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30 days of Gratitude

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--- Quote from: HornetKick on September 23, 2017, 08:17:57 PM ---Yeah I use to write out the less meaningful things (or so it seemed) when I ran out of original stuff to list, put you can repeat the same stuff again, since there are really no rules.

Yeah, as mentioned LOA is hard to maintain with the positivity because humans are only human. There are down times and down days and it made me think it erases all the upbeat things I use to think about. Any way, some of those books are on YouTube to listen to between 1 to 5 hours depending on which link you choose.

The Secret resonated so much for me in the beginning. I use to think to myself yes, finally an answer and now I'll be on top where I should be, not struggling at the bottom. I remember being at it every day (I'm not kidding you) and even carrying my lists with me on a flashdrive to access at work and think more about it, to make changes, edits, updates so my stuff was even more sharp and focused. (U s e l e s s)

I then started asking readers about it and why it doesn't work or how to make it work more efficiently and any time I asked about manifestations, everyone would say some repetitve stuff that led back to The Secret. Nothing new, nothing original because they didn't know either. They were going off what others said worked for them. When I mentioned that I've used/tried the Secret, they never had anything else to offer or suggest. But as I know and have said millions of time, no one size fits all. If LOA in its current form doesn't work for some, what are they to do? What are the other options, what are the other techniques?

It's like the ones who are saying LOA works, don't want to admit that it doesn't because then they would be stuck with the rest of us and who wants to admit that they haven't figured out the secret to success?

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I have no doubt what-so-ever that the LOA works, however, it takes consistent work and in my experience, you need to pretty much block off anything negative and watch every thought you have.

I didn't start with the secret, I actually read Bob Olsen's book "The Magic Mala" and decided I'd put the practices in the book into my own life. From there, I went straight to Abraham Hicks.

I started with consistent affirmations out loud, as often as possible.. in the shower, whilst in the car, in the mirror, played on a recording whilst sleeping.. and in my head if I was stuck in a meeting or work situation. It made a MASSIVE difference.. in fact on the third day, I burst into tears because it was as if the lights had gone on.

The issue I have, is maintaining the work/positivity consistently.. the universe throws things at you.. so in other words, you can be riding high on the LOA, attracting good things.. and then someone you love has an accident, or something happens outside of your individual control with your POI, that topples you into an emotional puddle.

Trying to pick up again from a low point is difficult.  It's like trying to put happy party music on when all you want to do is curl up and cry.

Calling psychics can useful in evaluating the current situation, but long term, it is like sliding down a rabbit hole that fosters doubt and puts the control into someone else's hands.

The LOA requires in some way, that you live in your own fantasy world.. you must believe that you have what you want right now.. the affirmations only work once they sink into your subconscious mind and become a belief.  So you are rich, successful, in a great relationship, etc etc - right now!  So it's hard, dedicated work.. 24/7... not everything will be 100%.. but I know from the periods of time that I have used it, that it can bring miracles.

What I would warn against, is trying it for a few weeks, hitting a hard spot, and then giving up and imagining  that it can never work. We can ALL change the future.. it just takes dedication and belief.. and I know from my own experience, how easy it is to fall of the wagon and have to pick up from rock bottom.

Gratitude helps you feel good about what you have right now.. and any exercise that teaches us to appreciate life - the life we have now without the things we might desire most.. can only be a good thing.

Thanks Kate and Fluttershy..

I agree with you both, and that's the reason I love this exercise because you start enjoying and paying attention to small joys in life and start being grateful for things you don't even think fresh air on your face, access to a cup of tea when you need it, someone complimented you... the reason I like this book is it makes you write why which makes you think even more... I don't even think about LOA or any just makes me feel good and makes me happy!

I like your idea of just continually doing it..and then burning and releasing..I might try that this time.


--- Quote from: Kate on September 24, 2017, 01:55:00 AM ---I have no doubt what-so-ever that the LOA works, however, it takes consistent work and in my experience, you need to pretty much block off anything negative and watch every thought you have.

I didn't start with the secret, I actually read Bob Olsen's book "The Magic Mala" and decided I'd put the practices in the book into my own life. From there, I went straight to Abraham Hicks.

I started with consistent affirmations out loud, as often as possible.. in the shower, whilst in the car, in the mirror, played on a recording whilst sleeping.. and in my head if I was stuck in a meeting or work situation. It made a MASSIVE difference.. in fact on the third day, I burst into tears because it was as if the lights had gone on.

The issue I have, is maintaining the work/positivity consistently.. the universe throws things at you.. so in other words, you can be riding high on the LOA, attracting good things.. and then someone you love has an accident, or something happens outside of your individual control with your POI, that topples you into an emotional puddle.

Trying to pick up again from a low point is difficult.  It's like trying to put happy party music on when all you want to do is curl up and cry.

Calling psychics can useful in evaluating the current situation, but long term, it is like sliding down a rabbit hole that fosters doubt and puts the control into someone else's hands.

The LOA requires in some way, that you live in your own fantasy world.. you must believe that you have what you want right now.. the affirmations only work once they sink into your subconscious mind and become a belief.  So you are rich, successful, in a great relationship, etc etc - right now!  So it's hard, dedicated work.. 24/7... not everything will be 100%.. but I know from the periods of time that I have used it, that it can bring miracles.

--- End quote ---

Exactly what The Secret encourages - speaking in the present tense of where you want to be (not that you want something, it's that you already have it).
As previously mentioned The Secret was tweeked from its original concept and is complex and difficult to maintain.
The list I still keep is both an affirmations list and gratitude list. It's massively long. I haven't looked at it in years though.
Best to everyone! :D


--- Quote from: HornetKick on September 24, 2017, 06:28:18 AM ---
--- Quote from: Kate on September 24, 2017, 01:55:00 AM ---I have no doubt what-so-ever that the LOA works, however, it takes consistent work and in my experience, you need to pretty much block off anything negative and watch every thought you have.

I didn't start with the secret, I actually read Bob Olsen's book "The Magic Mala" and decided I'd put the practices in the book into my own life. From there, I went straight to Abraham Hicks.

I started with consistent affirmations out loud, as often as possible.. in the shower, whilst in the car, in the mirror, played on a recording whilst sleeping.. and in my head if I was stuck in a meeting or work situation. It made a MASSIVE difference.. in fact on the third day, I burst into tears because it was as if the lights had gone on.

The issue I have, is maintaining the work/positivity consistently.. the universe throws things at you.. so in other words, you can be riding high on the LOA, attracting good things.. and then someone you love has an accident, or something happens outside of your individual control with your POI, that topples you into an emotional puddle.

Trying to pick up again from a low point is difficult.  It's like trying to put happy party music on when all you want to do is curl up and cry.

Calling psychics can useful in evaluating the current situation, but long term, it is like sliding down a rabbit hole that fosters doubt and puts the control into someone else's hands.

The LOA requires in some way, that you live in your own fantasy world.. you must believe that you have what you want right now.. the affirmations only work once they sink into your subconscious mind and become a belief.  So you are rich, successful, in a great relationship, etc etc - right now!  So it's hard, dedicated work.. 24/7... not everything will be 100%.. but I know from the periods of time that I have used it, that it can bring miracles.

--- End quote ---

Exactly what The Secret encourages - speaking in the present tense of where you want to be (not that you want something, it's that you already have it).
As previously mentioned The Secret was tweeked from its original concept and is complex and difficult to maintain.
The list I still keep is both an affirmations list and gratitude list. It's massively long. I haven't looked at it in years though.
Best to everyone! :D

--- End quote ---

Yeah, that's the difficulty - it requires that you are solely focused on you - what you want, and living in the belief that you already have it - which, requires cutting out anything negative in your life and simply thinking and experiencing your fantasy world - like a child at play. 

It also requires that you are not pinned on a particular outcome for happiness and fulfilment.. only then can the outcome you want manifest!

It's a state of mind that I find exhausting to keep up 24/7.. but I have managed it at times - over various periods.. and the results were amazing.. miraculous.   Like making predictions that are your own visualisations.. and watching them come true!

Yes, it's a lot of visualizations - seeing yourself in that fancy house, fancy car, seeing yourself walk to your acceptance speech and not being concerned with how can such and such happen, just that it will and to let the universe take care of it manifesting.


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