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Top Five Psychic
I've tried Lady P (which is a great empath, but predictions haven't panned out yet), Leanne, Yona, Mystic Raven 11, QueenCup18, Anne Tarotblessing all said my POI and I will be in contact again but nothing as of yet :(.
It's been over a month since we've spoken and over 5 months since we've seen each other. I'm losing hope.
I haven't tried Carla - White Dove Reading or Micah. Aries Intuition has told me she can't read for me so I refuse to try her again.
Hey eilson, I would say just live your life and your ex will contact you. Last year my ex stopped contacting me in july I read with Yona in November of that year she always said that he will contact me but her timelines of when was off. In May, of this year he finally contacted me. I did not talk to him in 10 months and I hadn't seen him for a whole year. Try to keep yourself busy and before you know it you will hear from him.
I apologize for the late respond...
for joydivine if you want to speak with her thru bitwine you have to message her ... she doesn't have a set up scheduled , so that can be tricky ...
She always on in California psychic . Her name is Davina
I know some really good psychic in LA that would blow you away on how accurate they are...
My favorite is Gabriella
Here is her yelp account:
She doesn't ask you question in the reading she would tell you everything that is going on in your life without you saying a word ...
--- Quote from: Lidiab12 on October 22, 2017, 08:19:13 AM ---I apologize for the late respond...
for joydivine if you want to speak with her thru bitwine you have to message her ... she doesn't have a set up scheduled , so that can be tricky ...
She always on in California psychic . Her name is Davina
I know some really good psychic in LA that would blow you away on how accurate they are...
My favorite is Gabriella
Here is her yelp account:
She doesn't ask you question in the reading she would tell you everything that is going on in your life without you saying a word ...
--- End quote ---
Is her name joydivine on bitwine?
--- Quote from: Epic08 on October 22, 2017, 01:54:41 PM ---
--- Quote from: Lidiab12 on October 22, 2017, 08:19:13 AM ---I apologize for the late respond...
for joydivine if you want to speak with her thru bitwine you have to message her ... she doesn't have a set up scheduled , so that can be tricky ...
She always on in California psychic . Her name is Davina
I know some really good psychic in LA that would blow you away on how accurate they are...
My favorite is Gabriella
Here is her yelp account:
She doesn't ask you question in the reading she would tell you everything that is going on in your life without you saying a word ...
--- End quote ---
Is her name joydivine on bitwine?
--- End quote ---
I'm in Cali, but there are a lot of sharks here....big ones. I always use caution due to being hard to read and I know when readers are blowing smoke, even though they always act as if I'm a newbie. What are her rates?
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