Author Topic: Do you think chat is as accurate as a phone reading?  (Read 8802 times)

Offline bstalling

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Re: Do you think chat is as accurate as a phone reading?
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2017, 05:39:38 PM »
You know what that kinda makes me think...if the reader needs the burst of energy that comes from writing (or speaking) to them in present time, and they can't just read on the question you are asking, they are probably reading your own thoughts and feelings rather than getting the bigger picture of the situation.

I think that is what is happening about a good 40 percent of the time. And many readers dont realize that is what is happening. Ive had so many reeaders just simply read my
mind and guess about the future looking back.

Offline whit777

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Re: Do you think chat is as accurate as a phone reading?
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2017, 09:46:19 PM »
I like that with chat, it saves all the previous conversations in one long feed so I can look back at it during the reading. It also saves it in the transactions so I can look back at it whenever I want just to see if things panned out or not. With phone conversations, I find that my emotions after the call cause me to feel like the reader was more accurate than they probably were. With chat, I can look back later and see if maybe some things were just good guesses that bamboozled me at the time lol. I'm also a really fast typist though. I could see how being a slow typist would mess with things.

I've also noticed that some of the readers are at their best during chat as opposed to phone. And the reading is more dense with predictions instead of chit chat. One reader told me once when I asked why she only does chat that she wants her 5 senses to be as turned down as possible so she knows what she's getting is from intuition and not assumption and she can meditate better without being distracted by someone's voice. I'm not sure if that's true of other readers but it made sense to me.

I have also chatted with some ssslllloooowwww typists and it made me wonder what made them think it was a good idea to offer chat. And Keen doesn't have a waiting in line system for chat like they do for phone so you have to wait around for your favorite psychic to be free and hope you catch them right away. So I think chat IS as accurate, if not more so but there are pros and cons to each. Just my two cents!

Oh, also, the reader who only does chat recently emailed her clients and said Keen is working on rolling out an "arrange a chat" feature soon. So that's good at least. Let's hope it's not glitchy..

Omg yes! To this....
I was in a chat once with Lisam and she pissed me off because she got snippy with me "urgh this copying and pasting questions screws up my computer" and then she had a little rant. I am sorry but why should I waste my time and money when you can get the job done much quicker. Embrace all aspects of technology lady!
lol yeah this happened to me too with a different reader. she got snippy when I copied & pasted ONE sentence. so I ended the chat and got a refund.

On a slightly different note, I was told by one reader that there is "no energy" in cut and paste.  I used to pre write my questions prior to this and always paste - but now I simply type when I'm connected.

I have a hard time believing this because your energy is still connected through chat and You’re the one who wrote the question in the first place.

So, I think I have to agree that the connection to the SITUATION should still be there either way and the connection to the person shouldn't matter as much. The reader I was referring to in my initial reply also does email readings sometimes and sometimes she'll answer additional questions from the reading through email but she's doing this at a random time, hours after I sent the email in the first place so it's the same thing as copy and paste, if not even less connected since I'm not actually there while she's giving the reading. And she's been on point in both situations. So if she can give a scary accurate email reading, then I don't think copy and paste would be any issue. But that's just her.. It's possible that other psychics just work differently. I've opened my mind quite a bit and learned a lot from getting readings and it's definitely a very individual thing which makes it hard to know if that's just how this one operates or if they don't have psychic ability. We wouldn't know the difference until it either proved itself or didn't prove itself and for the most part, a lot of these things are impossible to prove. But I'm sure that's covered in a different thread lol. Anyway, my addition to the conversation is just that if they can give an accurate email reading, then, at least for that psychic, the energy from my typing doesn't matter and copy and paste shouldn't bother them.

To another point though, I'm personally leery of psychics who have "pet peeves" and things like that. That's not to say that they should deal with unstable callers or people projecting their unhappiness on the psychic (which I'm sure happens A LOT) but if they've been working so much that they've developed all these little things that bug them, then I assume they're over worked and need a break and I definitely don't want to spend my money on them. There are enough psychics on Keen at any given time that I can find at least one who's still happy to be giving readings. I dunno.. It's just something that has always caused me to reconsider calling a reader. Their attitude toward readings means a lot to me.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Do you think chat is as accurate as a phone reading?
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2017, 11:28:43 PM »
So, I think I have to agree that the connection to the SITUATION should still be there either way and the connection to the person shouldn't matter as much. The reader I was referring to in my initial reply also does email readings sometimes and sometimes she'll answer additional questions from the reading through email but she's doing this at a random time, hours after I sent the email in the first place so it's the same thing as copy and paste, if not even less connected since I'm not actually there while she's giving the reading. And she's been on point in both situations. So if she can give a scary accurate email reading, then I don't think copy and paste would be any issue. But that's just her.. It's possible that other psychics just work differently. I've opened my mind quite a bit and learned a lot from getting readings and it's definitely a very individual thing which makes it hard to know if that's just how this one operates or if they don't have psychic ability. We wouldn't know the difference until it either proved itself or didn't prove itself and for the most part, a lot of these things are impossible to prove. But I'm sure that's covered in a different thread lol. Anyway, my addition to the conversation is just that if they can give an accurate email reading, then, at least for that psychic, the energy from my typing doesn't matter and copy and paste shouldn't bother them.

To another point though, I'm personally leery of psychics who have "pet peeves" and things like that. That's not to say that they should deal with unstable callers or people projecting their unhappiness on the psychic (which I'm sure happens A LOT) but if they've been working so much that they've developed all these little things that bug them, then I assume they're over worked and need a break and I definitely don't want to spend my money on them. There are enough psychics on Keen at any given time that I can find at least one who's still happy to be giving readings. I dunno.. It's just something that has always caused me to reconsider calling a reader. Their attitude toward readings means a lot to me.


I don’t use my real name, but my alias is still tied to me. It’s actually an abbreviation of my grandmother’s name, but I do get accurate readings. So that copy/paste shit the reader is talking about is just a friggin lie. On and on about some energy. If my alias is in my energy then they should be able to answer a question that has my energy in it since I just typed the question with 'my energy' and then pasted it in chat (isn't it still in my energy?). It’s the same friggin’ thing. They are such liars. OMG.

I’ve gotten a few freebie readings from Tumblr and one guy posted that he felt it was an invasion of someone’s privacy to report how another person feels about you. I avoided him like the scab that he was. I was like seriously?