calling her and staying on the line bc she’s a clinical psychologist, but in terms of predictions not a single thing that she has told me transpired .. I prob called her five times during a difficult breakup and all she wanted to do was discuss his clinical depression which did not impede our reconcile .. when her first coupe of predictions didn’t pan out and I told her i was losing hope she tried to say that his depression had unexpectedly deepened with respect to free will he began drinking to mask it.. an expensive waste, she was!

Offline CandyCane

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Re: Therese
« Reply #53 on: August 02, 2019, 06:51:30 AM »
My sister works as a psychic for another site so I know the language.  When a psychic says to you, "I am not making a connection" or "you might want to talk to another psychic"........  That is CODE, ~ a very polite way of saying... "Go away you are an impossible pain in the ass that I will never be able to make happy".   Some people want to blame everyone else in the world including the psychic for there life.   I can not take some reviews seriously.  I mean,,, Use common sense here.  IF A PSYCHIC IS NOT WORKING FOR YOU, WHY GO BACK 5 TIMES AND THEN KEEP BITCHING???????  Not every shoe fits every foot right ?   I do not get that one.  But to each their own. 

Offline ebony

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Re: Therese
« Reply #54 on: August 02, 2019, 12:24:06 PM »
@candycane You obviously missed the point here..she is not saying that Therese told her to go away that she is not making connection..instead she gave her false hopes to keep her calling her and none of the thing she said transpire...if you cant connect with a caller in the beginning you should have told them you cant read their situation rather than keep them calling...Your comment is stupid and irrelevant i dont know why you have to poke your nose in someone else business trying to leave an honest feedback maybe you are a psychic too pretending like someone else trying to defend  this phony readers

This is a site where people post reviews about psychics not where you defend them. she has right to her freedom of speech and opinion

My sister works as a psychic for another site so I know the language.  When a psychic says to you, "I am not making a connection" or "you might want to talk to another psychic"........  That is CODE, ~ a very polite way of saying... "Go away you are an impossible pain in the ass that I will never be able to make happy".   Some people want to blame everyone else in the world including the psychic for there life.   I can not take some reviews seriously.  I mean,,, Use common sense here.  IF A PSYCHIC IS NOT WORKING FOR YOU, WHY GO BACK 5 TIMES AND THEN KEEP BITCHING???????  Not every shoe fits every foot right ?   I do not get that one.  But to each their own.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2019, 12:30:18 PM by ebony »

Offline Scorpio9227

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Re: Therese
« Reply #55 on: August 03, 2019, 02:27:16 AM »
Exactly, she would claim she’s tuning in on him and give me some “insight” about how he’s feeling depressed and when she would make predictions the vast majority of it would be okay this will happen during this time frame and when it wouldnt’ happen and I would become discouraged she would justify it by blaming the depression. She mainly spoke of advice, similar to what a psychotherapist would give you if you were to sit in their office, nothing that radiated of psychic englihtment. Its easy for people to fall into traps of false hope, especially in times of vast darkness. Regardless, before I found this forum (which is a lifesaver, and has introduced me to some amazing psychics), my eyes weren’t properly opened to the concept that people could be truly trying to scam you and preying on your vulnerabilities. Its nice to be able to see the experiences that others have had with a particular reader, especially when your gut left you feeling a particular way. I know often times I have refrained from leaving a bad review on the site because there are a handful of keen readers who I really do connect with and enjoy, and I know that you can get randomly blocked if your overall rating of readers isn’t a certain star level average (a customer service rep told me this once, when I inquired about how I managed to get blocked form a psychic that I had never spoken to before!).

@candycane You obviously missed the point here..she is not saying that Therese told her to go away that she is not making connection..instead she gave her false hopes to keep her calling her and none of the thing she said transpire...if you cant connect with a caller in the beginning you should have told them you cant read their situation rather than keep them calling...Your comment is stupid and irrelevant i dont know why you have to poke your nose in someone else business trying to leave an honest feedback maybe you are a psychic too pretending like someone else trying to defend  this phony readers

This is a site where people post reviews about psychics not where you defend them. she has right to her freedom of speech and opinion

My sister works as a psychic for another site so I know the language.  When a psychic says to you, "I am not making a connection" or "you might want to talk to another psychic"........  That is CODE, ~ a very polite way of saying... "Go away you are an impossible pain in the ass that I will never be able to make happy".   Some people want to blame everyone else in the world including the psychic for there life.   I can not take some reviews seriously.  I mean,,, Use common sense here.  IF A PSYCHIC IS NOT WORKING FOR YOU, WHY GO BACK 5 TIMES AND THEN KEEP BITCHING???????  Not every shoe fits every foot right ?   I do not get that one.  But to each their own.

Offline xXNikkiXx

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Re: Therese
« Reply #56 on: August 31, 2020, 10:18:28 AM »
I love Therese!!! She hasn’t gotten every single thing right that she’s predicted, but she has gotten more right than she has wrong.

Offline gwdwantstotalk

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Re: Therese
« Reply #57 on: August 31, 2020, 10:01:47 PM »
I feel like she gives more advice than predictions. She got date of contact right for me once, but final outcome was wrong.