Author Topic: Newbie Here  (Read 13777 times)

Offline Littl30ne

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Newbie Here
« on: July 10, 2017, 09:03:50 PM »
Hello friends! I have been dumped since December 2016 and I have not recovered because this guy was literally the love of my life-- we were always there for each other and we talked about getting married, etc.. then one day (Dec 5, 2016 to be exact!) After taking me out to a lovely hiking trip he broke up with me in November and again in December claiming he doesn't love me anymore.

In a frantic panic attack I begged him not to leave but he insisted we go our separate ways. I cried and cried and it felt like it wasn't over... then I kept getting chills down my spine and I thought make it's a sign of affirmation that he's coming back (I know it sounds crazy but I only got the chills when I thought of him coming back and they were calming chills too I can't explain!)

So I Googled psychics and came across Keen, Kasamba, California Psychics... let's just say I've gone down the rabbit hole and long story short, he is NOT back. My time frames kept getting pushed from February, March, April, May, now I'm getting end of August/he's never coming back. I've gotten mixed readings saying he will be back and he won't be back... ultimately I want him back so I'm trying this LOA thing but it's been very difficult to see any manifestations (maybe the negative readers got to me?) Finally I got an email reading from a psychic medium who told me he doesn't see a reconnection until 2 years later but even then we both will reconnect as friends.. I can't accept this reading! I just don't know anymore!

I started watching manifestation meditation videos by Agnes Vivarelli on YouTube and I'm thinking of consulting with her as a life coach but I just don't know.. I know what I want and I don't want to stop until I get it (excuse my craziness). Has anyone not accepted a negative reading and really manifested the return of their ex?? He's blocked me on his phone and WhatsApp but not on Facebook so I'm beginning to feel hopless but I can't let it happen because I want to manifest our reconnection so bad ahhh! Thanks for reading this 💖

Offline Jjj

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Re: Newbie Here
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2017, 09:15:18 PM »
Girl listen to me I feel your pain I know where you're coming from but do not keep going down that rabbit hole it's no good.

Every reading should be taken with a grain of salt good or bad but you cannot bet all your money on one whole reading even if they do get predictions correct they are humans but just with psychic abilities they are not perfect no one is all the way 100% And then there's so many things that factor into predictions just such as you know Free Will choosing a different path timing all this other stuff.

Even with my favorite psychic who sees long-term outcome predictions the fact that he doesn't give me timing makes me take things with a grain of salt because what he saying could happen 2 months from now to years from now five years from now 10 years from now even those he sees that being the greater outcome he has still said to me before you can always choose someone else but I don't see you choosing someone else on that time comes.... BUT I STILL HAVE TO MOVE ON AND LIVE LIFE!

Readings every few months are okay but don't bet everything on it that would be my advice.
Also LOA is an amazing thing, and I believe in most of it and I believe it's a greater way of life but the most important thing is having faith letting go and just seeing what God brings you

Offline Love-33

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Re: Newbie Here
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2017, 09:30:46 PM »
How long did your relationship last?
Sorry you are going through this  :-[ I feel your pain trust me. But instead of working on trying to get him back, work on moving on and meet new people, new men... and you will see once you have interest in another one you won't even think about your ex anymore!

Offline maroonlight

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Re: Newbie Here
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2017, 09:59:53 PM »
Unfortunately I would say you should take the predictions with a grain of salt. A few dozen CP readers told me my ex would return and he never did, and then I called keen psychics over 2 other guys and they also gave me favorable outcomes which never happened. Eventually I stopped obsessing and got over the fact that I could not have the men that I wanted at the time, and it was a total waste spending so much money because it's not like it did anything to change the outcome at all. Just live your life day by day and don't be too disappointed if nothing ever happens.

Offline mystery123

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Re: Newbie Here
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2017, 10:19:44 PM »
I can absolutely relate to your post! Except for me it was past two years. I have tried everything from psychics, to affirmations, to trying LOA, to doing candle prayers, going to the holiest of places and praying for it, fasting, all manifestation and wish granting techniques available on internet, you name it and I have done it.. in the end I can say it didn't help. I was listening to this book once and the lady said if you want confirmation from universe then ask for a sign, I did, and got one!! But nothing happened, not sure what those signs were for.

Yes, at times I felt I saw some difference in the guy(or maybe it was just my perception), we hooked up again, on and off, so I thought maybe it's my Lanie Stevens or one of 1000 LOA things I try is working, but in the end the truth is it didn't last and that it was painful for me.
I wanted something meaningful which he couldn't provide. I have been hurt beyond my wildest imagination, and I have stopped seeing the light at the end of the tunnel (at least with him).

Last month, I actually have started working on myself, and trying to see why do I want someone who doesn't want me? Is rejection breeding my obsession? Or, is it some inner work I need to do? Do I really want to be with someone for whom I have to put in so much work?

It feels/felt like I am failing and my ego just doesn't wanna accept that it's over.  Earlier, I would disregard negative readings and still keep reading, but I guess in the end the negative ones were right, at least for me. I am still trying to heal, can't focus on my work, have to take crying breaks (I feel stupid just writing that lol).. but I have to remind myself that if God/Universe/Higher Power doesn't want it, the guy doesn't want it, then I am the minority here. Life is unfair and I maybe have to accept it, learn my lesson and move on. Trust me I am trying to hard every single day, life seems hopeless, but I read about people here and how they moved on and maybe one day I will feel better too.

I exactly know how you feel, this was the first time I felt so passionately for someone, when I look back and even now too, I can't believe it can be over, I feel it was something super special and what not (and especially when psychics tell you-- what you guys have I don't see that often, I bet they throw this line to everyone) but now I stop myself and ask myself --why am I being so stubborn? Why can't I just let it go? I have wasted good 2 years, have been in so much pain, I don't think it's worth it!

I agree with above comments, try to move on, if he's to come back maybe he will, but don't pin your hope to something that might never happen.

For past two years, I have tried to make things happen so much that I feel exhausted now, almost like Universe/God didn't listen to me, and some days I am so mad and feel it's so unfair, but I am coming to accept that it is what it is, unfortunately life is not fair. I had learnt this lesson pretty good as a child, but I think I had forgotten so someone up there decided to give me a

I am trying to surrender, and let go, hence have started reading A course in Miracles, which says 'a miracle is change in your perception' and here is a quote from one of it's teachers-
“If a train doesn’t stop at your station, then it’s not your train.”

Sorry it's so long, but hope it helps!
« Last Edit: July 10, 2017, 10:23:40 PM by mystery123 »

Offline bstalling

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Re: Newbie Here
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2017, 10:34:31 PM »
You are calling for the wrong reason, you want to hear that your ex will come back and at a certain date and time. This may in fact never happen, you want to hear that everything will
be ok and it is the worst way to use psychic readings.

This is JMO, but you can't use the LOA to make someone come back to you. Its a misleading use of LOA and it just has people thinking they can have whatever they want whenever...even if it
is someone that said they don't want to be with you. Most of it is BS.

Based on my years of experience getting readings, step back, stop the readings and deal with the heartbreak on a practical level. Get Mad even. You have to heal and psychics wont do it for you.

Offline Littl30ne

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Re: Newbie Here
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2017, 11:47:10 PM »
Hello everyone thank you for your supportive comments. My ex and I have been together for 4 years we met in junior year of college, we were together through the good and bad times. I even applied to his first job out of college because he was so anxious about applying... as soon as he got the job BOOOOM the dynamics changed! We both went on a lot of adventures together like traveling to countries like Mexico, Dominican Republic, lots of hiking trips, we tried new restaurants etc... we had the same taste in music/movies/art/hobbies... he was literally my other half. I don't know what happened tbh.. I never got closure which makes it even more difficult. We were also on the same cellphone plan and he was paying for my phone even after we broke up... which gave me hope he would return.

Finally in May I couldn't take it anymore and I asked him if he was coming back but his stubborn self said he wasn't so I finally returned the phone to him and got my own phone. I gave him back my old phone Bc it was too expensive for me to keep and I thought I should buy my own iPhone to prove to him that I'm fine on my own. I even left my texts on there so he could see.. lo and behold he did see my texts and he gave me some hell for texting my guy friends and for the cute sexy selfies I had on my phone (which were obviously intended for him but he thought I sent those to someone else). He told me he was hurt I was texting other guys (but they were just guy friends I never hung out w them nor sent them anything sexy). He got so jealous and I was like "ok if you're jealous then come back!" He started ignoring me again.. anyway our biggest fight was on May 27 and since then I've been blocked. Every time I tried to be civil he was either mean or ignored me... but I knew him, he used to get mad and then get over it -_-

I am kind of dating a mutual friend at the moment.. he went to the same college as we did and even studied the same major as my ex, but this guy wants to take it slow 🙄 I do enjoy his company but he's not like my ex at all.. like my ex and I were 2 VERY similar people! This guy also told me he doesn't want a label right now and he wants to see where it goes... I'm like ok I still love my ex any way so take your time! Some psychics told me the current guy I'm seeing is just experimenting with me--sometimes I get that vibe sometimes I don't. Ahh it's confusing!

Last, I'm at a point now where if I hear a positive psychic reading I won't believe it just like I won't believe a negative reading lol!! Anyone been at this point yet? I just know what I want now and that's it--maybe I'll get sick of waiting or maybe I won't. Maybe he will show up, maybe he won't.. there are too many possibilities! I will take all of you up on being present and living life with trust that if something is meant for me it will be in my life.

I'm slowly getting out of this rabbit hole but smh I just don't know .

Offline Littl30ne

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Re: Newbie Here
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2017, 01:00:07 AM »
Hi Maddie,

Oh my gosh it was a roller coaster in 2016.. let's just say we both hit a lot of bumps in the road along the way. Our arguments would get pretty bad sometimes and neither of us were mature when we fought. Sometimes he would say things like "you're fat" and totally messed with my head. I was insecure a lot at one point ( I did gain a lot of weight that year because I was super stressed from my work commute. Some people can commute far daily but I couldn't drive 80 miles round trip daily and I was getting desperate to find a new job). I'm in a much better place now as far as health and career go.. but it was hard to feel loved when I was insecure. These issues are totally fixable btw with communication and trust, he said it was too much work and baggage.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Newbie Here
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2017, 02:37:59 AM »
Sounds like you two are young and he just wants to know if there is more out there. It happens unfortunately.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Newbie Here
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2017, 04:15:03 AM »
I can absolutely relate to your post! Except for me it was past two years. I have tried everything from psychics, to affirmations, to trying LOA, to doing candle prayers, going to the holiest of places and praying for it, fasting, all manifestation and wish granting techniques available on internet, you name it and I have done it.. in the end I can say it didn't help. I was listening to this book once and the lady said if you want confirmation from universe then ask for a sign, I did, and got one!! But nothing happened, not sure what those signs were for.

Yes, at times I felt I saw some difference in the guy(or maybe it was just my perception), we hooked up again, on and off, so I thought maybe it's my Lanie Stevens or one of 1000 LOA things I try is working, but in the end the truth is it didn't last and that it was painful for me.
I wanted something meaningful which he couldn't provide. I have been hurt beyond my wildest imagination, and I have stopped seeing the light at the end of the tunnel (at least with him).

Last month, I actually have started working on myself, and trying to see why do I want someone who doesn't want me? Is rejection breeding my obsession? Or, is it some inner work I need to do? Do I really want to be with someone for whom I have to put in so much work?

It feels/felt like I am failing and my ego just doesn't wanna accept that it's over.  Earlier, I would disregard negative readings and still keep reading, but I guess in the end the negative ones were right, at least for me. I am still trying to heal, can't focus on my work, have to take crying breaks (I feel stupid just writing that lol).. but I have to remind myself that if God/Universe/Higher Power doesn't want it, the guy doesn't want it, then I am the minority here. Life is unfair and I maybe have to accept it, learn my lesson and move on. Trust me I am trying to hard every single day, life seems hopeless, but I read about people here and how they moved on and maybe one day I will feel better too.

I exactly know how you feel, this was the first time I felt so passionately for someone, when I look back and even now too, I can't believe it can be over, I feel it was something super special and what not (and especially when psychics tell you-- what you guys have I don't see that often, I bet they throw this line to everyone) but now I stop myself and ask myself --why am I being so stubborn? Why can't I just let it go? I have wasted good 2 years, have been in so much pain, I don't think it's worth it!

I agree with above comments, try to move on, if he's to come back maybe he will, but don't pin your hope to something that might never happen.

For past two years, I have tried to make things happen so much that I feel exhausted now, almost like Universe/God didn't listen to me, and some days I am so mad and feel it's so unfair, but I am coming to accept that it is what it is, unfortunately life is not fair. I had learnt this lesson pretty good as a child, but I think I had forgotten so someone up there decided to give me a

I am trying to surrender, and let go, hence have started reading A course in Miracles, which says 'a miracle is change in your perception' and here is a quote from one of it's teachers-
“If a train doesn’t stop at your station, then it’s not your train.”

Sorry it's so long, but hope it helps!

Really nice post. I enjoyed reading it and getting something out of the quote. TY.

Offline mystery123

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Re: Newbie Here
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2017, 11:16:21 AM »
Really nice post. I enjoyed reading it and getting something out of the quote. TY.

Thank you! I am glad and sometimes it just feels good to write it all out and take off yourself.

Offline Littl30ne

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Re: Newbie Here
« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2017, 02:54:24 PM »
Hi Mystery123! So what are you going to do now? How is your journey of falling back in love with yourself going? Thank you for sharing your story btw I'm sorry it took you 2 years but it seems like you got a good understanding of where you need to be now (which is very inspiring ☺️)

I ordered some self confidence boosting books because God knows how badly I need to fall back in love with myself again lol. I'm tempted to get readings still but hanging right for now. I'm thinking maybe the more self dependent I become the less I'll need someone for now and the less I'll be thinking about the ex ya know ;) this is such a terrible phase aghhh!!!

Offline mystery123

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Re: Newbie Here
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2017, 11:10:54 PM »
Hi Mystery123! So what are you going to do now? How is your journey of falling back in love with yourself going? Thank you for sharing your story btw I'm sorry it took you 2 years but it seems like you got a good understanding of where you need to be now (which is very inspiring ☺️)

I ordered some self confidence boosting books because God knows how badly I need to fall back in love with myself again lol. I'm tempted to get readings still but hanging right for now. I'm thinking maybe the more self dependent I become the less I'll need someone for now and the less I'll be thinking about the ex ya know ;) this is such a terrible phase aghhh!!!

I am just trying to take it one day at a time. I am hoping when the guy moves away, he will be out of sight, out of mind, and it will help me heal somewhat quicker maybe. I have deactivated all my social media as I don't want to see what he or others are up to. Just want to focus on myself. My recovery process has been long. I have been working on myself for last one year and a half, because I was also a depression patient till last year, but I worked enough on myself to stop taking anti-depressants and now even though I have this heart wrenching pain sometimes, I can tell myself it will be okay. I still do have BAD days, but I know it gets better.

As far as this guy is concerned, I am at a point where I do get upset, cry a lot, and still wonder why can't he feel the same way, and why can't he be with me..and just feel heart broken, cheated and abandoned... but I almost instantly subconsciously give an answer to myself that maybe this is my lesson, maybe he came into my life to teach me a thing or two about being heartbroken.. become more authentic, compassionate, learn to love myself.. I still in my anger wish ill for him, but then take a step back and know that it's not his fault. I have also rejected people before, broken up with guys, and maybe it's my turn this time. I know it sounds all so preachy and book-ish, but that's truly how I feel.

Few things that has helped me are-

1. Subliminal Message/Affirmations Videos on youtube. Vortex Success and Rockstar Affirmations. I just played them in background when over music when I am at work.
I listened to so many of these and realized I needed to work so much on myself--self love, self esteem, give up need for attachment and neediness,  inner child, need for approval and validation, forgiveness, acceptance, and what not.

2. Tapping Videos by Brad Yates -
I went to a local EFT tapping group, and fell in love with the technique! I am not very good with meditation, so this form of release worked out very well for me. It helped me with my depression a lot!

3. Listened to Guided Meditations/Self Hypnosis while sleeping, the one which helped me was clearing subconscious negativity -

4. I am an audible fan, so I prefer to listen books while driving, walking. So, if nothing then just listen to this book called Spirit Junkie, it's very easy to read, and she talks about her relationship, how she felt and how she overcame the whole thing, it gives some good insights. It's a little on spiritual side, but not too much.

5. Loved listening to Eat Pray Love, Return to Love by Marianne Williamson, Wayne Dyer, Esther Hicks, Hay House podcasts..these books diverted me and provided a lot of perspective. Pain is inevitable, we just need to find ways to work our way around it, and these books helped me understand that.

6. I also started journalling, maintaining a gratitude journal. Learnt energy healing technique.

And, if you don't want to do anything, then just read the book -- Love yourself like your life depends on it. It's a maybe 1 hour read and a simple technique which author tells. Seems stupid initially then it starts working.

It's funny I did all this because I was determined to stop taking anti-depressants, however, I was still crazy after this guy so I was doing everything LOA, wishing, praying, even some of my eft tapping was around how I wanted this guy, readings, psychics, and all small rituals there are on the internet to manifest your desires I was doing them. Cuz I thought we were super special and that we have this bond which no one's different with me and

Last month, when I realized that he is fine sleeping with me, and hanging out, but he can't reciprocate my feelings, likes someone else, and is moving.. my world fell apart! I cried straight for two days, but it was different this time, it was more like grieving, mourning because I could see it ending for good now. The little hope I had was taken away. But, I could hold myself together and talk about it, so all the work I did is not a waste. I did get some healing work done on myself through mendingenergy on Fiverr. It was only 5 bucks, and even if it worked as placebo, I didn't care, it did something at least.

I still feel sad, still get readings about him here and there, still mad that this happened to me, it's very hard right now.. but this time I love myself enough to not reach out if he is rejecting me, and I tell myself that it will get better and I believe that it WILL. In my gut I know it's for the best and whether I find someone or not, I will be fine. I can't fight what's God's will, so it's better to accept it and just be at peace. I am trying to Trust the process, it's very hard at times, and at those times, I really pray for a miracle, and at this point I know a miracle won't be that he falls in love with me, the miracle would be that my perception changes, and I feel relief, peace and I can heal.
Sorry for sounding preachy again..hahaha!

Hope you feel better soon!

I have had some readers who told me, if this guy was worth it, then you wouldn't be calling about him. LOL

« Last Edit: July 11, 2017, 11:17:47 PM by mystery123 »

Offline maroonlight

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Re: Newbie Here
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2017, 01:01:26 AM »
I can absolutely relate to your post! Except for me it was past two years. I have tried everything from psychics, to affirmations, to trying LOA, to doing candle prayers, going to the holiest of places and praying for it, fasting, all manifestation and wish granting techniques available on internet, you name it and I have done it.. in the end I can say it didn't help. I was listening to this book once and the lady said if you want confirmation from universe then ask for a sign, I did, and got one!! But nothing happened, not sure what those signs were for.

Yes, at times I felt I saw some difference in the guy(or maybe it was just my perception), we hooked up again, on and off, so I thought maybe it's my Lanie Stevens or one of 1000 LOA things I try is working, but in the end the truth is it didn't last and that it was painful for me.
I wanted something meaningful which he couldn't provide. I have been hurt beyond my wildest imagination, and I have stopped seeing the light at the end of the tunnel (at least with him).

Last month, I actually have started working on myself, and trying to see why do I want someone who doesn't want me? Is rejection breeding my obsession? Or, is it some inner work I need to do? Do I really want to be with someone for whom I have to put in so much work?

It feels/felt like I am failing and my ego just doesn't wanna accept that it's over.  Earlier, I would disregard negative readings and still keep reading, but I guess in the end the negative ones were right, at least for me. I am still trying to heal, can't focus on my work, have to take crying breaks (I feel stupid just writing that lol).. but I have to remind myself that if God/Universe/Higher Power doesn't want it, the guy doesn't want it, then I am the minority here. Life is unfair and I maybe have to accept it, learn my lesson and move on. Trust me I am trying to hard every single day, life seems hopeless, but I read about people here and how they moved on and maybe one day I will feel better too.

I exactly know how you feel, this was the first time I felt so passionately for someone, when I look back and even now too, I can't believe it can be over, I feel it was something super special and what not (and especially when psychics tell you-- what you guys have I don't see that often, I bet they throw this line to everyone) but now I stop myself and ask myself --why am I being so stubborn? Why can't I just let it go? I have wasted good 2 years, have been in so much pain, I don't think it's worth it!

I agree with above comments, try to move on, if he's to come back maybe he will, but don't pin your hope to something that might never happen.

For past two years, I have tried to make things happen so much that I feel exhausted now, almost like Universe/God didn't listen to me, and some days I am so mad and feel it's so unfair, but I am coming to accept that it is what it is, unfortunately life is not fair. I had learnt this lesson pretty good as a child, but I think I had forgotten so someone up there decided to give me a

I am trying to surrender, and let go, hence have started reading A course in Miracles, which says 'a miracle is change in your perception' and here is a quote from one of it's teachers-
“If a train doesn’t stop at your station, then it’s not your train.”

Sorry it's so long, but hope it helps!

I've been through all the same. I've tried candle spells, prayer, LOA, went through the psychic addiction, and nothing has changed for me. The truth of the matter is we just can't have everything or everyone that we want in life, and loss of people/our relationships with them is normal. People come and go in our lives, and it's difficult and painful, but somehow we have to go on. I agree with your last line, if something is truly meant to happen or be yours then it will, if not, there is always something better behind a new door once the old door closes. Calling the readers does nothing but feed the obsession and gives false hope that something will change, making it even harder to let go of the person and move on.

Offline bluebelle

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Re: Newbie Here
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2017, 01:06:39 AM »
I can absolutely relate to your post! Except for me it was past two years. I have tried everything from psychics, to affirmations, to trying LOA, to doing candle prayers, going to the holiest of places and praying for it, fasting, all manifestation and wish granting techniques available on internet, you name it and I have done it.. in the end I can say it didn't help. I was listening to this book once and the lady said if you want confirmation from universe then ask for a sign, I did, and got one!! But nothing happened, not sure what those signs were for.

Yes, at times I felt I saw some difference in the guy(or maybe it was just my perception), we hooked up again, on and off, so I thought maybe it's my Lanie Stevens or one of 1000 LOA things I try is working, but in the end the truth is it didn't last and that it was painful for me.
I wanted something meaningful which he couldn't provide. I have been hurt beyond my wildest imagination, and I have stopped seeing the light at the end of the tunnel (at least with him).

Last month, I actually have started working on myself, and trying to see why do I want someone who doesn't want me? Is rejection breeding my obsession? Or, is it some inner work I need to do? Do I really want to be with someone for whom I have to put in so much work?

It feels/felt like I am failing and my ego just doesn't wanna accept that it's over.  Earlier, I would disregard negative readings and still keep reading, but I guess in the end the negative ones were right, at least for me. I am still trying to heal, can't focus on my work, have to take crying breaks (I feel stupid just writing that lol).. but I have to remind myself that if God/Universe/Higher Power doesn't want it, the guy doesn't want it, then I am the minority here. Life is unfair and I maybe have to accept it, learn my lesson and move on. Trust me I am trying to hard every single day, life seems hopeless, but I read about people here and how they moved on and maybe one day I will feel better too.

I exactly know how you feel, this was the first time I felt so passionately for someone, when I look back and even now too, I can't believe it can be over, I feel it was something super special and what not (and especially when psychics tell you-- what you guys have I don't see that often, I bet they throw this line to everyone) but now I stop myself and ask myself --why am I being so stubborn? Why can't I just let it go? I have wasted good 2 years, have been in so much pain, I don't think it's worth it!

I agree with above comments, try to move on, if he's to come back maybe he will, but don't pin your hope to something that might never happen.

For past two years, I have tried to make things happen so much that I feel exhausted now, almost like Universe/God didn't listen to me, and some days I am so mad and feel it's so unfair, but I am coming to accept that it is what it is, unfortunately life is not fair. I had learnt this lesson pretty good as a child, but I think I had forgotten so someone up there decided to give me a

I am trying to surrender, and let go, hence have started reading A course in Miracles, which says 'a miracle is change in your perception' and here is a quote from one of it's teachers-
“If a train doesn’t stop at your station, then it’s not your train.”

Sorry it's so long, but hope it helps!

I've been through all the same. I've tried candle spells, prayer, LOA, went through the psychic addiction, and nothing has changed for me. The truth of the matter is we just can't have everything or everyone that we want in life, and loss of people/our relationships with them is normal. People come and go in our lives, and it's difficult and painful, but somehow we have to go on. I agree with your last line, if something is truly meant to happen or be yours then it will, if not, there is always something better behind a new door once the old door closes. Calling the readers does nothing but feed the obsession and gives false hope that something will change, making it even harder to let go of the person and move on.

Very well said, I agree 💯 %