Hi guys
Who had predictions for August/in August that came true?
I'll start - (my little disclaimer) predictions for August specifically **these are events I asked about and things they picked up on their own. I did not ask every reader the same questions because of when these events took place in the month, etc. I also can't confirm validations about feelings because I can't confirm anything in relation to feelings. Also, this isn't everything that's been correct/incorrect - this is what should have passed because these events are tied to specific days

QueenOfCups - Picked up a trip my POI was taking before I knew about it. Side note: I think I read with her too damn much. Also, I just need to take what she gets when I ask and not go into 15 mins of questions because then she's all over the place. Correctly predicted what the month would look like for my POI and I during one of my 3 readings with her

. It was not good, if you're wondering. Also - sometimes her readings are more positive than others from week to week. I know she's gifted but I think my addiction makes her inconsistent - so there's that. I think it's my fault. Like, sometimes POI seems like he really wants to be open based on her readings, sometimes he doesn't want to plan for future, and one time she saw another woman. Again - I think it's me or maybe this is just how it is when you call someone that is gifted every week. I'm sick lol.
Cookie - Also picked up a trip my POI was taking before I knew about it. Correctly predicted a break or separation for POI and I and knew when we were in said break. She also saw me working in two industries where I used to do a lot of business many years ago. Oddly, an old colleague of mine reached out to me to see if I wanted to work on a project in these industries.
Kisha - Made a prediction related to POI and that I was going to have issues with whether or not he's being upfront with me and issues where I'm questioning whether or not I can trust him. This happened like 3 days later. She also told me in July that things would be difficult for two months and I would be very confused. This is right now and definitely what's happening. Unfortunately, she was wrong about POI and I seeing one another before he went on a trip.
Lady Jenna - Wrong that I would spend time with POI before he went on a trip.
Sweethearts Tarot - Correct that I wouldn't spend time with someone before he went on a trip.
NorthStarJulie - Correct about how the month would go with POI as far as how he would act, etc. Correctly predicted a break between POI and I. Also predicted POI would freak out and pull back as things were getting more serious.
I will update as I get thru readings. I can't express how important it is to record your readings, guys