It's amazing how many posts on this site that were basically a recollection of what I went through, your post here is not an exeption. (In 4 years I've been getting readings about 2 guys I liked. First guy got into a relationship while i was getting readings, lol; the story about the 2nd guy also ended with "don't contact him" while he was living the life of his life not even thinking about contacting me, lol)
Just like you I lived for almost a year (second guy I got interested in), dumping money on psychics for them to tell me NOT TO CONTAC HIM and, preferably, get into "I DONT CARE" mode, because he "will feel it and contact me sooner" this way. I had a few dates here and there trying to balance my emotions and distract myself from thining about him,and yes, I have listened to the psychics and did not contact the guy I was crazy about (thank God now I can say, "I was"). A year later, I had no patience left, plus my friend and ex psychic addict kept telling me to contact the guy and face the reality. I did, and now i can say that that decision played A KEY ROLE IN healing my addiction. The guy did not get engage, but he did not give a f'''' about me either, and was actually a bit surprised that i wanted to meet.
Everything in the way he was with me showed that he had no romantic feelings left:
1) I asked him out and he did not aswer until 1 week later i texted him again. He replied with, "sure. let's meet up"
2) He did not asked me and did not care what would be a convenient time for me to meet, he simply said, "i can meet u downstairs on thursday at 9pm for drinks. I'm busy other days" (he has a bar on the 1 floor of his residential building).
3) the whole meeting was a bit awkward, thank God I had some wine to loosen up. He asked if there was anything in particular I wanted to talk about and before the meeting I felt like I did. However, I soon realized that there was indeed not much I could say, although we had a nice time chatting, it was not about rekindling a relationship between us. He told me what a wonderful year he had, that he had traveled a lot, including many countries where he has not been before and what adventures he had there; how he bought his second appartment; how he is planning to go on a 4months work trip to another country soon, etc. He said that he felt fortunate that he does not have any responsibilities, like having a family, that allows him to build himself up (thank you for a hint, sweetie

4) WHen we left that bar, he went straight upstairs. He did not offer me to join him, he did not say anything, like "hey, we should meet up again". I could not believe we used to have such a great romance at one point, now he looked more like a strainger. SInce that meeting 4 months ago, he contated me only once (Inever wrote him again) and it look like one big booty call. He texted me at 9pm and asked whast I was up to and if I was around. I did not answer him anything (good for me, I did not feel even slightly tempted)
After the meeting I realized how It felt like him and I were living in such a parallel universe. HOW DELUSIONAL I WAS. I FELT SO EMBARRASED. All this time I was living in hopes, daydreaming about something that was not happening. Basically, I was living in a reality that was mainly constracted by pychics and, oh gosh, they told me how he thinks that i am "too good for him and that he does not feel like he is good enough for me", how he had strong feelings towards me and how he is "fighting" and resisting to embrace his feelings fully. BUT ONE DAY very soon he will; he would not be able to hold it in any further and he will come and get me.

I think my brain had a major breakdown during that meeting, while my belives about him were the opposite of the picture. It was like looking at a person who was nodding in approval, while saying, "no".
AFter the meeting I called two psychics again and told them about what happened and that he did not look like he liked me at all. You know what they said? They told me that I should have not contact him, if I only waited for a bit longer, he would come forward indeed. Moreover, they insisted that I wait for him, because eventually he will come forward and it was likely that he would come forward when I get interested in someone else, and at that time he will also get extremally upset and pissed that I was not giving him a chance, because he will want one.

I am actually capable of laughing about it now, although still feel embarrased.
I never called psychics again and since then I never had even a slightest desire to call them.
P.S. as i mentioned in my other post though, I actually do believe there are some gifted and ethical readers. Three were 3 out of about 30 readers that I have tried, who told me how things were in reality. it's just i had a hard time believing them, my fault.
I can't say that I regret the whole experience either. It was definitely an extremally painful lesson, BUT it did make me think about what a actully want, what type of man i want, what type of relatinoship i want. moreover, i got to feel so incredably at peace and complete now, that I am not sure if I need a relationship. I guess, I don't mind, at the same time I feel so deeply at peace with how things are right now. It feel amazing. It is also a bit ironic, but looking back at this man I was so crazy about, I feel that I was lucky NOT to end up being with him. I truly deeply believe that I deserve so much better than what he had ever offered me and it's not like he is not good enough. He is great and amazing human being, he is the way he is and he is perfect, but i want something diferrent, not him. If I only knew on those miserable, full of rivers of tears days that one day I would be capable of writing how much ok I am without him