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Game of Thrones (GoT)

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--- Quote from: HornetKick on April 15, 2019, 08:41:16 PM ---I'm still excited, but kind of apprehensive because some of these people are not going to make it out alive and although Theon rescued Yara, which he should have done a long time ago, I'm just so afraid of what is going to happen to them.

Loved that a lot of loose ends were tied up just by having people reconnect with others they haven't seen since season 1.
I'm not sure how I feel about Euron and Cersei's hook up. It was just too easy screwing him, although I'm game, just not so soon.

Those white walkers are not going to go down easy at all.
I'm glad the Ladies of Winterfell, both Sansa and Arya saw dragons for the first time and finally met the undeserving queen Daenerys. Jon never wanted to be King, so he might stay mum about his heritage and just let Dany, his aunt have it. (ok she may deserve it too considering what she went through though).

Sam should have been happier. His father was an utter dick, but both he and his son Dickon Tarly went out how they wanted. So whatever!

Brienne of Tarth wasn't around. I didn't miss seeing her until I saw another post about it.
I'm in it until epi six and then we're all done.

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I hope Aegon (Jon) doesn’t let auntie have it, but for some reason i think he will smh


--- Quote from: Sparkle002 on April 15, 2019, 09:15:56 PM ---
--- Quote from: happyk on April 15, 2019, 08:55:45 PM ---I felt really bad for Sam though. I loved how they went on a dragon ride for date. I'll always have sympathy for Theon no matter what specially because of the things he went through as Reek.

I want Jon to claim his power more because he's not greedy and Dany seems just a little too power hungry.

I didn't understand that little boy on fire. Totally lost.

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That little boy scared me! Lol was the boy at the beginning of the episode...and a warning from the night king ...but why he was on the wall like that idk

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So, that's what I didn't understand what was on the wall. That little boy 😔 and they were so quick to stab him. He was still human, I thought??


--- Quote from: happyk on April 15, 2019, 09:20:30 PM ---
--- Quote from: Sparkle002 on April 15, 2019, 09:15:56 PM ---
--- Quote from: happyk on April 15, 2019, 08:55:45 PM ---I felt really bad for Sam though. I loved how they went on a dragon ride for date. I'll always have sympathy for Theon no matter what specially because of the things he went through as Reek.

I want Jon to claim his power more because he's not greedy and Dany seems just a little too power hungry.

I didn't understand that little boy on fire. Totally lost.

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That little boy scared me! Lol was the boy at the beginning of the episode...and a warning from the night king ...but why he was on the wall like that idk

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So, that's what I didn't understand what was on the wall. That little boy 😔 and they were so quick to stab him. He was still human, I thought??

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Well on the wall he wasn’t anymore....when his eyes popped open they were blue like the white walkers....the night King got to him


--- Quote from: Sparkle002 on April 15, 2019, 09:29:04 PM ---
--- Quote from: happyk on April 15, 2019, 09:20:30 PM ---
--- Quote from: Sparkle002 on April 15, 2019, 09:15:56 PM ---
--- Quote from: happyk on April 15, 2019, 08:55:45 PM ---I felt really bad for Sam though. I loved how they went on a dragon ride for date. I'll always have sympathy for Theon no matter what specially because of the things he went through as Reek.

I want Jon to claim his power more because he's not greedy and Dany seems just a little too power hungry.

I didn't understand that little boy on fire. Totally lost.

--- End quote ---

That little boy scared me! Lol was the boy at the beginning of the episode...and a warning from the night king ...but why he was on the wall like that idk

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So, that's what I didn't understand what was on the wall. That little boy 😔 and they were so quick to stab him. He was still human, I thought??

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Well on the wall he wasn’t anymore....when his eyes popped open they were blue like the white walkers....the night King got to him

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Ohhh I totally missed the blue eyes. Thanks Sparkle.

Ahhhh! I'm still so excited! So because I've read the books sometimes I have a hard time remembering if the show addressed certain things, but I'm pretty sure the whole "the dragon has three heads" thing has come up. Dany HAD three dragons. She now has two and the army of the dead has one. She and John, both Trageryans, rode them. Who else rode one? The Knight King!!! Is he Trageryan?!! Is HE the rightful king to the iron throne? I love Tormund or whatever his name is. I don't want anyone to die, but I will BAWL my eyes out if Tyrion dies. He is my absolute fave!! BTW, is Cersei pregnant or faking? She was drinking wine again. Hmmmm 🤔


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