Hi all - in the spirit of updating regardless of how random it all is:
So, I've had a secondary POI I've asked a few readers about directly. This is not the same as the one I have been updating about, nor was it anything serious beyond friendship and dating. We have been friends and have dated at times on and off for about a year and a half, but it's been a handful of connections and mostly just talking. Like, not a lot of action and mostly just a light connection. Around a month ago, after professing feelings for me and intent for us to move forward romantically, he tells me he's decided to move back to Europe because he misses his family and is overall very unhappy here. He's European and has been in the USA for around 10 years. Nobody picked up on his move being an obstacle for the relationship besides Anne (QofCups) on the DAY that he told me. Never before. I read with Ness, NorthStarJulie, QueenofCups18, Cookie, Zadalia, Sweetheart's Tarot, and Mystical Mirror by Rikki on this man. Could be more readers, but as I prefaced this with - not my number 1 priority. All were correct on the past and present, his feelings, and how things would unfold - but nobody saw it concluding with his abrupt decision to leave the country. He moves back tomorrow BTW. Romantic relationship over lolll...