Is that for a general read or how many questions?? That is a lot, too too expensive... but in all fairness she is really long and detailed with her email reads (I had one but it was a couple of years ago) and they're very long, and she does followups. She's also told me Keen takes a lot of their money. But like I said it was a couple of years ago and was closer to $85
I've had a few email reads with her over the years and she was bang on for some big major stuff (big break ups and meeting new people) but some other stuff never played out at all so I'm on the fence about it. And yes even tho I love MsLisa, I hate to say she can be a bit preachy at times .
Email readings go into great depth and take me 2-3 hours to complete. I outline emotion, agenda, do/don'ts, obstacles, pitfalls, internal personality (core personality), what is in your control, what isn't and every thing that comes into the reading. I don't hold back any information. The fee is $180.00 and all I need is the names of those involved, dates of birth and three (3) specific questions you'd also like answered including all the above information. I have the reading back to you within 48 hours (possibly sooner).