Author Topic: advice/tips for someone who wants to stop calling!  (Read 13548 times)

Offline transplantnurse

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Re: advice/tips for someone who wants to stop calling!
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2017, 12:29:53 AM »
I just read this thread. Its an older thread but damn, if this doesn't make you want to stop calling, get control of your life and heal yourself, I don't know what will. 

I am available for anyone that needs to talk and wants to stop this addiction,1499.0.html

Dang this is sad.very sad.What made me quit was the embarrassment of the habit and spending tons of money.I realized I need to love and respect myself more.I went back to school& I pray to God to help me..I just kept so busy .I have gone a month with one reading sometimes two months.This board also helps to come back read how everyone not only me have not had success strong

Offline peppie

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Re: advice/tips for someone who wants to stop calling!
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2017, 01:00:24 AM »

Dang this is sad.very sad.What made me quit was the embarrassment of the habit and spending tons of money.I realized I need to love and respect myself more.I went back to school& I pray to God to help me..I just kept so busy .I have gone a month with one reading sometimes two months.This board also helps to come back read how everyone not only me have not had success strong

i have had enough evidence to know that no one is accurate really but it's still hard for me to stop. i really don't know why.

also, more recently i've been having a hard time and one of my favorites gave me a really bad report and it really really shook me. well lo and behold i called back in two days and i got a positive report - a complete flip flop. i was like wth because it made me spiral into a bad bad place when she gave me a bad report. it was really bad for me.

Offline peppie

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Re: advice/tips for someone who wants to stop calling!
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2017, 01:03:25 AM »
when people on here talk about God, are you talking about a particular religion?

Offline jas

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Re: advice/tips for someone who wants to stop calling!
« Reply #18 on: October 23, 2017, 01:44:30 AM »
There is a site called "Psychic Junkie" it is a group of us who are addicted.  I haven't been on in a while because....well.....I am still an addicted.  Most of the members on that site have kicked the habit and just keep each other in line.  But here is a funny little tidbit; I wrote in the forum that I couldn't quit because I have a couple of readers who get everything right for me.  I started getting private messages from those who had "quit" asking which readers and how could they contact them. 

One of the sadder stories that happened was around Christmas time a few years back.  One of the members sent out an urgent message to everyone asking for help.  She was a single working mom and it was December 5th.  Her boyfriend had broken up with her and she went on a Keen binge....spent over a $1000 and had NO money to buy her two children any Christmas presents.  She was darn near suicidal.  Everyone jumped on and started giving out their phone numbers and telling her to call them.  It was sad.

Offline peppie

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Re: advice/tips for someone who wants to stop calling!
« Reply #19 on: October 23, 2017, 01:47:03 AM »
There is a site called "Psychic Junkie" it is a group of us who are addicted.  I haven't been on in a while because....well.....I am still an addicted.  Most of the members on that site have kicked the habit and just keep each other in line.  But here is a funny little tidbit; I wrote in the forum that I couldn't quit because I have a couple of readers who get everything right for me.  I started getting private messages from those who had "quit" asking which readers and how could they contact them. 

One of the sadder stories that happened was around Christmas time a few years back.  One of the members sent out an urgent message to everyone asking for help.  She was a single working mom and it was December 5th.  Her boyfriend had broken up with her and she went on a Keen binge....spent over a $1000 and had NO money to buy her two children any Christmas presents.  She was darn near suicidal.  Everyone jumped on and started giving out their phone numbers and telling her to call them.  It was sad.

it is sad how fragile we are. and i don't even know how we got here. isn't that true for any addiction? how? how did we get here?

Offline Baypark1

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Re: advice/tips for someone who wants to stop calling!
« Reply #20 on: October 23, 2017, 04:15:30 AM »
when people on here talk about God, are you talking about a particular religion?

I'm not a bible thumper ,stuff it down your throat Christian. I don't believe in religion. I believe God wants to have a relationship with us and that doesnt mean knowing every scripture of the bible. Ive met more hypocritical Christians living in the south that i care to admit. I love jesus and have finally allowed myself to trust again after many things that happened to really rock my faith to the point I turned my back on him.  This whole psychic addiction  was a catalyst in trusting God again :)

Offline nightime

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Re: advice/tips for someone who wants to stop calling!
« Reply #21 on: October 23, 2017, 05:25:38 AM »
Hey Peppie, it's not easy. There was one point where I was addicted because I was hurting and wanted the pain to go away. These advisors would tell me he was coming back, he loved me, we were meant to be together, and all that bull shit crap. There were a few who said to let go because he wasn't coming back and was moving on. I refused to believe these people and kept calling all my feelgood advisors.

That's what we need to remember...these readings are short term feelgood coping mechanisms. We pay these people to make us feel better because we're having such a hard time coping with whatever emotion we are going through. Instead of healing from a broken heart at an organic pace, I was only pushing the inevitable...all the pain I tried to push away for months finally came snowballing as an avalanche when I realized he wasn't coming back and he had indeed moved on. That pain was worse than anything because I let it grow AND I felt so stupid wasting thousands of dollars on these people.

I'm not exactly sure what you are going through, but I bet it's not easy. I think the best thing to remember is...the pain, the anxiety, the worry is all temporary. There will be an end to it. It's not forever. No one knows when it will end but just know that it will. It will NEVER be forever. Time is your best advisor. It will heal you and help you understand things. I had a yoga instructor who would make us hold uncomfortable positions for a bit longer than comfortable. She would always say, "Yes, it hurts. Yes, it's uncomfortable but you won't be holding this position for an hour or even 5 minutes. Stop your mind from saying you can't, because you can. Believe in yourself. If you fall out of the pose, it's ok. It takes practice and forgiveness of yourself to quiet your mind, your ego." She taught us this in order to apply it to our lives.

I can go on and on'm a yoga guru, sorry. But what I'm trying to say is, believe that you don't need these people to tell you anything. Try and sit with these emotions and remember it will pass. Just be patient and if you slip, it's ok! It takes practice but one day soon you'll stop calling these people! And maybe hold bird of paradise for 5 minutes! :)  ;)

Offline Universal9

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Re: advice/tips for someone who wants to stop calling!
« Reply #22 on: October 23, 2017, 07:36:36 PM »
I am in a similar boat myself. Havent completely stopped calling either. Also we have discussed this many times and I cant agree enough how detrimental it is to mix up the energies.
What helps me these days is to be comfortable in my own pain after reading from some comments on the forum on this topic.. coz after too much pain, you will definitely come out of it (better said than done, but there is some truth to this)..
Also, I use a credit card through a credit union that does not update the balance till after the cycle, so I have it maxed out, and now only pay the minimum due, so can use just that min due on keen monthly. Once that balance is used, I cant pay from some debit card and have the balance updated instantly. So that is keeping me under check (for now its helping).

I haven't completely stopped but have cut way back. What helped me the most was finding this forum and reading everyone's stories. Before that I thought if I kept trying one day I would find the right reader. Now I realize even the best ones are prone to mixing things up and it is dangerous to rely on anything they say. It still took awhile for it to really sink in and I had to stop reading here for awhile too so I wouldn't be so tempted to keep calling.

I also made myself read through notes I had taken on past calls, embarrassing though it was to see how many calls I made and how ridiculous some of the readings were, that I paid good money for and got little or nothing out of. Facing up to it and reading those notes helped a lot. There were lots of things I wrote down but forgot. And reading it again made me realize how wrong they were, how wasteful it was and just how much I was out of my mind to even listen to it much less pay for such garbage.

Offline peppie

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Re: advice/tips for someone who wants to stop calling!
« Reply #23 on: October 24, 2017, 06:54:15 AM »

The biggest thing for me has been to avoid being in situations that would drive me to want to call.

Thanks for sharing - very helpful.

The quote above though... omg that means I have to stop living...  ;D

Offline HornetKick

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Re: advice/tips for someone who wants to stop calling!
« Reply #24 on: October 24, 2017, 11:50:22 AM »
Long story short I can't be friends with people (much less be partners with someone) with very different values than my own.

So true. It's just as painful and as long of a road to recovery.

Offline Universal9

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Re: advice/tips for someone who wants to stop calling!
« Reply #25 on: October 25, 2017, 03:25:05 PM »
I just posted it under LOL when it should have been here
Just wondering if any of you have ever use tarot cards online? I am seeing that those have somehow helped me when I have the urge to read. There is a card deck online called deste, I have 0 clue if it is accurate prediction wise or not but the cards that pop out makes sense sometimes..but there is a drawback here too: when I have the urge, I keep reading over and over on the same Q negating the concept of tarot reading- which should be read just once or twice for the Q at hand (atleast for 15 days). I read multiple times in one day so its probably nothing but helping me a bit with the urge not to call keen psychics..

Offline peppie

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Re: advice/tips for someone who wants to stop calling!
« Reply #26 on: November 08, 2017, 02:14:35 PM »
one thing that has helped is that i'm not up for calling new people anymore - months of calling has shown pretty much everyone is fake and starting with someone new is just tiring. the few people i DO like either don't come on anymore or just have been shown to be wrong about important matters. that leaves about four people left. not very exciting and fulfilling. it's mostly just "eh!" now. i DO have one regular i call consistently... maybe that's why the craving has gone away... who knows...

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: advice/tips for someone who wants to stop calling!
« Reply #27 on: November 08, 2017, 03:28:05 PM »
For me, if i was in a really bad place -- calling daily for example -- I'd just try to take a small amount of time 'off.' Like 3 days, or 1 week. I found that if I could get a week off, at the end of that week I would feel quite different, as if a fog had cleared and I had a lot of clarity back... and I the impulse to call was dramatically diminished. Baby steps... I guess as opposed to trying to convince yourself you will never call again. There's something about one call that can lead to another and so on, so if you can get free for a while that urge starts to go away.


Offline peppie

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Re: advice/tips for someone who wants to stop calling!
« Reply #28 on: November 08, 2017, 04:37:06 PM »
For me, if i was in a really bad place -- calling daily for example -- I'd just try to take a small amount of time 'off.' Like 3 days, or 1 week. I found that if I could get a week off, at the end of that week I would feel quite different, as if a fog had cleared and I had a lot of clarity back... and I the impulse to call was dramatically diminished. Baby steps... I guess as opposed to trying to convince yourself you will never call again. There's something about one call that can lead to another and so on, so if you can get free for a while that urge starts to go away.

this is completely true. once i give in i tend to give in more and more. are you pretty much done calling now? or it's just more balanced?

Offline bluebelle

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Re: advice/tips for someone who wants to stop calling!
« Reply #29 on: November 08, 2017, 05:33:53 PM »
I just posted it under LOL when it should have been here
Just wondering if any of you have ever use tarot cards online? I am seeing that those have somehow helped me when I have the urge to read. There is a card deck online called deste, I have 0 clue if it is accurate prediction wise or not but the cards that pop out makes sense sometimes..but there is a drawback here too: when I have the urge, I keep reading over and over on the same Q negating the concept of tarot reading- which should be read just once or twice for the Q at hand (atleast for 15 days). I read multiple times in one day so its probably nothing but helping me a bit with the urge not to call keen psychics..

OMG @Universal9! This deste thing, that Greek one?! Someone on this forum had posted about it. I looked. And tried. And asked again and again. Those cards are freaky as all $hit. As you say the cards that pop up make sense sometimes and fit my situation but dang ... they're all so negative I feel like. Even when I ask about super positive things like my dog, something negative comes up! They scared me so I don't do it anymore. Clearly I have nothing to say to their veracity but at least they helped curb the mini binge I had recently :) at least it's free!

Yea those cards gave me a bad vibe, big time.  I tried them when someone first posted about them and ugh.

