Author Topic: Psychic Medium Anna  (Read 8245 times)

Offline lostsoul209

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Psychic Medium Anna
« on: August 03, 2017, 11:29:39 PM »
Anyone read with her?
here my chat with her

[7:21:58 PM]
KEEN System Message
Session Started
[7:21:58 PM]
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[7:22:08 PM]
Psychic Medium Anna
Good after noon,
[7:22:11 PM]
hello it ????
[7:22:19 PM]
Psychic Medium Anna
[7:22:28 PM]
John Kub
It it about a perosn name  what is her feeling toward me?
[7:22:58 PM]
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[7:23:08 PM]
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[7:23:09 PM]
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[7:23:18 PM]
Psychic Medium Anna
She has a connection with you but is a little confuse on how to deal with her feelings
[7:23:39 PM]
Psychic Medium Anna
She likes you but it seems that she is getting advice from another female which might confuse the situation
[7:23:56 PM]
what should I do?
[7:24:09 PM]
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[7:24:16 PM]
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[7:24:16 PM]
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[7:24:34 PM]
Psychic Medium Anna
You should pull back and follow her lead I would not push her or ask for any answer she will come around
[7:24:41 PM]
ok I will.
[7:24:52 PM]
Psychic Medium Anna
She will get much more closer and communicate better with you by the end of this month.
[7:24:57 PM]
Psychic Medium Anna
Keep your distance and follow her lead
[7:25:16 PM]
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[7:25:38 PM]
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[7:25:38 PM]
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[7:25:55 PM]
Psychic Medium Anna
Yes you can smile but that is it not to engage in conversation unless she does it first.
[7:26:09 PM]
Psychic Medium Anna
she likes to feel secure and does things at her own pace.
[7:26:22 PM]
Psychic Medium Anna
That makes her feel more secure about herself
[7:26:24 PM]
John Kub
does she has a physical attraction toward me? becuase I'm very attract toward her?
[7:26:38 PM]
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[7:26:45 PM]
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[7:26:45 PM]
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1 Minute Remaining
[7:26:53 PM]
Psychic Medium Anna
Yes she does have a physical attraction towards you

very psychic said the same thing but I always contact her lol.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2017, 11:41:29 PM by lostsoul209 »

Offline 5neatguysGAL

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Re: Psychic Medium Anna
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2017, 11:58:46 PM »
This reading sounds like the same advice they give everyone- Pull back and wait. As someone who was given the same advice re: POI, it is 99.9% wrong.  I think you need to start dating other people. I mean, if you have to ask if it is okay to smile at your POI, then that's a sign it is not going well. (I have been in your shoes- calling to ask if I can smile or wave at POI- looking back- those questions WERE SIGNS WITH LIGHTS ON THEM that the relationship was nothing.)

You call a lot of psychics about the same POI. I used to do that. NOT HEALTHY. You feel it's meant to be, I felt the same way. But guess what, while I was told to "wait" he was moving on. I had opportunities, but I didn't take them seriously for a long time. (This was 7/2001-1/2004). All the emotional opportunities I passed up and every psychic was WRONG- he was seeing someone, he got engaged in March 2003. Please learn from my mistake!

 Please move on. You'll feel better.

From a former addict.

Offline lostsoul209

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Re: Psychic Medium Anna
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2017, 01:20:04 AM »
This reading sounds like the same advice they give everyone- Pull back and wait. As someone who was given the same advice re: POI, it is 99.9% wrong.  I think you need to start dating other people. I mean, if you have to ask if it is okay to smile at your POI, then that's a sign it is not going well. (I have been in your shoes- calling to ask if I can smile or wave at POI- looking back- those questions WERE SIGNS WITH LIGHTS ON THEM that the relationship was nothing.)

You call a lot of psychics about the same POI. I used to do that. NOT HEALTHY. You feel it's meant to be, I felt the same way. But guess what, while I was told to "wait" he was moving on. I had opportunities, but I didn't take them seriously for a long time. (This was 7/2001-1/2004). All the emotional opportunities I passed up and every psychic was WRONG- he was seeing someone, he got engaged in March 2003. Please learn from my mistake!

 Please move on. You'll feel better.

From a former addict.
Thanks everyone situation is different. Some has success and some don't. The only person here that has success and there poi did come back is verb18

Offline lostsoul209

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Re: Psychic Medium Anna
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2017, 01:26:06 AM »
Those three year were you still in contact with your poi?

Offline wildfox87

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Re: Psychic Medium Anna
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2017, 01:59:30 AM »
This reading sounds like the same advice they give everyone- Pull back and wait. As someone who was given the same advice re: POI, it is 99.9% wrong.  I think you need to start dating other people. I mean, if you have to ask if it is okay to smile at your POI, then that's a sign it is not going well. (I have been in your shoes- calling to ask if I can smile or wave at POI- looking back- those questions WERE SIGNS WITH LIGHTS ON THEM that the relationship was nothing.)

You call a lot of psychics about the same POI. I used to do that. NOT HEALTHY. You feel it's meant to be, I felt the same way. But guess what, while I was told to "wait" he was moving on. I had opportunities, but I didn't take them seriously for a long time. (This was 7/2001-1/2004). All the emotional opportunities I passed up and every psychic was WRONG- he was seeing someone, he got engaged in March 2003. Please learn from my mistake!

 Please move on. You'll feel better.

From a former addict.
Thanks everyone situation is different. Some has success and some don't. The only person here that has success and there poi did come back is verb18

Lostsoul- have you ever had a reading with Yona?

Offline lostsoul209

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Re: Psychic Medium Anna
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2017, 02:04:26 AM »
nope I haven't but after reading with post for the vent it time that I stop reading with psychic for good. She always come back but when I push her she get angry and blocked me. I think it time for me to stop contacting her completely it the only way I get my answer.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2017, 02:11:30 AM by lostsoul209 »

Offline wildfox87

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Re: Psychic Medium Anna
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2017, 02:14:40 AM »
nope I haven't but after reading with post for the vent it time that I stop reading with psychic for good.

Yes I agree, and sometimes in my own experience when you stop getting readings things begin to happen faster for some reason. It's like when you're getting readings, you're not living life in the way you naturally would so it's almost as if your blocking your path because you're not following your own intuition. It's always when i allow things to progress naturally i'm in a better state of mind and see things clearly. If that makes sense..  I think ignoring her would be a good option and if she doesn't push it forward in a dramatic way than I would look for someone else. She already knows how you feel, seems like you've made that known in a big way. So now it's on her.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2017, 02:19:54 AM by wildfox87 »

Offline Synergy

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Re: Psychic Medium Anna
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2017, 03:53:06 AM »
While I wouldn't read with any of these readers you're trying out, and I agree you need to start either following the advice given or take a break from readings altogether, I also must say that stopping every minute to add funds should be avoided. If you truly believe these readers are psychic, you are doing them and yourself a disservice by interrupting your readings every minute to add funds. These people are potentially connecting to your energy. The stop/start you're putting them through can't be good. Make sure you have enough funds to get a solid reading. If you're not in the position to do so, you shouldn't be getting readings right now.

Offline mystery123

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Re: Psychic Medium Anna
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2017, 03:58:06 AM »
The thing that caught my eye was you add funds for every minute.. is that intentional or just happened to be with this reader? doesn't it break your flow? just curious..:)

Offline whskers

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Re: Psychic Medium Anna
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2017, 05:51:13 AM »
This reading sounds like the same advice they give everyone- Pull back and wait. As someone who was given the same advice re: POI, it is 99.9% wrong.  I think you need to start dating other people. I mean, if you have to ask if it is okay to smile at your POI, then that's a sign it is not going well. (I have been in your shoes- calling to ask if I can smile or wave at POI- looking back- those questions WERE SIGNS WITH LIGHTS ON THEM that the relationship was nothing.)

You call a lot of psychics about the same POI. I used to do that. NOT HEALTHY. You feel it's meant to be, I felt the same way. But guess what, while I was told to "wait" he was moving on. I had opportunities, but I didn't take them seriously for a long time. (This was 7/2001-1/2004). All the emotional opportunities I passed up and every psychic was WRONG- he was seeing someone, he got engaged in March 2003. Please learn from my mistake!

 Please move on. You'll feel better.

From a former addict.
Thanks everyone situation is different. Some has success and some don't. The only person here that has success and there poi did come back is verb18

My POI came back  too. And I had a lot of detailed reading, like what he was doing, thinking. All I was able to validate after we got back together.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Psychic Medium Anna
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2017, 03:06:29 PM »
Yes I agree, and sometimes in my own experience when you stop getting readings things begin to happen faster for some reason. It's like when you're getting readings, you're not living life in the way you naturally would so it's almost as if your blocking your path because you're not following your own intuition. It's always when i allow things to progress naturally i'm in a better state of mind and see things clearly. If that makes sense..  I think ignoring her would be a good option and if she doesn't push it forward in a dramatic way than I would look for someone else. She already knows how you feel, seems like you've made that known in a big way. So now it's on her.

Exactly because mostly what readings are doing to your psyche is putting thoughts inside your head that you wouldn't have entertained had you not gotten the reading. It's one thing to use readings as confirmations to build up your own intuition, but it's another to rely on them to tell you what to do, say, think or feel. Some readers are better at mind F!ks than others, so you should also be cautious of that.

Offline 5neatguysGAL

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Re: Psychic Medium Anna
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2017, 04:25:05 PM »
Those three year were you still in contact with your poi?

Here's the contact story:
Mid-June 2001, POI told me he did not want to go out with me anymore. The night he told me that over the phone, he told me was going on a date with another woman.

6/2001- 3/2003- Online contact most of the time. Very brief. Sometime he would block me, sometimes he would remove the block. Eventually, in 3/2003, he said he did not want any contact at all.

IN PERSON CONTACT: There's a catch: He was an accountant, but also played saxophone in a jazz band. He kept saying it was okay if I came to the Jazz shows. I thought maybe he was trying to tell me he still wanted me around.; psychics agreed with my hunch.  In February 2002, I went to two jazz shows. One he was not expecting me at. We simply waved to each other and went to different parts of the club. The second time I went with a friend and ran into POI unexpectedly. He was with his GF. We waved and kept going.

3/2002-  THIRD TIME- POI *specifically* said I could come to one of HIS jazz shows to SEE his band play. So I rounded up a friend and went. It was a TINY venue. I went in. His GF was with him. We said "hey." I watched the show with my friend. After the show, I went up to him. He was like, "Hey, how's it goin'?" I shook his hand and said, "Good show." He immediately turned back to the other person he was talking to. My friend was like, "Sorry, I don't think he's into you." Another friend said, "You are another person in the audience. He needs as many audience members as he can get to build up his band." And yet another, "Egomaniac." But I would ask the psychics, "Oh, does he want me at the shows because he still wants me around?" They kept saying yes. I decided not to go to the shows after the 3/2002 show. From 3/2002 to 3/2003 it was sporadic online contact.

One psychic, Special Woman, was correct early on (9/2001). He DID NOT want me in his life anymore at all. I should have listened to her. So, I think you have to listen to what the minority of psychics tell you, not the majority. Again, this was A LONG TIME AGO!

Offline morland1

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Re: Psychic Medium Anna
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2017, 01:34:52 AM »
I did phone and email readings with her. She told me to wait it out with my POI and had convinced me he would eventually come around. She kept telling me that he just is going through a lot has some past issues he needs to fix.  Then in my final phone reading with her she completely switched gears and told me about another guy (that I have yet to meet) who was my soul mate and that my POI was not the one. It was very strange.


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Re: Psychic Medium Anna
« Reply #13 on: August 11, 2017, 03:39:25 PM »
While I wouldn't read with any of these readers you're trying out, and I agree you need to start either following the advice given or take a break from readings altogether, I also must say that stopping every minute to add funds should be avoided. If you truly believe these readers are psychic, you are doing them and yourself a disservice by interrupting your readings every minute to add funds. These people are potentially connecting to your energy. The stop/start you're putting them through can't be good. Make sure you have enough funds to get a solid reading. If you're not in the position to do so, you shouldn't be getting readings right now.
well said! 👍🏼👍🏼

Offline lostsoul209

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Re: Psychic Medium Anna
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2017, 02:25:18 PM »
Well I just confirm what she said was true there was a third party talking bad thing about me. That why she act so cold toward me. At least I told her my side of the story.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2017, 02:38:31 PM by lostsoul209 »