Author Topic: Which reader has accurately predicted a new job or relationship?  (Read 31953 times)

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Which reader has accurately predicted a new job or relationship?
« Reply #45 on: April 13, 2017, 10:20:16 AM »

Offline bluebelle

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Re: Which reader has accurately predicted a new job or relationship?
« Reply #46 on: April 13, 2017, 12:51:31 PM »
Boston girl- Lol who said things were rosey? All I said was that I appreciate when a man does step up. sounds like you're assuming I only call about men/relationships. I don't always call about a POI, however when I do it's to ask about current energies, emotions, to get a better understanding. Overall I'm happy with my POI, but that doesn't mean things are all "rosey" and even IF they were, what do you care if someone calls a psychic and posts on this board? Lmao is misery a requisite to post and compare reviews?

I was referring to Verb18. Some of her post are very Condescending IE: Idk if I buy that though - if you feel strongly enough for someone, you will act. end of story.

Not trying to be condescending whatsoever. Nothing is rosey for me. You don't know my life, so please don't make it your place to call me out because you find a post offensive. It's not being condescending saying I don't buy something. I just think if people feel a certain way for you they should be upfront about it and if they never act on their feelings there is something very wrong. If feelings are that strong I feel people tend to act on them.

Again, you know nothing about me. I read for reasons you know nothing about. I don't have to post everything I do on this forum. If you have a problem with what I am posting keep on scrolling! Thanks!!!!!

Agree that something is VERY wrong if theyy have these strong feelings and still move on or use someone else that gives them what they want without effort. Its not normal male behavior at all for a guy to be like this. If he is, it means that he is emotionally crippled and a user/jerk.

Agreed!  And at the end of the day, if a guy acts like this, we are better off without them.  Unfortunately, it's human nature to want what we can't have.

Offline toju516

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Re: Which reader has accurately predicted a new job or relationship?
« Reply #47 on: April 17, 2017, 07:28:43 AM »
Aries Intuition (Kisha) - a new "potential" relationship.

In my first reading with Kisha in October last year, in a general read, Kisha predicted I'd meet a "fairly tall gentleman with brown lighter eyes and hair brown." That he'd be a potential but not partner.

I visited family last year at Christmas time. I met a guy at the family Christmas party with this description. He was incredibly tall, with light brown eyes and brown hair. I didn't notice this at the time obviously. Who thinks about readings when they're at a party having fun? He asked for my number and we kept in contact. He asked me out but I let him down gently and we've remained friends.

Kisha predicted this two months prior. She was correct. It could've been a potential relationship if I had wanted it to, but poi is kind of the only person I ever wanted.

Offline Shayalay

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Re: Which reader has accurately predicted a new job or relationship?
« Reply #48 on: April 17, 2017, 02:17:56 PM »
Aries Intuition (Kisha) - a new "potential" relationship.

In my first reading with Kisha in October last year, in a general read, Kisha predicted I'd meet a "fairly tall gentleman with brown lighter eyes and hair brown." That he'd be a potential but not partner.

I visited family last year at Christmas time. I met a guy at the family Christmas party with this description. He was incredibly tall, with light brown eyes and brown hair. I didn't notice this at the time obviously. Who thinks about readings when they're at a party having fun? He asked for my number and we kept in contact. He asked me out but I let him down gently and we've remained friends.

Kisha predicted this two months prior. She was correct. It could've been a potential relationship if I had wanted it to, but poi is kind of the only person I ever wanted.

Was timing correct?

Offline Livvie

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Re: Which reader has accurately predicted a new job or relationship?
« Reply #49 on: August 19, 2017, 05:05:59 PM »
Just googling another keen member and Flowers27 popped up on Vicky Joy. Poor thing is on a binge again. Vicky Joy has her hooked right now and pushing timeframes out on her according to fb. It's been over a year or something like that, she hasn't gotten a job. I feel for her.

