Those three year were you still in contact with your poi?
Here's the contact story:
Mid-June 2001, POI told me he did not want to go out with me anymore. The night he told me that over the phone, he told me was going on a date with another woman.
6/2001- 3/2003- Online contact most of the time. Very brief. Sometime he would block me, sometimes he would remove the block. Eventually, in 3/2003, he said he did not want any contact at all.
IN PERSON CONTACT: There's a catch: He was an accountant, but also played saxophone in a jazz band. He kept saying it was okay if I came to the Jazz shows. I thought maybe he was trying to tell me he still wanted me around.; psychics agreed with my hunch. In February 2002, I went to two jazz shows. One he was not expecting me at. We simply waved to each other and went to different parts of the club. The second time I went with a friend and ran into POI unexpectedly. He was with his GF. We waved and kept going.
3/2002- THIRD TIME- POI *specifically* said I could come to one of HIS jazz shows to SEE his band play. So I rounded up a friend and went. It was a TINY venue. I went in. His GF was with him. We said "hey." I watched the show with my friend. After the show, I went up to him. He was like, "Hey, how's it goin'?" I shook his hand and said, "Good show." He immediately turned back to the other person he was talking to. My friend was like, "Sorry, I don't think he's into you." Another friend said, "You are another person in the audience. He needs as many audience members as he can get to build up his band." And yet another, "Egomaniac." But I would ask the psychics, "Oh, does he want me at the shows because he still wants me around?" They kept saying yes. I decided not to go to the shows after the 3/2002 show. From 3/2002 to 3/2003 it was sporadic online contact.
One psychic, Special Woman, was correct early on (9/2001). He DID NOT want me in his life anymore at all. I should have listened to her. So, I think you have to listen to what the minority of psychics tell you, not the majority. Again, this was A LONG TIME AGO!