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Game of Thrones (GoT)
Have you seen articles about the Starbucks cup?
Yeah. So funny. Starbucks couldn't have paid for that kind of advertising! I watched again and saw it because I knew when/where to look, but how do people catch that stuff? Do they dissect every frame or what? Anyway, can't wait for Sunday!!
--- Quote from: naturegirl on May 09, 2019, 07:31:43 AM ---Yeah. So funny. Starbucks couldn't have paid for that kind of advertising! I watched again and saw it because I knew when/where to look, but how do people catch that stuff? Do they dissect every frame or what? Anyway, can't wait for Sunday!!
--- End quote ---
I know that was what I was thinking. I never caught it the first time. I don't sit there and look at the mugs they are drinking out of. I watch the characters face to see what emotions are playing across it. I wasn't sure how Dani was feeling about Jon and I was looking for clues. Even watching it a second time, I doubt I would have seen it. Someone did record the clip in the link I provided and I know exactly where that is. Apparently the DVD set will have the cup removed.
Omg so this sounds wild, but i just read this new fan theory that Dany is gonna kill Arya 👀 Check it out :
Do you think Arya's gonna die? 😖
I totally thought Arya was a goner many times during this episode, but she lucked out....many times.
This was a brutal battle and very harsh.
I was very, very concerned for the dragon considering all those scorpions they had built and I'm glad Dany was successful, but man was she mad, no pissed.
In hindsight I don't believe it could have been any other way as she told Jon at the beginning of this episode, the people were never going to like her so they had to fear her.
I feel Tyrion is going to die because of his betrayal of freeing Jamie, plus all his many f! ups. The exchange between him and Jamie, the way Jamie was always in his corner was so effing touching.
Varys I was surprised by his execution. Was it because he was trying to talk everyone into selecting Jon? As smart as he is, that was the stupidest move ever!
Jamie and Cercei together in death were fitting. Jamie was dying anyway and Cercei's denial that her army wasn't going to fail, well that truly led to her death.
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