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Game of Thrones (GoT)

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--- Quote from: naturegirl on April 19, 2019, 11:56:22 PM ---Ahhhh! I'm still so excited! So because I've read the books sometimes I have a hard time remembering if the show addressed certain things, but I'm pretty sure the whole "the dragon has three heads" thing has come up. Dany HAD three dragons. She now has two and the army of the dead has one. She and John, both Trageryans, rode them. Who else rode one? The Knight King!!! Is he Trageryan?!! Is HE the rightful king to the iron throne? I love Tormund or whatever his name is. I don't want anyone to die, but I will BAWL my eyes out if Tyrion dies. He is my absolute fave!! BTW, is Cersei pregnant or faking? She was drinking wine again. Hmmmm 🤔

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Ikr?? I use to live for the weekends, but this show kicked the weekends up for me and I pity anyone not into the show right now, although that can come later through the 8 series DVD set, which will come out down the road.

I don't have an absolute fav just because this show taught me to not hold too tightly to anyone or to like anyone too too much. I would be hurt if truth be told if something happens to both Jamie and Cersei (who I feel is faking a pregnancy). Although Cersei is revenge driven, it does seem warranted by what she has been through. I was crushed beyond repair when one of the dragons was killed. I could hardly stand to rewatch that part over and over. God it was the saddest and cruelest death IMO.

As a side note there are plenty of Youtube showings to tell you what is missing from the books and what is included. Bratheon's daughter's burning at the stake wasn't in the books so it came as a huge shocker to many. Oh let me ask, since you've read them all, are the sex scenes in the book steamier??

No, I didn't think so, but they were more disturbing because like Dany was 13 when she married Khal Drogo and lost her maidenhead so that scene was just hard to read because of her age. But I mean there are lots of incidences where Dany's servant girl pleasures her after Drogo dies and Cersei gets a woman off with her fingers and the "c" word is used a LOT.

Wow or should I say whoa?
I was referring more to the incestuous twins, but the brothels are mentioned a lot.

I've watched the first episode three times already. I thought the c word was a 21st century thing.

Oh it was just annouced Adele and her hubby are spliting.

Oh, that's sad 😢. Hey, Hornet, are you going to get a duct tape bikini this summer? I don't think I could pull it off, but even if I could I think I'd be worried about what would happen when I had to take it off 😳.

The name sounds painful let alone wearing it.


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