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Game of Thrones (GoT)

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Haha same, been binge watching. It's good for me because I haven't been getting any readings via chat - keeping me occupied when I start in with the overthinking.  I read the GoT books too, but at about season 5 the show starts to do it's own thing. I'm so excited. The books are good, but man, I feel like the show is even better. I can't wait, blood bath and all! :)

I haven't read the books because some book nazis are crazy due to the fact that a lot of things didn't appear in the books or didn't appear in the story the right way.
I downloaded the books as an epub, but haven't read any of them yet. I don't want it to spoil how they plan on ending everything.

I have read a few articles about some of the characters, the wrap party, that sort of thing and I have seen many of the characters show up in other projects.

The movie/true story about Hervé Villechaize that Tyrion Lannister did called 'My Dinner with Herve' was actually pretty good about the little person from Fantasy Island.
I just binge-watched the series 'Widow' on Amazon Prime and his father was in that, Tywin Lannister.

Much of the films that Daenerys Targaryen played in were just awful (like one of the Terminator films), as well as the stuff Jon Snow has done (Pompeii). OMG, just awful.

I have read a couple of the books and I love the show. The books are ok, imo the show is a lot better. The writer just wrote himself into a corner years ago and has slowed down so the producers and writers just sort of took over and it's the best thing that's happened to the book as far as I'm concerned  ;D


--- Quote from: Beesa on April 11, 2019, 03:45:10 AM ---I have read a couple of the books and I love the show. The books are ok, imo the show is a lot better. The writer just wrote himself into a corner years ago and has slowed down so the producers and writers just sort of took over and it's the best thing that's happened to the book as far as I'm concerned  ;D

--- End quote ---

Im so happy to hear that the show is better than the book! I dont feel bad for not reading it now lol

I'm hyped up as well!


I though you guys might appreciate this.


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