Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Readings That Came True


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Hi guys

Who had predictions for July/in July that came true?

It would be nice if we had a thread for this every month, since I read tons of threads and not too many updates on predictions.

I'll start - predictions for July specifically **these are events I asked about and things they picked up on their own. I did not ask every reader the same questions because of when these events took place in the month, etc. I also can't confirm validations about feelings because I can't confirm anything in relation to feelings. Also, this isn't everything that's been correct/incorrect - this is what should have passed because these events are tied to specific days  :P**

MysticRaven11  - predicted a disagreement, which just happened in July down to the week. Wrong about spending a birthday together.

Queen of Cups - wrong about spending 4th of July together and right about spending a birthday together.

Sweethearts Tarot - Right about the reason someone was quiet a specific weekend, right about 4th of July, wrong about birthday.

Cookie - Right about spending a birthday together.

NorthStarJulie - Right about 4th of July and birthday.

Kisha - Didn't pick up anything about 4th of July (right-ish), and picked up numbers for birthday. Not sure what the significance was because I've tried to make them fit and they don't.

The only one who gave me a prediction for July and said that something would happen by the 26th maximum was Fairy moon Child. Nothing happened. And she blocked me lmao.

Leanne Halyburton predicted a training/certification program that I would be "forced" to enter into. Prediction was last year, but she didnt specify the month. Happened this past week.


--- Quote from: bstalling on July 31, 2017, 03:41:10 PM ---Leanne Halyburton predicted a training/certification program that I would be "forced" to enter into. Prediction was last year, but she didnt specify the month. Happened this past week.

--- End quote ---

OOh what's her contact?

Alright... So I asked when will I get my full time job? Today, Monday, I got multiple offers... and here are the right and wrong predictions:

Ricky of Psychic Source - Was very sure i will get a job on 2nd week of August
Lexi of Psychic Source - Said August
Stephanie's Guided Tarot - Said I will get a new job in 5 weeks.  Today is the 5th week.
Lady Celest - Said in August
Mike Pace - Said somewhere in August
Miss Nancy Darlene - Said August
BodyMindSpirit - was very sure August
Readings by Raven - Said August

Faery Lady - She said September 22 is when i will get an offer
Ellen Hartwell - Said that I will get a job offer next week (2nd week of July)
Queen Darla - Well she didn't really say job offer but she said something like you will hear from them this week (which i did hear from them that week but not job offer) and she said I don't have to go through another interview which is incorrect as well. 
Dzigns - Said in September


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