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Doing your own tarot

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Yeah it's a turkish deck I think. It appears to be closer to a Lenormand deck, but it seems to differ even from those. There seems to be a full number of court cards in it.

Sometimes I like to play around here using the red deck that's my favorite:


--- Quote from: Sooshi on September 30, 2017, 10:43:37 PM ---Yeah it's a turkish deck I think. It appears to be closer to a Lenormand deck, but it seems to differ even from those. There seems to be a full number of court cards in it.

--- End quote ---

I like the explanations below the cards. The designs are pretty too. I didn't know there were Turkish decks wow! Thanks for sharing this

there's a site I like, called divitarot...I find the readings pretty accurate on there.


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