Author Topic: Eliza  (Read 44445 times)

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: Eliza
« Reply #45 on: January 23, 2020, 02:26:14 PM »
She's honestly the only adviser I sign into my acct to speak to. She is very direct, but I kind of like how she gives it to you straight. I've had experiences where she tells me what someone is thinking and she is literally mimicking the way they talk.

I spoke to her a few times and she flipped her script on me.  I also noticed that she seems to feed off of my mood- she gives more positive reads if you’re chipper.  That being said, she did say a few things that were quite accurate one time so o I dk

Offline Jenjen

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Re: Eliza
« Reply #46 on: January 23, 2020, 05:43:32 PM »
I tried Eliza recently and I agree. Huh? How I felt  ;)

Offline Lo12345

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Re: Eliza
« Reply #47 on: January 23, 2020, 05:58:05 PM »
I tried her last night again in a binge, she gave all probably be waiting another week for contact and Such. But makes me think back to how i was with her when i called. And i might have to agree when I felt down so did she she, but at the same time I called more up beat it was a little more positive.

Anyways, who is good kinda think I wanna give up PS 

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: Eliza
« Reply #48 on: January 24, 2020, 06:52:31 AM »
I tried her last night again in a binge, she gave all probably be waiting another week for contact and Such. But makes me think back to how i was with her when i called. And i might have to agree when I felt down so did she she, but at the same time I called more up beat it was a little more positive.

Anyways, who is good kinda think I wanna give up PS

I’m not a fan of PS at all and don’t plan on going back.   They have a very small handful of gifted readers but most are awful.  I think CP is far better if you’re paying that much per minute.  LEen has plenty of good ones too

Offline whskers

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Re: Eliza
« Reply #49 on: February 04, 2020, 04:09:02 AM »
Same with me, Eliza is the only reason I sign in psychicsource. But she’s more of an empath not really prediction. I think you should call her only if you want to know the process thinking of someone. She can sometime verbatim repeat what the person said.  She did predict that a guy will contact me months after, and he did contact me. Wanted to get back together.

Offline JAG20

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Re: Eliza
« Reply #50 on: February 14, 2020, 08:55:13 AM »
I'm interested in trying this reader, is she on PS regularly?

Offline gwdwantstotalk

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Re: Eliza
« Reply #51 on: February 14, 2020, 02:44:01 PM »

Offline Jenjen

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Re: Eliza
« Reply #52 on: February 15, 2020, 08:57:48 PM »
Definitely on every time I go to get a reading...psychic source is my go to...

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Eliza
« Reply #53 on: February 15, 2020, 10:46:10 PM »
Welp. Figured I'd give her a try with my funds. I must say, even though her accent is a little hard to decipher, she's a very good empath. I won't hold my breath for her predictions or what she says will be coming up, but I do feel she nailed the here and now thoughts/feelings 100%. So for that, I give her a good review. Empaths are only good for the here and now. I read some people saying her readings flipped. It isn't her readings that are flipping, in my opinion. It's the emotions of the other person she's reading. None of us, not even myself, hold the same exact feelings every single day. Some days I feel completely done with certain things and people. Then a week or two later I may miss said person and wish to talk to them etc. Then another week or two later I might despise their existence. Humans have moods. So, for an empath, that's what they are reading, the here and now. They aren't the same as clairvoyants. So someone may be missing you and planning to reach out right now but then they change their mind next week and the empath isn't going to "see" that change coming like a clairvoyant would.

Just my two cents. I'm all emotionally burned out so I'm going to work on letting this crap go. We're in Mercury retrograde energies right now and this energy is all about the past. I know I know. Many people make fun of the Mercury retrograde shit. It's cool. Some of us believe in it and can feel the differences and others are like yeah right total bullshit. It's all good either way. lol.

Offline whskers

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Re: Eliza
« Reply #54 on: February 21, 2020, 11:55:29 PM »
I agree with you miss philosopher. She reads the “now”. Don’t depend on her predictions. You could maybe use for “if I do this.. how is she/he going to react?”.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Eliza
« Reply #55 on: February 24, 2020, 01:15:00 AM »
Yeah. She's great for the here and now. I do want to add something here though. I went back and listened to my reading with her. I record all of my readings.

There are things she said that I could totally validate. There are other things she said that I know to be true and even other psychics pick these things up. So, here goes. (I translated my reading into written words).

1. On one hand he’s very careful about things between you and him. On the other hand he wants to go forward to you with more effort and then on one hand he creates distance from you and on the other hand he feels a connection. (That's how he's been for quite some time.)

2. I do see that he still wants to put himself on an upper hand position but he wants you though. So this is a little bit like playing back and forth games. He wants to keep a distance from you even though he wants you. You guys are not over. (To me, we are definitely over and yes he's an egotistical prick that likes to have control and he plays elementary school games like a giant man-child which is a ginormous turn off for me and he's always been this way even before me).

3. (This is in regards to his new supply). He wants to take care of her and he has some feelings for her, yes. But sometimes he feels like they are not compatible. You have a connection you cannot deny. He does not see that they are a couple. They share a house, they share life, but he feels that they cannot satisfy each other. They will stay together for some time. But their relationship will fall apart and it’s because they don’t trust each other more and more. There are trust issues. Besides, the girl, even the girl feels detached from him because she always feels that he is not the way he appears to be. She always feels that he has double personalities. She always feels that it is not the way he is or like he has another face that she has not seen. They will stay together for a whole year to a year and a half. (To note, Kisha said he wasn't satisfied with this female in two different readings so it's interesting that both of them used the term "satisfied". I also feel intuitively that they will be together for at least one to two years but he will start his bullshit and it'll end).

4. You guys have a certain kind of pressure that you guys have to go through. But because you guys really care about each other, you guys will get over this and will try to make each other feel good. I do see that you guys will have intimacy too. It will be towards the end of their relationship. It’s when their relationship is almost reaching the end, he will come over to you. You guys will go through a process where he is not going to cut the ties with her completely and then he will go forward to you. But you guys will not stop talking. (I'm positive I will not be around. In fact, I'm already not around since December 17th of 2019 lol.)
[/size]5. (This was a very interesting part and it was regarding whether or not he had any remorse for the things he's done to me and put me through over the last 6 years) [/size]I do see that he has some kind of disorder. A personality disorder. He cannot feel something a normal person would have felt. Do you understand? You cannot change him and he will not change. If you want to get along with him and still stay with him, you need to adjust how you deal with him. You need more space from him. (She's bang on correct. He is a covert narcissist big time which is something I didn't know about until over the past year I learned about it. He has major issues and never seems to feel remorse or regret for anything he ever does to anyone at all. It's like totally normal to him. Sad as that is.)
[/size]6. You guys will have a friendship and more than friendship. You guys will have the possibility to go back to the relationship. Believe it or not. At least, you will have the opportunity. It depends on the timing. Maybe when he comes forward to you, you won’t want the relationship, but the opportunity will be given to you. (I asked her if we would ever be friends again because that's what is disturbing me the most. We were friends for 3 years before all this shit for the past 6 years. I valued the friendship more than the relationship to be honest. I'm 1,000,000% positive that I will never engage in a romantic relationship with him ever again in my life. I'm still up in the air about the friendship part. I don't see him the same way anymore. It still shocks me to know who he ended up really being). 7. To be honest, he feels that you guys are so different but because you guys are so different, you guys complement each other. He feels that you are his soul mate. He feels always linked to you. He is always in your heart. (I know she's right about this as well because he's said all of this a thousand times over the years.)
So that was my reading with her on February 15th. If anyone has been told the exact same things or similar, let me know. Otherwise, I don't feel she's a fraud at all and was quite a great Empath. Not sure about her future predictions though because I know for a fact I wouldn't let him touch me with a 10 foot pole. And, like I said before, I will never get back with him again after all this. The only thing that can be hoped for is to restore the friendship that once was........but I'm not sure that's even possible anymore. [/font]


Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Eliza
« Reply #56 on: March 03, 2020, 11:06:53 PM »
Just a little update. Eliza said he would contact me before the end of March. I have basically ignored every email from him since December 17th of 2019. The last time the ex tried to contact me was January 27th. She was right. He did send me an email today. I've accepted that he's with someone else and would just like to be friends with him. We were friends for 3 years before taking it to that other level. So I've known him for a total of 9 years. I valued the friendship more than the relationship. While I do feel he was meant for me, I also feel he hasn't grown enough to be with me in this lifetime. So, I do wish him well with his new girlfriend and I hope everything works out great for them both. I am glad to rebuild the friendship though. I don't feel sad or angry or anything like that.

I did ask Eliza if I would be able to have the friendship back with him. She told me I would, but that there would be an opportunity for more. I don't want more with him. I just want the friendship. I'm satisfied with that.

Now, hopefully all these predictions about a new man to come for a relationship will come to pass lol. Blessings everyone <3

Offline Bobo

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Re: Eliza
« Reply #57 on: March 22, 2020, 06:13:13 PM »

 My relationship was ruined by her" clairvoyant" and " clairaudience". Her sensed was wrong and picked up things by guessing. Do you know " Do you want to know whether your spouse or partner is cheating on you? Please call me on xxxxx----to get an X-ray answer!!!" which was her advertisement on facebook... I wondered that what a psychic told you is your partner cheating on you and she could sensor it, is that a way to destroy your trust with your relationship? Is her targeting the main idea of that you are being cheated so you called her to find an answer???
Not a good idea to call for a relationship prediction.

Offline artslove

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Re: Eliza
« Reply #58 on: May 06, 2023, 01:01:03 AM »
Has anyone read with her recently?

Offline Lowson

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Re: Eliza
« Reply #59 on: May 06, 2023, 04:27:58 AM »
Eliza was wrong