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Amanda Cooper

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--- Quote from: Apalm831 on September 05, 2017, 01:25:48 AM ---I'm not sure. The only one with difficulty reading me is Zadalia. If Amanda couldn't connect with me, she definitely didn't say so.

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She didn't have any issues reading me and she went through some rigor moral to make sure she connected, so now I'm not so sure about AC.

I decided to read with her as well via Facebook. I liked that idea and for the fact she was darn cheap!

There are no giveaways on my Facebook profile as I have turned up the security to the max. I asked a very general sort of question and she was able to hone in and give specifics to my situation. I think she is legit, but time will tell...

Predictions are set for November. Will update. 

I read with her too couple of days ago and was also deliberately vague. She gave me validation after validation. picked up extremely well. Now lets hope her predictions are as good as her validations. will keep u guys posted

I read with her.  I have an "eh" feeling.  She said a new guy is coming in that will either be married or ending a marriage. That is SO unlike me to even be remotely interested in someone like that because I know how long it takes to recover from a marriage.  I also don't want the drama of being involved in the newly divorced relationship.  Then she said the guides say probably not to the old POI but then later said he would make an effort and work at the relationship.  So, I'm just not sure. 


--- Quote from: doubleoh8 on September 07, 2017, 11:15:48 PM ---
--- Quote from: Apalm831 on September 05, 2017, 01:23:03 AM ---Secondly, I emailed her from my personal email which has a link to my business website. According to my google analytics, she visited my site before the reading. While I guess she could be bored or curious, I do know that some psychics will make an attempt to look up your info before they read with you and it felt like that could have been an attempt.

I'll pass on this reader in the future.

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Wow -- I just read this. It's a bit shocking to me that she visited your site! My email is also linked to my website.... I wonder how often this happens, and I wonder if readers can see your email address when you connect through keen?

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No, I contacted her directly. Not through Keen.


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