Author Topic: Question  (Read 10133 times)

Offline mystery123

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« on: October 18, 2017, 04:05:38 AM »
I am sorry it's not a psychic or reading related question but I didn't know where else to ask this as I can't discuss it with any of my girlfriends or family..

How do you guys deal with when you see your POI with someone else? Or you know he has chosen someone else over you? how do you deal with the pain?
I truly want to let go now. I am tired of feeling hurt and trapped in this emotion. For once I want to feel free of him, his thoughts, and be with someone who wants me and cares for me. It's almost like I am friends with the pain of rejection now, but I can't stop hoping for him to come back. How do I stop hoping?
The idea of going out and meeting new people right now is scary and I am not even sure how to do that -- not an extrovert. I can't do online dating- just too intimidating for me.

All the readers said he will come forward, travel more, be more open (Yona, Aries, Dawn, Christina, and a bunch--and maybe my fault for getting so many readings). This past weekend i saw he is traveling but to meet this other girl he liked which he told me about too. So yea they picked up his activities but not for me?! which means his feelings are also not for me.. And regardless of this girl he has never committed to me in two years, he has been fine with "sleepovers" but that's it, I don't know why I fell in love with such a jerk. It's my mistake to let this happen and keep myself hoping despite of what was happening. So I really want to open my eyes to reality and stop living in the psychic world where they tell me that he likes me.

I can't do this anymore, in 28 years this is the first time I feel crippled.. any advice on how to let go of pain, move on for good would be great?

I have read plenty of articles online but seeking some real person advice since I feel I know you guys! Thanks!
« Last Edit: October 18, 2017, 04:08:17 AM by mystery123 »

Offline Universal9

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Re: Question
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2017, 06:22:54 AM »
It is difficult yes. And it is easier said than done, but I consider myself rather strong mentally in this aspect, even though I dont know why he is still on the mind (even if so negatively).
Why dont you please think like this? He cares about someone else, he chose someone else, he wants her not me, he cares how she feels not how I feel!...
If he places importance on another woman over me, that is when the doors are permanently closed off from your end too.

I dont like alphafemale in general coz her prediction on a simple immediate career Q didnt manifest, but she had once told me that I wont let him behave the way he does, and will not tolerate the nonsense- she was so right on that one.
When he was willing to demote me down to only "friends", and became defensive on being just that, I severed all forms of contact with him. I put my foot down, and did not allow the nonsensical behaviour from him. By friends, he could have had the option of having many women present in his life as "friends" without having to commit. Why would I have allowed that?
That said, is he not on my mind? He is, sadly, but I do not allow positive thoughts i.e. all I think about is he cares about someone else (which I suspect he does), he does not think highly enough of me to pursue me (and thats his choice).
If he has to be in my mind without my control for the type of connection it is, I will ensure I try best to drive him away, by thinking negative. Why allow myself to be tortured by this feeling of him pursuing someone else?..


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Re: Question
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2017, 07:07:00 AM »
He was in it for sex. Why would he buy the cow if he was always able to get the milk for free? You deserve better. Why would you want a man who doesn’t want you? What is it really, that you like/love about him?
As hard as it may be, force yourself to meet other people. If you really want to move on from this guy, do whatever it takes even if it’s a drag. Online dating (and trying other ways to meet people) cannot be as bad as being stuck on someone who doesn’t want you.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Question
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2017, 10:40:15 AM »
Cut off all contact as much as you can...

I remember reading some posts of yours and I thought you said a lot of readers gave you negative outcomes with this guy?

Seriously, though I’m so sorry you are going through this, just look ahead and not back. No contact is the only way.

Offline Kate

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Re: Question
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2017, 11:18:23 AM »
Cut off all contact as much as you can...

I remember reading some posts of yours and I thought you said a lot of readers gave you negative outcomes with this guy?

Seriously, though I’m so sorry you are going through this, just look ahead and not back. No contact is the only way.

I actually recommend watching Matthew Hussey's videos - 

Offline Seeker

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Re: Question
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2017, 12:01:59 PM »
Sounds like it was a FWB situation, you wound up getting feelings for more and he didn't. Really sorry that happened. Like others have said, erasing him and moving on is the best thing you can do.

I've been in your shoes, but worse. Mine was a real love relationship. Long story short, she MARRIED someone else. First thing I did was delete everything connected to her. This helped me get over it faster, but it WAS somebody I loved so it didn't happen overnight. Funny thing is, now this is a person I wouldn't even want today, she wouldn't even be my type and realizing that really helped in the long run. So personal evolution has a strong impact on our past outlook and can help us heal or affirm our position.

As for not trying online dating, as a woman, I don't see the intimidation. That online dating field is totally slanted in your favor. There are a ton more men than women there, and men pretty much always make the first move. You'll have tons to choose from. Even women considered "the least attractive" get offers. I would definitely consider it in the future if I were you. I say future though because you're not ready to be dating right now. You need to get 100% over this situation. It's never a good idea to date when you're not 100% through a current situation, someone usually winds up getting hurt and it tends to be the new person getting hit with all your past baggage.

Offline mystery123

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Re: Question
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2017, 12:05:35 PM »
Thank you so much everyone! I needed to hear all of this. Yea, I always knew what his intentions were so he is not a bad person, but I guess I was hoping for the unexpected. His behavior would sweeten tremendously on and off  and then with readers saying he likes you, I thought a miracle  would happen. Guess not.

@sawthelight- yea that was in April, aries, fairie moon and sweethearts tarot asked me to let go as they dont see anything.. but we again got back together for two weeks in june so I disregarded their reading. When i read with them in August September then they said the opposite— he likes you and will come forward. So I started hoping for that.

But you all are right, I need to respect myself more to let him go. I should have known better then and now, but I definitely deserve better. Not this kind of back and forth. And it’s also a good point to look at myself and see what do i want. Why and how did I get into this place. Why would I fall in love with someone who doesn’t want me and have made it clear several times. I need to stand up for myself. I don’t need to beg for a relationship.

I need to take a break or stop taking readings especially when I know that they don’t read me but someone else.

I can’t thank you guys enough!!! Nothing was rude or anything, i sincerely needed someone to shake me, wake me up and slap me out of it. I will watch that video as well and maybe try online dating once I feel healed from this situation.
 I will come back to it whenever repeating thank you all again! and now feel like I am not alone and I can do this!! I need to stop living in my head and in my imaginary “relationship”
« Last Edit: October 18, 2017, 12:09:33 PM by mystery123 »

Offline bluebelle

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Re: Question
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2017, 01:01:57 PM »
aww good luck to you.  It's a hard realization.  One never knows what the future holds, but in the meantime, live your life and move ahead as best as possible.   :D

Offline mystery123

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Re: Question
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2017, 05:05:51 PM »
Thank you!!

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Question
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2017, 07:24:41 PM »
Thank you so much everyone! I needed to hear all of this. Yea, I always knew what his intentions were so he is not a bad person, but I guess I was hoping for the unexpected. His behavior would sweeten tremendously on and off  and then with readers saying he likes you, I thought a miracle  would happen. Guess not.

@sawthelight- yea that was in April, aries, fairie moon and sweethearts tarot asked me to let go as they dont see anything.. but we again got back together for two weeks in june so I disregarded their reading. When i read with them in August September then they said the opposite— he likes you and will come forward. So I started hoping for that.

But you all are right, I need to respect myself more to let him go. I should have known better then and now, but I definitely deserve better. Not this kind of back and forth. And it’s also a good point to look at myself and see what do i want. Why and how did I get into this place. Why would I fall in love with someone who doesn’t want me and have made it clear several times. I need to stand up for myself. I don’t need to beg for a relationship.

I need to take a break or stop taking readings especially when I know that they don’t read me but someone else.

I can’t thank you guys enough!!! Nothing was rude or anything, i sincerely needed someone to shake me, wake me up and slap me out of it. I will watch that video as well and maybe try online dating once I feel healed from this situation.
 I will come back to it whenever repeating thank you all again! and now feel like I am not alone and I can do this!! I need to stop living in my head and in my imaginary “relationship”

I have been where you are...and I always hoped things would change.  they did a bit, but never enough, and it was only way after I moved ahead, that I realized I'm glad things didn't work out the way I wanted them to at the time, because something so much better was around the corner.  Sound corny and cheesy, but it's true! 

You ever hear the expression, "don't make someone a priority when they only make you an option"...that's my motto in life.

Offline sunshineluv7

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Re: Question
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2017, 08:11:33 PM »
Don't run from the pain or deny it. Go into it full force. Grieve it, journal, cry. Denying your true feelings only stuffs them down, you need to let it out. It's okay to be upset and mad at hurt and angry, for as long as you need to be.

Accept the reality. What you resist persists. Once you fully accept what is happening now, it won't hurt you. The reason you are upset is because you resist the reality of what is. Acceptance will set you free.

Offline Universal9

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Re: Question
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2017, 10:02:08 PM »
sawthelight, tangential to the main topic but this is so true! This now-faded POI of mine once tried to demote me to just friends so that he could keep communicating with these other women in his life. I am so glad I put my foot down, and did not give in, instead severed all forms of contact till date (except one msg). I was only the option for him, not the priority. If I were everything to him, we would have been together.

Thank you so much everyone! I needed to hear all of this. Yea, I always knew what his intentions were so he is not a bad person, but I guess I was hoping for the unexpected. His behavior would sweeten tremendously on and off  and then with readers saying he likes you, I thought a miracle  would happen. Guess not.

@sawthelight- yea that was in April, aries, fairie moon and sweethearts tarot asked me to let go as they dont see anything.. but we again got back together for two weeks in june so I disregarded their reading. When i read with them in August September then they said the opposite— he likes you and will come forward. So I started hoping for that.

But you all are right, I need to respect myself more to let him go. I should have known better then and now, but I definitely deserve better. Not this kind of back and forth. And it’s also a good point to look at myself and see what do i want. Why and how did I get into this place. Why would I fall in love with someone who doesn’t want me and have made it clear several times. I need to stand up for myself. I don’t need to beg for a relationship.

I need to take a break or stop taking readings especially when I know that they don’t read me but someone else.

I can’t thank you guys enough!!! Nothing was rude or anything, i sincerely needed someone to shake me, wake me up and slap me out of it. I will watch that video as well and maybe try online dating once I feel healed from this situation.
 I will come back to it whenever repeating thank you all again! and now feel like I am not alone and I can do this!! I need to stop living in my head and in my imaginary “relationship”

I have been where you are...and I always hoped things would change.  they did a bit, but never enough, and it was only way after I moved ahead, that I realized I'm glad things didn't work out the way I wanted them to at the time, because something so much better was around the corner.  Sound corny and cheesy, but it's true! 

You ever hear the expression, "don't make someone a priority when they only make you an option"...that's my motto in life.

Offline Universal9

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Re: Question
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2017, 10:04:56 PM »
I will also implement this one. I have a lot of issues where I feel he did me injustice and everything, but I dont come to terms with the feelings, or think about what and why I feel this way from A to Z. I think I should so it too, I need to do this to let all of this go.

Don't run from the pain or deny it. Go into it full force. Grieve it, journal, cry. Denying your true feelings only stuffs them down, you need to let it out. It's okay to be upset and mad at hurt and angry, for as long as you need to be.

Accept the reality. What you resist persists. Once you fully accept what is happening now, it won't hurt you. The reason you are upset is because you resist the reality of what is. Acceptance will set you free.

Offline Baypark1

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Re: Question
« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2017, 10:21:16 PM »
Oh boy, this is hard to do!   For me, I was right where you are, wanting to stop pining over this particular POI and move on with my life. I got to the point I really thought something was wrong with me because it's not normal to hang on to someone that clearly has moved on and call psychics obsessively spending thousands of dollars.  First off, I truly believe calling psychics keeps you hanging on.  It's an addiction.  I do believe there is something to your thought about being comfortable in your pain.  So, long story short, slowly the feeling of wanting to get my shit together and move on becamee stronger and stronger and I started googling "how to deal with rejection and move on" type of things.  I ended up finding a woman named Susan Anderson who has a whole  program on dealing with rejection and abandonment.   I finally had found what I had been looking for.  It totally resonated with me.   For me, I've had rejection and abandonment issues since I was a child but for some, it may not come out until adulthood and one situation can bring it out.  Anyway, that may or may not be your issue but her workbook really helps with letting go and getting over the current rejection you are feeling.  Google her and see if her stuff resonates with you. If not, maybe something else will help.   I think when we obsess over anything and can't let go, there's an underlying issue we aren't dealing with.  We aren't crazy people.  We are human beings who have been hurt and want to be loved.  Some people handle things better than others.  For me, Susan Anderson has been working.  I haven't called a psychic in about a month maybe, I'm not keeping track.  I have no desire to.  I am not pining over this asshole that "rejected" me who didn't even deserve me in the first place and wasn't even GOOD for me! 

I hope you start feeling better and stronger soon. I know what you are feeling very well and it sucks. 

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Question
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2017, 10:46:20 PM »
Oh boy, this is hard to do!   For me, I was right where you are, wanting to stop pining over this particular POI and move on with my life. I got to the point I really thought something was wrong with me because it's not normal to hang on to someone that clearly has moved on and call psychics obsessively spending thousands of dollars.  First off, I truly believe calling psychics keeps you hanging on.  It's an addiction.  I do believe there is something to your thought about being comfortable in your pain.  So, long story short, slowly the feeling of wanting to get my shit together and move on becamee stronger and stronger and I started googling "how to deal with rejection and move on" type of things.  I ended up finding a woman named Susan Anderson who has a whole  program on dealing with rejection and abandonment.   I finally had found what I had been looking for.  It totally resonated with me.   For me, I've had rejection and abandonment issues since I was a child but for some, it may not come out until adulthood and one situation can bring it out.  Anyway, that may or may not be your issue but her workbook really helps with letting go and getting over the current rejection you are feeling.  Google her and see if her stuff resonates with you. If not, maybe something else will help.   I think when we obsess over anything and can't let go, there's an underlying issue we aren't dealing with.  We aren't crazy people.  We are human beings who have been hurt and want to be loved.  Some people handle things better than others.  For me, Susan Anderson has been working.  I haven't called a psychic in about a month maybe, I'm not keeping track.  I have no desire to.  I am not pining over this asshole that "rejected" me who didn't even deserve me in the first place and wasn't even GOOD for me! 

I hope you start feeling better and stronger soon. I know what you are feeling very well and it sucks.

Great post Baypark