Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Claire

Has anyone read with Claire?

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Looked through my notebook of crap. Couldn't remember her initially and when I looked at the notebook I realized why. On her page I didn't bother to write down any prediction she gave. I crossed out the page wrote rubbish and 'no more'.  So I don't know what she said that made me write that.

Wow, I am sorry she was wrong for you.  Like I said this was back in 2010 and early 2011. I saw this post and as I am new here thought I would respond to it, she was right for me in fact she was the only one that was right for me and I read with many different readers for this particular situation, even time frames were pretty accurate. I guess it just depends on who she's reading for, I really don't know. I don't know why she got it wrong for everyone else.  I have since stopped using CP. But, if I did I would use Claire and Eden again. That is just my experience with them I also didn't like the way CP psychics are encouraged to keep you on the phone at least most of them tried. So you have to be very conscious of your time and not get sucked in.  That's why I stopped using their service,  That any inaccuracy of most who work there and the fact that they had been tested, it just didn't make sense to me. Sorry, I didn't mean to stir anything up I was just trying to share on a post that looked new but evidently was not.  Still trying to figure out the lay of the land here. 

And Leo, was probably the most incorrect out of all of them and he just seemed rude. It was beyond the direct approach or at least that's the way I felt. I am pretty direct person though I have compassion and I know how to be nice to people, he seemed to lack that or at least on the occasions that I spoke with Him he did.  Luckily I never  let it go past twice so maybe I just caught him on bad days. Another one who was pretty good at empath  and predicting was Sabrina. I specifically asked at that point  if the gentleman I was inquiring about would be moving and I thought it was a really going to happen as it was for his career and the moving just had to occur... Sabrina kept telling me no it wasn't and she also mentioned a few different things that did in fact pan out (Claire and Eden got this too) I forgot about Sabrina!  I also was impressed with her outcomes at that time.  I couldn't speak to any of their queues anymore as I have ceased using their systems so I couldn't help anybody there. Sorry.

Hi WW thanks for your input. Its possible she may have connected with you personally.

On the forum everyone shares if a posted reader was wrong or right for them to help others.

Every post is a help so thank you for sharing.


--- Quote from: wonderwall20 on March 23, 2013, 02:30:36 AM ---Hello,

I suffered an addiction years back...have tried most of who all of you have written about on CP.  Claire...was 90% in all.  Looking back, she got dates, feelings, and accurate predictions.  She also offered some advice to the feelingss she was picking up.  I must say each timeI called the emotion may have been different but the prediction never changed.  So, I went with it.  This started in Fall 2010 early Winter of 2011.  AS she predicted it all unfolded pretty much as she said it would.  By July 5 2011 he was back and all unfolded as said.  Not only was she reallya ccurate, she is sincereand kind and honest.  I really do believe some of the emotions change for each reading because she was reading the moment.  Then there caame a time when she said ...lets give this a rest and let it happen (the only reader who has ever said this to me) and that July about 9 months later it did.

I laugh when I see posts about Leo...he is mean, unfortunately he was wrong too.

Eden had the personality and was pretty dead on for the here and now part, she was also honest that he could was gonna take a while but would bust that he did that July...

Also, there were two more on there that had names and descritpions that made my hair stand on end but I would have to go back and read my notes, their predictions were maybe 50% though.  I am new here, so I hope this was helpful.


--- End quote ---

Welcome to the forum. So, you got married to the guy you were calling about?


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