Omg do any of you guys sometimes just suddenly visualize your POI's face out of nowhere? I don't know if my mind is just wandering or if maybe he's thinking about me or idk... its weird but I wanna know if anyone else experiences this too?
Also I get butterflies or even cold chills down my spine when I think about him. One time I had a HUGE knot in my stomach and he called me later that night.. I'm trying to be positive and going to say for LOA sake my connection with him feels week but it will pick up 
I do. After I gave up waiting for my ex that I was calling psychics about in the first place I fell in love with another girl. Sometimes I would feel like a knot in my stomach too and even get sad out of nowhere and then all of a sudden she would call me and tell me that she missed me. At first I didn't know what it was and would just shrug it off but as time went by I finally realized that it was her thinking about me.
We broke up around the end of last year but the strange thing is that all of a sudden I would think about my ex before her (the one I was calling psychics about), which I still believe is my true love. It kind of confused me because I swear I didn't think about her for years, at least not like I missed her and wanted to get back together, and now all of a sudden she's in my mind. I thought about things that we used to do or used to say to each other that I forgot all about. And this may sound crazy but I swear I thought I could hear her trying to talk to me in my head and tell me she was sorry lol. I should also note her grandmother was psychic so I don't know if they were trying to contact me? I was reading that maybe she was in trouble or she needed my help but after the way we left things I guess I just didn't have the will anymore to do anything. I even asked my father and he said the same thing. But I'm pretty sure that she's thinking about me especially since I haven't even thought about her at all until this started happening.
So I've been wondering what I should do
? If anyone has any advice it would be appreciated but I am starting to lean towards just reaching out eventually.
Hello there! Wow your story gave me chills.. if you want to reach out I would say go for it. But be careful because if she was someone who hurt you in the past or didn't respect you tread carefully.
My ex before my POI has a birthday in late August and I'm a big birthday person so I remember everyone's birthdays.. any way I thought about contacting him to wish him, but then I held back because it didn't end well. I didn't speak with him for 4 years. My POI did everything to make sure he was out of my life .. which was fine because that ex was trying to break us up. So 2 weeks ago my ex messaged me on Instagram out of nowhere and I was shocked bc I briefly thought about him and there was his message! I don't love this ex btw and it was really obvious to me that while I was curious, I didn't miss him. He was still the same old whiny, negative, immature, super time consuming (mind you when he wanted his space he fought for it but when I needed my space he didn't even know what that meant!) person who wanted to meet up with me immediately! He took so much offense that I wouldn't see him the next day after getting in contact. I was like "hey I have a life man, I just reconnected with you I'm not obligated to meet up with you if I don't want to". Long story short I ended up blocking him because I realized he was an energy vampire. I've been depressed for a long time so before he reached out to me I finally found energy to do things. After he contacted me I would feel too drained to enjoy the things I did for some reason & his story did make me sad.. he's one of those people who just refuses to grow up so I had to cut him loose
But I'm convinced exes do come back at some point so there's hope for my POI
Maybe there's a reason you're thinking about her.. I'm glad I talked to my ex bc now I know that door was closed for a very good reason. Maybe for you it will be different maybe it will be the start of something new again? Good luck!