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I probably shouldn't because I'm selfish but I do want to share my experience with Rika.

I just want to say, EVERYONE connects differently. Just because we connected doesn't mean everyone will. But I have the upmost respect and love for her.

I called Rika back in February when things were getting pretty serious and heavy in my current relationship. She automatically connected, and told me things no one would know. Most importantly, she picked up my grandfather, who I was very very close with when he was alive. When someone says "who is an elder man that has passed" I get excited, but I don't get CONFIRMATIONS that he's there. But, she asked me this, "who is Bobo? Baba?" I would call my grandpa Baba. I knew it was him.

She referred to his orange trees at home, how my grandma had just gotten surgery and had a green quilt with flowers at the edge and butterflies around them. She asked me why he's calling me butterfly and I knew he was calling me by my Persian name Parisa, which means Butterfly. She referenced hockey and asked why my grandpa brought that up, and my boyfriend is a hockey player. On top of it, she nailed pretty much every fine detail of my life, from my mom's alcohol abuse problem, to our dad leaving us... etc.

I have been calling her probably once or twice a month since. Rika has become my friend, and we connect and talk like best friends. She has helped me so much in regards to my relationship. She taught me to stand up for myself, TALK about how I feel and be determined to make things work because boys are dumb (no offense) and don't know how to do ANYTHING. Rika helped me when times were ROUGH, like whenever he and I thought about separating, she assured me that he would never leave but I have to show him what I'm worth, and I did. Sometimes she'd yell at me to do it and hell, I did.

She never forced connections with my grandpa. If he was there, she'd ask for confirmation, if not, she would tell me he wasn't there. She connected to my boyfriend's side too, even mentioned his best friend to me by name, didn't even guess.

Our last call was last Sunday, and I just had some life questions. What was crazy was she asked me why I wanted chocolate milk and bacon so much. Funny story is all weekend I was craving the chocolate milk and sausages that were in my fridge but forgot to make them. When she does this, she confirms her reading, and mostly all her messages have come true.

I would give Rika a chance. I'm sure her queue is gonna be crazy now, but she has helped me like no other. I adore her.

If you have any questions, let me know!

See, I don't understand when something like this happens, why the reader doesn't voluntarily give your money back instead of constantly and stupidly fishing for answers plus blaming the caller.
I would have been roaringly pissed!

I never used Californiapsychics but don’t they have satisfaction guarantee? Psychicsource does. I even had a refund for $100+.


--- Quote from: candiednut on December 15, 2017, 08:26:29 PM ---I'm sorry but she was terrible for me..the whole reading went like this...

Who is George? William? Bob?
I dont know anyone with those names...
Do you have a deceased uncle with an S name?
Do you have a friend with an S name? and M?
First middle and last name S, M or P?
Okay, open your heart don't think, I can't get through to you because you are thinking too much --> I wasn't thinking too much, I was in a calm place and actually in a good mood before i called her...btw, even if I was thinking too much, why the fuck would it matter she is the psychic she is connecting to the guides/angels/deceased loved ones, why would MY mental state have anything to do with HER connection? I have friends that don't believe in psychics at all, their minds are totally closed off in that regard and have had predictions happen so that is just a COP OUT they say when they cant connect. I am sorry but your JOB as a psychic is to connect and offer information, a person's mental state or whether or not they believe you should not have any effect on your connection.

Then she goes on to say:
What is the Washington DC connection with you? Or is that your dad?
Ok, did you just watch that film called Washington .....(can't remember the name she said but it had Washington in it"

*** Then she breathed for 10 seconds and blamed me again for having a chatty mind that she "cant get through to" (Mind you I even meditated before this reading lol)

Ok lets try this again....I am seeing a snowman, does this mean anything to you other than the fact that we are in Christmas?
Okay..what about real estate? Does anyone you know work in real estate?
Hmm...I am starting to think if you live near someone who has a very decorated house? ----> NO FUCKING SHIT ITS CHRISTMAS , and if you get something like "snowman" or "real estate", and you don't even know if that means 1) I live near someone with a decorated house or 2) I just played with a snowman or 3) I just watched a movie with snowmans in it 4) I work in real estate or 5) my dad works in real estate 6) I just moved 7) my cousin's uncles' friend's girlfriend works in real estate or 8 ) my cousin's uncle's grandma's friend's girlfirend's mom just purchased real estate...........SHOULD YOU REALLY BE READING AS A PSYCHIC?

$200 down the drain. That's what the whole reading was like for 20min.

--- End quote ---

Well I'm sorry she didn't work out for you! Some readers can connect and some can't.

Wishful Thinker:
Hello.  I'm new to this website and have never commented, but I have to say that Rika worked for me.  She connected with people who have passed on and no matter how hard I tried to keep my feelings neutral she saw what I was trying hard not to expose to her.  She always remembers me which is rare among these readers.  Like someone said, some will connect while others don't.  It doesn't necessarily mean that she isn't psychic or bad.  They're only human, not God. 


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