Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Claire

Has anyone read with Claire?

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Has anyone read with Claire, if so feedback please?

I ended up reading with her, she is a great empath, but I'm not sure how well she is at predictions and timelines?  She offered alot of contradictory info, but then again my husband is in a mid life crisis, so he's conflicted. 


I suffered an addiction years back...have tried most of who all of you have written about on CP.  Claire...was 90% in all.  Looking back, she got dates, feelings, and accurate predictions.  She also offered some advice to the feelingss she was picking up.  I must say each timeI called the emotion may have been different but the prediction never changed.  So, I went with it.  This started in Fall 2010 early Winter of 2011.  AS she predicted it all unfolded pretty much as she said it would.  By July 5 2011 he was back and all unfolded as said.  Not only was she reallya ccurate, she is sincereand kind and honest.  I really do believe some of the emotions change for each reading because she was reading the moment.  Then there caame a time when she said ...lets give this a rest and let it happen (the only reader who has ever said this to me) and that July about 9 months later it did.

I laugh when I see posts about Leo...he is mean, unfortunately he was wrong too.

Eden had the personality and was pretty dead on for the here and now part, she was also honest that he could was gonna take a while but would bust that he did that July...

Also, there were two more on there that had names and descritpions that made my hair stand on end but I would have to go back and read my notes, their predictions were maybe 50% though.  I am new here, so I hope this was helpful.


Does this lady usually have a queue?I am in Europe and we cant get callbacks from CP here.I suppose only direct calls,which means she needs to be online and available..

She was terrible for me.

I read with her two or three times just after she started there. Granted, it's been a while since I last read with her but she was so wrong.
I think she went off my accent, but I'm just guessing because this is the only explanation I have for such a bad reading. She gave me a long speech about how his family was against us being together, that it was against his culture to be with me. I don't even know HOW she came up with this stuff.

I'm not sure where she thought I was from or how old we were but she sucked.

I never experienced any attitude from Leo - also read maybe three times right when he started there but nothing since 2010. He gave me quite a thorough first reading and I can't say he was wrong for a lot of it.

The second was about career situation and while he didn't really blow me away, he kind of told me what I already knew


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