Do you believe psychics generally give you positive outcomes to either a)keep you hooked b) are just being overly optimistic or c) really believe the outcomes
A very close and trusted friend of mine suggested I contact Lady Persephone and Mystic Raven 11. They both pretty much nailed the personality of my POI. I also went to a get my cards read by a person my friend recommended and while they all said it wouldn't be easy it would ultimately work out with my POI.
Today I got a reading from Leanne Halyburton and she was the only one who said I wouldn't be with this person.
My question is should I believe the people who said I would or were they just being optimistic in the situation? As for reading stating we wouldn't be together is that the one I believe because it was the negative one?
I had a while without getting any readings I have fallen off the wagon lately and don't know what to believe anymore.