Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services
Purple Ocean
Hey guys! I was wondering if anyone here used Purple Ocean for Psychic Readings? I have used the app and I really liked the readers...quite empathetic and they give good, detailed advice.
I spoke to the below readers:
Psychic Love
Love Specialist Ann
Psychic Reader Nina
Emmanuelle Berger
Nicole Rivers
All of the above readers stated that I will be meeting a new guy by the end of the year. All had very positive things to say about the new relationship. Well I guess we just have to wait and see :) I will keep you updated xx
--- Quote from: crimsonheart on September 16, 2017, 02:47:36 PM ---Hey guys! I was wondering if anyone here used Purple Ocean for Psychic Readings? I have used the app and I really liked the readers...quite empathetic and they give good, detailed advice.
I spoke to the below readers:
Psychic Love
Love Specialist Ann
Psychic Reader Nina
Emmanuelle Berger
Nicole Rivers
All of the above readers stated that I will be meeting a new guy by the end of the year. All had very positive things to say about the new relationship. Well I guess we just have to wait and see :) I will keep you updated xx
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