Author Topic: AUGUST 2017 PREDICTIONS  (Read 14318 times)

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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« on: September 01, 2017, 01:43:20 AM »
Hi guys

Who had predictions for August/in August that came true?

I'll start - (my little disclaimer) predictions for August specifically **these are events I asked about and things they picked up on their own. I did not ask every reader the same questions because of when these events took place in the month, etc. I also can't confirm validations about feelings because I can't confirm anything in relation to feelings. Also, this isn't everything that's been correct/incorrect - this is what should have passed because these events are tied to specific days  :P**

QueenOfCups - Picked up a trip my POI was taking before I knew about it. Side note: I think I read with her too damn much. Also, I just need to take what she gets when I ask and not go into 15 mins of questions because then she's all over the place. Correctly predicted what the month would look like for my POI and I during one of my 3 readings with her  ::). It was not good, if you're wondering. Also - sometimes her readings are more positive than others from week to week. I know she's gifted but I think my addiction makes her inconsistent - so there's that. I think it's my fault. Like, sometimes POI seems like he really wants to be open based on her readings, sometimes he doesn't want to plan for future, and one time she saw another woman. Again - I think it's me or maybe this is just how it is when you call someone that is gifted every week. I'm sick lol.
Cookie - Also picked up a trip my POI was taking before I knew about it. Correctly predicted a break or separation for POI and I and knew when we were in said break. She also saw me working in two industries where I used to do a lot of business many years ago. Oddly, an old colleague of mine reached out to me to see if I wanted to work on a project in these industries.
Kisha - Made a prediction related to POI and that I was going to have issues with whether or not he's being upfront with me and issues where I'm questioning whether or not I can trust him. This happened like 3 days later. She also told me in July that things would be difficult for two months and I would be very confused. This is right now and definitely what's happening. Unfortunately, she was wrong about POI and I seeing one another before he went on a trip.
Lady Jenna - Wrong that I would spend time with POI before he went on a trip.
Sweethearts Tarot - Correct that I wouldn't spend time with someone before he went on a trip.
NorthStarJulie - Correct about how the month would go with POI as far as how he would act, etc. Correctly predicted a break between POI and I. Also predicted POI would freak out and pull back as things were getting more serious.

I will update as I get thru readings. I can't express how important it is to record your readings, guys :)

Offline mignnone

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« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2017, 02:48:06 AM »
I had predictions this month about none of them panned out. September is supposed the month so I will update then. Only readers that told me September the first time I read with them was Body Mind Spirit and Johnna Duke. So if the prediction happens they will be the only ones that were right.
@PrettyLittleLiz when did you read with NorthStarJulie? She's not on Keen much. Does she have her own site?

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2017, 03:16:17 AM »
I had predictions this month about none of them panned out. September is supposed the month so I will update then. Only readers that told me September the first time I read with them was Body Mind Spirit and Johnna Duke. So if the prediction happens they will be the only ones that were right.
@PrettyLittleLiz when did you read with NorthStarJulie? She's not on Keen much. Does she have her own site?

She does, but I don't believe she is taking new callers there either. It's and she is predominately on chat these days.

Who was incorrect so far?

Offline Sweetsydney2000

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« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2017, 03:48:31 AM »
I had predictions this month about none of them panned out. September is supposed the month so I will update then. Only readers that told me September the first time I read with them was Body Mind Spirit and Johnna Duke. So if the prediction happens they will be the only ones that were right.
@PrettyLittleLiz when did you read with NorthStarJulie? She's not on Keen much. Does she have her own site?

She does, but I don't believe she is taking new callers there either. It's and she is predominately on chat these days.

Who was incorrect so far?

What time is Northstar Julie usually on please? I'm in Australia and all of these time zones are so hard to figure out. Thanks.

Offline Apalm831

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« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2017, 05:18:44 PM »
I had predictions this month about none of them panned out. September is supposed the month so I will update then. Only readers that told me September the first time I read with them was Body Mind Spirit and Johnna Duke. So if the prediction happens they will be the only ones that were right.
@PrettyLittleLiz when did you read with NorthStarJulie? She's not on Keen much. Does she have her own site?

She does, but I don't believe she is taking new callers there either. It's and she is predominately on chat these days.

Who was incorrect so far?

What time is Northstar Julie usually on please? I'm in Australia and all of these time zones are so hard to figure out. Thanks.

I don't think she's taking new clients anymore.

Offline helloworld

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« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2017, 06:02:51 PM »
Queen of Cups18 was accurate for me in August. She got something pretty big correctly, she thought it would happen in 2 months but it happened within 2 weeks. However, she did miss one thing as well. Overall, I would say she was 75% accurate for me in August.

PrettyLittleLiz like you, I too read with her a lot. That's because she's one of the few who connects with me really well. She has remained consistent and her readings haven't wavered. Also it took me awhile to get used to her reading style and I used to find her short earlier but lately she has been cheerful and even makes me laugh during our sessions!

Readers who got August completely wrong for me: Prophet Rose and ChristinaXXXX (I am feeling lazy to type the numbers).

Offline Baypark1

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« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2017, 06:07:43 PM »
Keisha - saw something "happening" in August to give a little hope and an opening to her prediction happening

Friend Sue - saw 7 for contact - it happened in 7 days

Christina - said POI and gf would break up no later than August - they broke up end of July

Offline mignnone

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« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2017, 12:33:41 AM »
These advisors read the present situation well but they were incorrect on the timing of a specific question I had. I would still recommend these advisors as timing can change.
Lisa Diane
Momma Judy
Yvonne O
Dawn Maree
Love Nurse
Mystical Moon Shadow

Advisors I probably won't call back are
Treu Destiny( flip flopped on me)
Mediterranean medium

I've called others but I'm on the fence about them for now.

Offline Bostongirl

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« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2017, 12:51:01 AM »
Who were the ones that got it right? Congrats

Offline jas

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« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2017, 02:32:35 AM »
Where can I find Queen of Cups, is she on Keen?


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« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2017, 02:49:47 AM »
Where can I find Queen of Cups, is she on Keen?
yes keen. Queen of cups 18

Offline jas

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« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2017, 02:10:01 PM »
Thank you - I am going to give her a try.

Offline mignnone

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« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2017, 12:51:26 AM »
I have had several to get small things like contact right but none have gotten any big events right. I do have two predictions pending until the end of next week and the latest the end of this month, if the predictions happen, I'll post who got it right.

Offline HopefulHeart

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« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2017, 12:45:28 AM »
Well since Ive been posting a few updates on this board I might as well share some recent correct predictions. I know I've been poking around here and there and posting if someone was right but I figure it can't hurt to share a few here too.

SweetRosee - Last year SweetRosee told me I would speak with someone with a very specific Russian name. SweetRosee was one of those weird readers who had gotten a lot of random stuff for me, but I grew annoyed with her because she would do things like throw out a random month and would ask who had a birthday in the month and then would tell me that that was my validation that what she was telling me was the truth. But, in August I met a friend through another friend with the name she told (spelling is different but it is the name). She was also right about something going on with a friend and her relationship (friend was dumped and I was one of the first friends she reached out to about it).

Cookie - a year after the fact a prediction she made has come to pass. When she said it to me back then it didnt make sense (something about I would hear about something going on with 2 friends that relate to him. This was true as 2 mutual friends broke up). Over the span of time since I read with her she has had a number of things come to pass and either she did not give timing for them, or they happened just a year after the fact, as I mentioned in another post here. She was also right about something regarding communication.

Micah - he was a newer reading for me. He was right about a series of thoughts and feelings I would go through. All other predictions are further out

Christina - right about communication and correct that I would not see him in the month of August

Yona - right about a female I know "going to a place of healing", right about communication, right about a bump in the road, right about a family member going to a medical appointment,