Author Topic: Little bit of a vent but also need some help?  (Read 8021 times)

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Little bit of a vent but also need some help?
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2017, 05:38:02 AM »
My last few readings with Dawn and Keisha were more of them giving me insight to my barriers and how to work on healing myself.  It's been kinda cool actually :)

Dawn M is actually pretty good with insights, at least for me.
And it's not .com if you're searching for the site.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Little bit of a vent but also need some help?
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2017, 02:07:41 PM »
I've been getting readings for 5 years and about 3 POI's.  The first guy, I read with maybe 5 or 6 people over a 9 month period.  They all said he'd be back, were right on about the relationship he was in and that we would be together.  They were all right.  He did come back and we were together for 2 years.  What they didn't tell me was how devastated emotionally, spiritually and financially I would be when he did leave. 

2nd guy, SOOOOOO many were wrong.  Every person said he'd be back.  Nope. I've never talked to him again.

3rd guy - some got things right.  Outcome has yet to happen.  Keisha, Diane731, Dawn Maree and Friend Sue are really the only ones I talk to. All say we will have the opportunity to be together.  It's been a year. I haven't consciously been waiting but no one else has come into my life so sub consciously I've been waiting.

I have recently become very aware of an underlying issue I have with abandonment and rejection of which I have found something to really dig deep to fix this issue.  This is why I hang on to these men.  I'm sorry, but still thinking and wanting a guy after a year is NOT normal to me.  I feel it in my bones. This is also why I pick these losers lol   If anyone wants to know more, just PM me. 

My take on all of this is the readers see what we want most of the time.  Maybe they actually do see the positive outcome but I don't know why they don't manifest.  All I know is I've wasted thousands of dollars, 70% of my time and energy on someone that doesn't have the return interest.   For me, there is a pattern of which I have finally identified and am working on.  MY prediction is I'm going to heal completely and find a man who will never make me feel like I have to call a psychic ever again.  Now THATS a prediction I'll put my money on :)

I agree, 100%. When it's a man that's RIGHT, you won't need to call a psychic.  Abandonment issues is something I suffer with as well, due to my childhood.

Baypark, I noticed in another thread you mentioned that the guy finally did break up with the girl he was with as they predicted.  Has he given you any indication that he wants to be with you now?  or is he being a typical jerk guy (no offense, I just mean in general).

Yes, he broke up with her late July, however, has still be seeing her a few times a week as "friends" from what I'm told.  No, he has not made any indication of wanting to be with me, which really put me in a tail spin since it's been 6 weeks.  I found out this weekend, he's seeing some other girl now as basically a booty call.  So, I've called the readers  that told me he was coming back and they still say he'll be back.  Keisha gave me September as contacting me and starting to move forward so when I talked to her she said "what he does in between is his deal". LOL  It was at that point I just got slapped right up side the head with reality and finally realized I need to figure out what the hell is wrong with me!!!  Seriously, what am I doing????  So, one thing led to another and I found this lady named Susan Anderson.  She has a website   and oh boy were my eyes opened!   Abandonment issues don't necessarily have to come from our childhood.  We can grow up in a perfect household with a perfect family and later on something can happen that can trigger that abandonment feeling and we spiral down from there.  In my case, I have it from childhood but also friends, boyfriends, my child dying and then my ex husband dying. All of those things are abandonment. Death, being one of them, was surprising to me.  I highly recommend looking at her site and going on You Tube and listening to some of her interviews.  I actually started crying when I listened to her because I had FINALLY found a tool to use to heal.  I just thought I was a nut case until I found her :)

As for the POI, Keisha has been extremely honest with me and said he will never be ready for anything more than a casual relationship even though he has high potential for having a healthy relationship.  The others have said that I will eventually not want him which is happening.  He can go flitter off with as many women as he wants but he's not getting booty from me. No way. 

My last few readings with Dawn and Keisha were more of them giving me insight to my barriers and how to work on healing myself.  It's been kinda cool actually :)

Hang in there Baypark..sounds like you are headed in the right direction....healing is the hard part, but most important.  This whole abandonment theory is very fascinating, and makes so much sense.  Of course, we are all looking for love and the right person, but it makes so much sense as to why we might cling to the wrong person, or refuse to let go.  And call psychics looking for reassurance as to why we are hanging on so desperately.

I know in the past, before I called psychics, I would often hang on to a relationship or person way past the expiration date, but I did not call psychics then and I did move on easier.

Offline mystery123

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Re: Little bit of a vent but also need some help?
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2017, 09:49:00 PM »
I agree! I think I would have moved on in January if I hadn't started calling psychics.. because then the wait for March, May, June, thing started.. but I would like to believe that God is on my side and made this guy move to a different state so I have no choice but to move on, and it's a little bit easier- our of sight, out of mind. I have no regrets though. I have given my best in last 2.5 years, have tried everything, and if someone up there and that guy himself don't want us together, then I am the minority and the only thing I can do is let go.. it's so painful still, but I feel a lot better now, not hopeful yet, but accepting of situation. Moving on in itself is so tough, it's like someone is taking away the hope and the piece of that person you had.

This shall too pass is my mantra nowadays. It's a little tough when you are 30, you have not felt so strong about anyone else in past as about this one person who you can not be with, and then you have all these people around you settling down, having kids..whereas I am sitting here, not sure what to do, when and if I will ever have a family or loved and be in's the heartbreak plus fear of future and loneliness and disappointing your loved ones.


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Re: Little bit of a vent but also need some help?
« Reply #18 on: September 09, 2017, 03:57:04 PM »
Does anyone ever have the good stuff come true?
I have had the good stuff, big stuff come true. Some were delayed but yes they've happened for me. I notice predictions come to pass when I'm busy living my life and focusing on me. Not the future, not the POI, not the dream job or whatever it is I ask about during a reading.

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: Little bit of a vent but also need some help?
« Reply #19 on: September 09, 2017, 04:25:48 PM »

I have had the good stuff, big stuff come true. Some were delayed but yes they've happened for me. I notice predictions come to pass when I'm busy living my life and focusing on me. Not the future, not the POI, not the dream job or whatever it is I ask about during a reading.

I think this is the most profound thing I have read on the forum! Really, I think it's that simple. So important to keep focused on your life and remain in the present, and yet so hard to do when we are looking for future predictions and assurance all the time -- at least that's my personal experience.

I think the most accurate psychic readings I have had were ones where I didn't ask about anything / anyone in particular, and where I just filed the reading away after I had it and carried on with my life. When things happened at a later date, they surprised me. Lately, well actually once I started getting online readings, I also started looking for immediate validations and they are not happening... Time to regroup which for me means going back to infrequent readings and not putting too much focus on the predictions. Hope I can do that!


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Re: Little bit of a vent but also need some help?
« Reply #20 on: September 30, 2017, 03:24:40 PM »
Hi doubleoh8! definitely that's the only time predictions come to pass for me- when I file away the reading and don't keep track of time, look for small validations, or dwell on the prediction. So much  easier said than done, but eventually I think most people come to a point where enough is enough with binge readings, and until they reach that turning point, they'll continue to waste their time, money, life. I'm not saying readings are bad, as I still get them once in a while, but it's not a daily or even weekly activity for me anymore.
And good for you for regrouping! So refreshing to see someone here with self awareness. You can do it!