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Game of Thrones (GoT)
Well that sucked. I was so stoked about Jaime and Brienne for a hot minute. Thank God she doesn't live in this century or she'd be about to spend all her damn silvers ringing up psychics to find out if he's coming back and when Cersei is going to be out of the picture. And Masandie, ugh. What a heart wrencher that was. The dragon, ugh. And effing Sansa and her big effing mouth. Sheesh. And poor Gendry. And the sad goodbyes. All of it just sucked. The best part of the episode was the look on Dany's face at the end - I hope Cersei fries!!!
I use to love this show until now.
The killing of exotic animals, the pity fuck of the century and Missandei’s death. I had a feeling she was going to say something similar to burn the city to the ground. Was the killing of the wounded dragon necessary. I screamed oh shit when I saw that. So unexpected. I hate Jamie since he still loves Cersai and doesn’t nor has he ever given much of a F! about Brienne. That pity fuck was just to help her out since everyone always pity a virgin.
Oh I never got the feeling Arya loved Gendry even. She just didn't want to be a virgin anymore. I supposed any ole dick would do.
I also hate knowing that Jon has more claim to the throne, considering all his big mouth family, is pretty much going to F! up Dani’s claim. So she and Jon are already moving apart.
I don't see how she can burn the city down without risking her last Dragon.
Maybe I’m weird but I still love this show.
It’s known for the shock value and never goes the way we think. I’m glad Sansa said something about Jon’s (Aegon) claim to the throne. It makes it more interesting to see what the golden company...will they turn on Cercei since they are Targaryen basterds and side with Aegon and Danny....The dragon...that was definitely shock value! So it makes it more interesting how the North will beat Cercei...not surprised by Jaime...he’s like a typical man sheesh
Oh and i love the Varys and Tyrion debate on who should take the throne...makes it more interesting!
Oh yes, I still love the show too. It's absolutely amazing. It was just a hard episode. It's like you know with this show that bad stuff is gonna happen and you try to prepare yourself and not hope for the fairy tale ending that you KNOW isn't gonna happen, but it still just sucks. That's probably why it's so good. I remember watching the Red Wedding and I had read the books and Rob's wife wasn't even there (he had left her at River Run), and the show was so much more shocking and explicit and moving. It really is the best show ever! I don't even know know what I'm gonna do when it's over. I've been obsessed for so long that it's gonna be weird.
Now the only thing that will make me feel better is if Jon becomes the King.
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