Author Topic: Keen psychic who does crossed over readings. Looking  (Read 15742 times)

Offline member60636366

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Keen psychic who does crossed over readings. Looking
« on: July 29, 2017, 08:25:06 PM »
Hi. Can anyone suggest some names of advisors who do crossed over readings with loved ones? It's for someone who recently lost her husband.
So far they've tried Jeanne Clock and Sofia2592. Both were good for them. Wanting more details though.
PM me is ok too
« Last Edit: July 29, 2017, 08:57:35 PM by member60636366 »

Offline whskers

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Re: Keen psychic who does crossed over readings. Looking
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2017, 09:00:51 PM »
I would recommend Rebecca fearing but she's not in keen.

When i read with her, as soon as i enter the room (she does phone calls as well), she started describing my deceased love one.  And she kept pulling names of people that we know.  For example.. she said "do you know any Chris? Christy? Christina?"  And i was thinking... are you talking about Tina?  She said that "DLO wants to say thank you to her".  She's the first person that came to me when he passed and Tina also brought me home to her house to sleep in her house for days and also pulled all my belongings in my old apartment so I didn't have to go back there.

She also makes predictions. 
« Last Edit: July 29, 2017, 10:10:10 PM by whskers »

Offline member60636366

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Re: Keen psychic who does crossed over readings. Looking
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2017, 09:04:45 PM »
By a strange coincidence I called her. She is amazing. I am looking for a few different ones to try
have you ever read with this person on Keen?

Anunnaki Psychic Spirit Fairie, Clairvoyant
they are some kind of channel with alien astronauts.

Offline whskers

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Re: Keen psychic who does crossed over readings. Looking
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2017, 09:17:12 PM »
I don't want people to accuse me of being stephanie... or promoting her... but on keen she's the only one who saw my DLO (deceased loved one).  But what she can see is limited to what Rebecca can do because Rebecca can talk directly to him.

When i called Stephanie, she told me things about my DLO that was very accurate. E.g. She said he's rubbing your feet right now (i can feel sensations in my feet And he used to do that every night).. also she described my boyfriend as doing something, like putting his hands on his chest and rubbing it down to his stomach and started walking away with his butt going side to side (he did this gesture everyday before).  So i believe that she can really see him.  I can ask questions about him too. I stopped calling her about him because i wanted to move on.

One other person i recommend is.. let me search for her.  There is no way she could have known any information unless she read the police report and she saw my DLO holding flowers yellow and white.  During my birthday on 2014, my DLO went to the park to pick up flowers and they were yellow and white.    Let me search my email and i will post it.

Offline whskers

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Re: Keen psychic who does crossed over readings. Looking
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2017, 09:34:01 PM »
This might take longer because my email is acting up and I'm doing a search on my cellphone.  Will post it once i find it. 

Offline member60636366

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Re: Keen psychic who does crossed over readings. Looking
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2017, 09:39:18 PM »
Thanks whiskers. Why would anyone accuse you of being Stephanie? Is Stephanie their site  name or i.d? ?

I don't want people to accuse me of being stephanie... or promoting her... but on keen she's the only one who saw my DLO (deceased loved one).  But what she can see is limited to what Rebecca can do because Rebecca can talk directly to him.

When i called Stephanie, she told me things about my DLO that was very accurate. E.g. She said he's rubbing your feet right now (i can feel sensations in my feet And he used to do that every night).. also she described my boyfriend as doing something, like putting his hands on his chest and rubbing it down to his stomach and started walking away with his butt going side to side (he did this gesture everyday before).  So i believe that she can really see him.  I can ask questions about him too. I stopped calling her about him because i wanted to move on.

One other person i recommend is.. let me search for her.  There is no way she could have known any information unless she read the police report and she saw my DLO holding flowers yellow and white.  During my birthday on 2014, my DLO went to the park to pick up flowers and they were yellow and white.    Let me search my email and i will post it.

Offline member60636366

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Re: Keen psychic who does crossed over readings. Looking
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2017, 09:42:28 PM »
if you could PM me too that would be great.
If not I can check back here.
The reading you got gives me the absolute chills. I've heard someone else read a letter she channels form the deceased wife to the living husband which is the reason I looked her up. She's angelic

Thanks whiskers. Why would anyone accuse you of being Stephanie? Is Stephanie their site  name or i.d? ?

I don't want people to accuse me of being stephanie... or promoting her... but on keen she's the only one who saw my DLO (deceased loved one).  But what she can see is limited to what Rebecca can do because Rebecca can talk directly to him.

When i called Stephanie, she told me things about my DLO that was very accurate. E.g. She said he's rubbing your feet right now (i can feel sensations in my feet And he used to do that every night).. also she described my boyfriend as doing something, like putting his hands on his chest and rubbing it down to his stomach and started walking away with his butt going side to side (he did this gesture everyday before).  So i believe that she can really see him.  I can ask questions about him too. I stopped calling her about him because i wanted to move on.

One other person i recommend is.. let me search for her.  There is no way she could have known any information unless she read the police report and she saw my DLO holding flowers yellow and white.  During my birthday on 2014, my DLO went to the park to pick up flowers and they were yellow and white.    Let me search my email and i will post it.

Offline kumamon

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Re: Keen psychic who does crossed over readings. Looking
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2017, 09:43:06 PM »
I would recommend Rebecca fearing but she's not in keen.

When i read with her, as soon as i enter the room (she does phone calls as well), she started describing my deceased love one.  And she kept pulling names of people that we know.  For example.. she said "do you know any Chris? Christy? Christina?"  And i was thinking... are you talking about Tina?  She said that "my deceased loved one wants to say thank you to her".  She's the first person that came to me when he passed and Tina also brought me home to her house to sleep in her house for days and also pulled all my belongings in my old apartment so I didn't have to go back there.

She also makes predictions.

How much she's charging?

Offline member60636366

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Re: Keen psychic who does crossed over readings. Looking
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2017, 09:49:11 PM »
It's like 300 for a session. I wrote it down but I think it is $300 for hr $150 30 minutes

Offline kumamon

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Re: Keen psychic who does crossed over readings. Looking
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2017, 09:59:40 PM »

Offline whskers

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Re: Keen psychic who does crossed over readings. Looking
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2017, 10:02:11 PM »

So yeah 3rd person i was talking about.. she described like very accurate details (I'm still looking for her.. for the life of me i cant remember how i booked her.... i thought paypal but I'm searching paypal invoices and i can't find her!!! I might have to go through my emails one by one).  There is no way anyone could have known about those things.  Not even the family members.  I only know about them because the police told me.  Stephanie saw the same things too. But the 3rd person.. she didn't really gave value added closure, if you know what i mean?  That most closure i got from Rebecca fearing. She explained to me why everything happened.  If you need more information on the reading, you can private message me and I'll tell you the details.  But Rebecca is so expensive so if i have follow up questions I just ask stephanie... but here are the researches i did and chose whoever based on my gut,

Some of them you can only read months out like medium fleur.

Just to share too, when i was in Rebecca's office, she said, "i need to speak to his mom, its very important". So we called her.. and Rebecca said "are you in your house? I see wood all over you, your boy is behind your back hugging you, asking for forgiveness and telling you it's no one's fault and blah blah blah blah". I was just crying while listening. DLO mom's house is Victorian, so right, wood all over.  Rebecca also said "he says thank you to David", David is the name of their uncle whose helping them out.  When Rebecca put the phone down with the mom, she asked me.. "do you know this... mar... mar.." so i said Maria?  That's his sister.  Then rebecca said... "how about Michelle?"  So i said I don't know any Michelle.  So after the reading i called the sister and asked her who is Michelle, the sister said, that what they used to call him when he was young.  :'(

« Last Edit: July 29, 2017, 10:06:31 PM by whskers »

Offline member60636366

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Re: Keen psychic who does crossed over readings. Looking
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2017, 10:04:14 PM »
THANK you!

Offline Baypark1

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Re: Keen psychic who does crossed over readings. Looking
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2017, 01:11:39 AM »
Joy Light who is not on Keen and Kelly Callaghan both mentioned loved ones that passed and I didn't ask.  Both of them brought up my ex husband who passed suddenly when he was sick with cancer and getting treatment.  We never knew the exact reason he passed, because literally, he did within minutes at home so we figured it was a blood clot or aneurysm but both said he died of a heart attack.  Both also said that my ex is with my son at all times, helping guide him to make the right decisions in life and that he's still with us. And both made me cry when they told me that.  Joy was the one that got my baby was with her dad and they are together.  More tears :)  Joy started the reading saying my grandmother from my mom's side was coming in and she said some pretty funny things that I KNOW my grandmother would say.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Keen psychic who does crossed over readings. Looking
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2017, 03:25:51 AM »
Is this the Joy Light you're referring to? If so, she has listings on Keen, but I'm not sure how recent they are.

You can get a Short 20 minute chat room reading for $30 on her own site:

Offline member60636366

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Re: Keen psychic who does crossed over readings. Looking
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2017, 04:34:29 AM »
"Joy earned her certification in advanced psychic mediumship thru the Astrological Institute and works to help others develop their own psychic abilities by offering psychic development training using The Sandy Anastasi System. Alumni include famous psychic medium John Edward and other authentic psychics."
John Edward, meaning the tv show psychic? That guy?

