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Game of Thrones (GoT)
Okay, I feel all the first episode nods are overly done and there was a lot of talking, too much. The nod to Shireen though was sweet. However, Jamie mentioning sleeping with his sister was too much and unnecessary. To admit to it was sacrilegious somewhat.
There are a few people who've put on weight: Gilly (or is she expecting); Podric (I almost didn't recognize him).
Arya kissy face...OMG. I just hate her character so her role was just forced and yuck. Her first time ever with a man and she wants the virgins go all buckwild like this on the first go?
There are a lot people talking about their happily ever after too much as if they are going to have one, so generally the opposite happens.
Grayworm for one; Theon; Sam is going to die after giving up a valerian steel sword. That wasn't too bright.
Brianne getting knighted had me crying 😭😭. Long overdue. Absolutely loved Sansa being so feisty with Dani. Theon and Sansa meeting was just as emotional. Such tearjerker this episode. But ya not a fan of Arya trying so hard to be so badass.
I thought - "Well its about damn time" when Arya took it from Gentry lol
--- Quote from: Sparkle002 on April 22, 2019, 06:08:17 AM ---I thought - "Well its about damn time" when Arya took it from Gentry lol
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Just laughing so hard
--- Quote from: happyk on April 22, 2019, 05:56:01 AM ---Brianne getting knighted had me crying 😭😭. Long overdue. Absolutely loved Sansa being so feisty with Dani. Theon and Sansa meeting was just as emotional. Such tearjerker this episode. But ya not a fan of Arya trying so hard to be so badass.
--- End quote ---
I've never liked Arya's arc at all. But yes, I was even teared-eyed at Brienne being knighted. I love Theon. I feel he has been through it the worst out of any of them. He was/is extremely remorseful for what he has done and he has paid for it, unlike others.
The final season will be more gratuitous than satisfying. Everything is being done for the fans. I get that, but in the way it was given to us right away instead of waiting awhile longer on telling Dani, she really isn't the next in line for the throne. And telling Dani to hurry and believe it because it all checks out already.
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