I'm sorry persimmon!
I hate when that happens. I also feel like I'm one of the ones all the *popular* ones have never been able to connect to, and it sucks. Maybe it's cause this journey has made me a lil bit wiser, and even more skeptical so I pose questions I already know the answer to.
Ultimately I've treated readings as wasted entertainment and never acted on their advice, after learning my lesson BIG TIME when I was in your situation. That seems to help but it sucks that for many years, even though I'm not addicted, I keep having the drawing to the spiritual/psychic and I'm just waiting for someone to wow me. I can go months without readings, and that's when I'm happiest.
I've been in your situation of being ghosted a few years ago, from a very unexpected person who didn't deserve me and was basically head over heels for me. I never liked the guy much, got a bad vibe from him, but he chased for ages. My then *trusted* psychic who seemed to have nailed so many things for me which couldn't had been predicted, insisted he was the one. I got myself into that situation because I felt I had to follow her advice.....the worst relationship of my life, honestly and he ghosted for someone else after I had wasted so much time on him, and had actually started to love him. My intuition turned true, he was a man sl*t. A small pos.
That psychic kept telling me how much he missed me and loved me, etc. and that fueled my desire to see more psychics. They all would say the same thing. I notice it's a line they feed to keep you hanging on to bad situations because if you break free, you won't need their readings anymore. "His feelings for you were too much", "he's not ready just yet to commit", "he's scared", "don't reach out because he needs time", but he loves you so much and will come back. A year of this passed by, and guess what...he never did contact to even apologize and go his separate way. You know the only girl he saw being his partner for life, begging to give him her heart etc. The cringe. I contacted him.
There was only one psychic who was RIGHT about that out of what feels like hundreds, even though I had vowed to myself and heavens there was no way in hell I'd ever reach out was someone I flipped on. Her name was psychicaurora on fiverr, and she wasn't active before I ordered a reading. I got the $5 reading that said he'd never reach out first, that I would end up reaching out, and I called her a scam and got a refund. She was kind of mad but then again, I called her a scam. It's been years and I haven't been able to find another shop she has, perhaps in Berlin. Maybe that was chance that she got it right, but she was the only one.
The main psychic who I trusted regarding so much turned out to be a scam. Turns out her predictions only happened by chance. I'd ask if someone was moving, a family enemy who moved close-by, and she'd say no. Then I'd inquire this a few months later, and probably because of my persistence this scammer figured out I knew something so she finally said yes they would be moving soon. And they did, they went back hundreds of miles where they came from even though they spent so much on the move, but it was likely chance and predictions like those that made me believe her.
I hit that ghost scum up, and he responded so quickly, a minute after, just wanting sex, and when I was cold he'd bring up the girl he was screwing aka the ex he swore there was nothing going on, the ex I knew. One of the persons he ghosted on me for, and was likely screwing the whole time. Not one person told me this. Then slowly he turned loving again, and out of nowhere ghosted again. This was that.
Don't do what I do and fall for it twice. If someone ghosts, you already deep inside know the answer. Listen to your intuition. There is NOTHING wrong with you. I know it hurts. You start to question everything. Your self worth, your intelligence, everything. Even sucks when they ghost you for the women who are nasty in attitude and even nasty in physique. And you wonder, they were more worthy than me? The cold hard truth is that this world is full of bad people. Someone could be a sociopath and that's not written in their face, so you can't decipher other than if you're to analyze behavior through a period of time. So many guys know exactly how to get you, and they get power from that. A big ego trip. And then they drop you because you were either too much of a challenge and they go back to the fwb or they find another challenge to take on and ruin. These people are sick. I felt so free when after he ghosted I reiterated every single lie he ever told, because he must've thought I was stupid and carried on pretending I believed them for the sake of those psychics who promised me something good was coming. That felt amazing. I took my power back. I like to think I absolutely obliterated every piece of his ego, because a mutual friend told me months ago he was using the words I said one by one to ridicule and make fun of another guy, and that's what gets pieces of *** like him. When you ruin their ego. He never responded but I was so free, so happy. I was happy for many months until I started getting general readings and they'd all say an ex was popping back up and then I'd spend nights reminding myself of the hate I had for him. I stopped, and it went away but it never goes away when you talk to psychics because they all say someone from the past will pop back up and all from my past were scums. This one, an abusive one who never paid me back, etc but it's an easy line to feed because mostly everyone has a past.
I tend to test them on financial matters, and other things when I get these entertainment readings now. And any readings you get from now on, only get them for entertainment. Ugh, this was such a mess, sorry for the vent. Everyone's situation is different, I just mean that please don't feel down about what happened. There's nothing wrong with you. I didn't mean to make it about me, I only shared the slippery slope I was on to encourage you not to go on it.
Persimmon, if you need an ear--I'm here!