Author Topic: Having a friendship with a reader  (Read 8826 times)

Offline Epic08

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Having a friendship with a reader
« on: January 16, 2017, 12:22:31 AM »
Hi Everyone
I wasn't sure where to post this but here goes. Years ago I broken up with what i thought was the love of my life and like many of us on this board went into a tailspin of getting readings. I started reading with a psychic who at the time I thought was accurate. Now don't get me wrong, she was accurate with some details but not everything. Over the years I kept calling and we became friends. As time went on our conversations became less about predictions and more about our friendship. She helped me to grow as a person but her predictions became less and less accurate. The small stuff were spot on but none of the big predictions came true. I've spent a significate amount of money with less then satisfactory readings. We are still friends but I will not be reading with her as much as I once did. I cannot name who it is as we are still friends and may read this board. The moral of the story is be careful who you read with. Just because you like them as a person doesn't mean that they are accurate or even looking out for your best interests. I feel like she should have drawn the line in our conversations when it came to reading vs catching up on life. It's also my fault as well as I should have seen the writing on the wall. I hope this helps someone


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Re: Having a friendship with a reader
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2017, 03:12:48 AM »
Hi Everyone
I wasn't sure where to post this but here goes. Years ago I broken up with what i thought was the love of my life and like many of us on this board went into a tailspin of getting readings. I started reading with a psychic who at the time I thought was accurate. Now don't get me wrong, she was accurate with some details but not everything. Over the years I kept calling and we became friends. As time went on our conversations became less about predictions and more about our friendship. She helped me to grow as a person but her predictions became less and less accurate. The small stuff were spot on but none of the big predictions came true. I've spent a significate amount of money with less then satisfactory readings. We are still friends but I will not be reading with her as much as I once did. I cannot name who it is as we are still friends and may read this board. The moral of the story is be careful who you read with. Just because you like them as a person doesn't mean that they are accurate or even looking out for your best interests. I feel like she should have drawn the line in our conversations when it came to reading vs catching up on life. It's also my fault as well as I should have seen the writing on the wall. I hope this helps someone

I agree. My local reader is great to talk and a wonderful listener. Unfortunately, her mini predictions don't pan out  and not only that but it hit me that she wasn't really in tune with the POI's thoughts and behavior patterns. She just didn't click well with my situation AT ALL. I just recently cut her off.

Offline Epic08

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Re: Having a friendship with a reader
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2017, 02:58:48 PM »
Thanks Rediska. It's hard because sometimes you form these friendships and in the end the line is crossed between being professional and being a friend. I think in my case she meant well but I spent a lot of money on predictions that never happened

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Having a friendship with a reader
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2017, 04:11:29 PM »
Hi Everyone
I wasn't sure where to post this but here goes. Years ago I broken up with what i thought was the love of my life and like many of us on this board went into a tailspin of getting readings. I started reading with a psychic who at the time I thought was accurate. Now don't get me wrong, she was accurate with some details but not everything. Over the years I kept calling and we became friends. As time went on our conversations became less about predictions and more about our friendship. She helped me to grow as a person but her predictions became less and less accurate. The small stuff were spot on but none of the big predictions came true. I've spent a significate amount of money with less then satisfactory readings. We are still friends but I will not be reading with her as much as I once did. I cannot name who it is as we are still friends and may read this board. The moral of the story is be careful who you read with. Just because you like them as a person doesn't mean that they are accurate or even looking out for your best interests. I feel like she should have drawn the line in our conversations when it came to reading vs catching up on life. It's also my fault as well as I should have seen the writing on the wall. I hope this helps someone

I became friends with a reader from Keen, and we would talk outside of Keen on facebook.  Keen's calls aren't recorded so she was able to tell me what her FB name was without any repercussions.  And although she gave a huge discounted rate, she wasn't as accurate as she thought she was. I didn't correct her on a lot of things and just decided not to read with her anymore. She was mentioned on this forum quite a bit, but I never let on we were talking through FB and she gave me her telephone number once we started talking. I may have unfriended her at this point. We haven't talked in ages, but if the reader considers you a friend, they would not charge you...and you should be able to tell them how wrong they are without it being issues from their ego. It's a slippery slope where you think you are made to feel special through the friendship, but are still a paying customer. Plus, they don't seem to work as hard and start to delve into the advice zone, which I hate.

*I know it's a latent thread, just wanted to posts my thoughts.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 03:14:06 AM by HornetKick »

Offline mystery123

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Re: Having a friendship with a reader
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2017, 06:28:57 PM »
Ya I would hate to become friends and divert if I am paying$$ per minute.. even if it's as less as 1 dollar!!

Offline Love-33

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Re: Having a friendship with a reader
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2017, 08:16:34 PM »
Sometimes when I read feedback on keen I see some people saying "love you" to the psychic... then I'm like wtf have I missed something what's wrong in this world lol. Saying love you to a psychic... how fucked up is that

Offline mystery123

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Re: Having a friendship with a reader
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2017, 08:50:30 PM »
Sometimes when I read feedback on keen I see some people saying "love you" to the psychic... then I'm like wtf have I missed something what's wrong in this world lol. Saying love you to a psychic... how fucked up is that


Offline Epic08

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Re: Having a friendship with a reader
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2017, 11:06:46 PM »
So I started the original post and I found over time that the conversations we 90% personal (i.e. Catching up on the goings, comings, family etc.) and 10% actually getting a reading.  She was very invested in me and my life but I thought that was a good thing. Ultimately it turned out to be the worse thing ever because I was spending money to talk to a 'friend'. She was about 50/50 in terms of accuracy which at the time seemed like enough. I'm only wise to this now

Offline mystery123

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Re: Having a friendship with a reader
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2017, 11:21:42 PM »
That's I feel so glad that I found this forum! I love the venting section more than readers

You know you can get more support here than paying someone to feed you BS. I still like getting readings, but this forum has made me wiser as to who to go to and not over indulge.

