Author Topic: 30 days of Gratitude  (Read 10587 times)

Offline mystery123

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30 days of Gratitude
« on: September 21, 2017, 02:32:53 AM »
Anyone wants to do this for 30 days with me?

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: 30 days of Gratitude
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2017, 03:44:49 AM »
Anyone wants to do this for 30 days with me?

Hi Mystery.

I am in. Start when?

Offline HornetKick

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Re: 30 days of Gratitude
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2017, 04:41:26 AM »
« Last Edit: September 21, 2017, 05:05:40 AM by HornetKick »

Offline mystery123

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Re: 30 days of Gratitude
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2017, 11:26:42 AM »
Starting today?

From 21st sep.. it would also be in sync with new moon cycle! It's pretty fun doing this!

Offline Kate

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Re: 30 days of Gratitude
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2017, 11:52:14 AM »
Starting today?

From 21st sep.. it would also be in sync with new moon cycle! It's pretty fun doing this!

I'm in!  Starting now..

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: 30 days of Gratitude
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2017, 04:27:12 PM »
Good morning (I am on PST -- west coast canada).

I am sitting down with a cup of tea to start now!

First thing on my list: I'm grateful for you suggesting we do this and for others who decide to join in!

Offline mystery123

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Re: 30 days of Gratitude
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2017, 02:13:07 AM »
Good morning (I am on PST -- west coast canada).

I am sitting down with a cup of tea to start now!

First thing on my list: I'm grateful for you suggesting we do this and for others who decide to join in!

Yay! Me too! Grateful for you all joining me! It gets pretty fun as days goes by..I did it last year and it felt amazing after 10-12 itself!

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: 30 days of Gratitude
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2017, 04:49:36 AM »
Good morning (I am on PST -- west coast canada).

I am sitting down with a cup of tea to start now!

First thing on my list: I'm grateful for you suggesting we do this and for others who decide to join in!

Yay! Me too! Grateful for you all joining me! It gets pretty fun as days goes by..I did it last year and it felt amazing after 10-12 itself!

Yes -- looking forward to getting to day 10. I started this once before but only got a few days in. This time I am committed to the whole thing.

Just wondering how we do it 'together.' In the interest of supporting each other through it... I guess just keep in touch and check in as we go? Well, I had a good day 1. Hope you did too:)

Offline mystery123

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Re: 30 days of Gratitude
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2017, 06:29:31 PM »
It's total of 27 or 28 days so maybe get in touch here every 7 days?

So on 28th we can share our experience here for first 7 days and then on 5th october and then following Thursday.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: 30 days of Gratitude
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2017, 08:37:41 PM »
Good luck to everyone.
What put me off from this is that I later saw it was from that book The Secret. I was totally into that scheme years ago when it first came out and was even more into it once it aired on Oprah’s show. I purchased way too much from those people and even know a guy here locally (preacher/motivational speaker) who is on the DVD. Nothing from all the work I did from this concept ever worked for me. Sorry, I’m no longer a believer.

Offline mystery123

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Re: 30 days of Gratitude
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2017, 01:52:50 AM »
Good luck to everyone.
What put me off from this is that I later saw it was from that book The Secret. I was totally into that scheme years ago when it first came out and was even more into it once it aired on Oprah’s show. I purchased way too much from those people and even know a guy here locally (preacher/motivational speaker) who is on the DVD. Nothing from all the work I did from this concept ever worked for me. Sorry, I’m no longer a believer.

I am with you on the LOA stuff. I love listening to all LOA stuff but for some reason I have never been able to manifest anything consciously. I have tried so many videos. manifest a call, text, chocolate, flower...nada! Although I have manifested other stuff subconsciously or over the period of time, or general coincidences..but nothing like they show in that movie or how it works for these other people!

I stumbled upon this blog and I don't think it talks about anything LOA. I am not sure if the book says that anything will be transformed after doing this for 28 days, and neither do I expect anything miraculous. It does have few exercise of filling out check to universe, etc. that obviously didn't work for me, but just the act of writing 10 things daily for which you are grateful was fun and good, and I started feeling grateful for all small I have fingers which help me type so fast, I can read, write, and speak .. I am born in a free country, I have access to clean know just stuff like that which I tend to forget in day to day life.. Last year it just helped me take my mind off from everything and helped me be thankful for the amazing life I have! For me it's just a fun little practice, I mostly just read the exercise and do them and skip the fluff before exercises.

Thanks for your wishes!

Offline HornetKick

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Re: 30 days of Gratitude
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2017, 07:34:40 PM »
I get what you’re saying…totally and I still have all my crap (save it every time I backup my harddrive to a DVD). I use to write out stuff too 100 times, to where my hand cramped (useless), I had three vision boards when the first two filled up (useless), I still have my specific lists which grew to 15 pages or more (useless) and I look back on this stuff and laugh at my foolishness. My gratitudes were much deeper though: thankful both parents were still alive, that I could afford to pay my bills, that I had an apartment on my own, car was paid off, that I didn’t desire a man, that I am healthy, that kind of stuff.

A psychic told me once that The Secret wasn’t a big secret and the people in that book didn’t create this so called Secret. I kept that readers exact quote in my FB and have included it, although I never looked into it. Hope this helps:
the reasons why the Secret wouldn't work was because these people took the formula of the real founder Florence Scovell Shinn and renamed it to be their own, changing most of the technique which has resulted in many finding it to be complicated and harder to achieve. I recommended 'The Wisom of Florence Scovell Shinn' because I know it does work! 

I did look it up and she has Four Complete Books, where you can get all four in one book for between $2-$6. I guess I should look into it because it's cycled back around again and I tend to see that as a sign.
1) The Game of Life and How to Play It
2) The Power of the Spoken Word
3) Your Word Is Your Wand
4) The Secret of Success

Offline mystery123

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Re: 30 days of Gratitude
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2017, 07:52:44 PM »
Yea first couple of days you thank more meaningful things, but then I think that's the beauty of writing 10 things to thankful for daily for 30 days, because eventually you have to think of other things which you tend to think are not as meaningful or deep, but actually they are, only when you are without them you realize that..maybe they are not your top 20 but they are in your top 100 or 1000.. and you get to them after day 3 or 4 when you are done with parents, job, roof over head, etc.. but I am sure you know all of it since you have done it yourself. I understand not everything resonates with everyone. I mean I see 100s of people of youtube talking about how LOA worked for them, and I tried the same but it didn't for me, maybe I was doing something wrong, maybe that particular technique didn't fit with me, who knows..that's why I keep looking and I have enjoyed the process!

Very interesting find about the Florence person! Thanks for sharing! I will probably listen to her books next..all this is so fascinating!
« Last Edit: September 23, 2017, 08:03:10 PM by mystery123 »

Offline HornetKick

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Re: 30 days of Gratitude
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2017, 08:17:57 PM »
Yeah I use to write out the less meaningful things (or so it seemed) when I ran out of original stuff to list, put you can repeat the same stuff again, since there are really no rules.

Yeah, as mentioned LOA is hard to maintain with the positivity because humans are only human. There are down times and down days and it made me think it erases all the upbeat things I use to think about. Any way, some of those books are on YouTube to listen to between 1 to 5 hours depending on which link you choose.

The Secret resonated so much for me in the beginning. I use to think to myself yes, finally an answer and now I'll be on top where I should be, not struggling at the bottom. I remember being at it every day (I'm not kidding you) and even carrying my lists with me on a flashdrive to access at work and think more about it, to make changes, edits, updates so my stuff was even more sharp and focused. (U s e l e s s)

I then started asking readers about it and why it doesn't work or how to make it work more efficiently and any time I asked about manifestations, everyone would say some repetitve stuff that led back to The Secret. Nothing new, nothing original because they didn't know either. They were going off what others said worked for them. When I mentioned that I've used/tried the Secret, they never had anything else to offer or suggest. But as I know and have said millions of time, no one size fits all. If LOA in its current form doesn't work for some, what are they to do? What are the other options, what are the other techniques?

It's like the ones who are saying LOA works, don't want to admit that it doesn't because then they would be stuck with the rest of us and who wants to admit that they haven't figured out the secret to success?

Offline HornetKick

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Re: 30 days of Gratitude
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2017, 08:21:42 PM »
The 30 day technique is based off of habits I believe. It takes thirty days to change your habit so if nothing else, it teaches you to either become focused or know you can change/create a habit. idk.

