Author Topic: Hindsight  (Read 1895 times)

Offline Aaron0326

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« on: February 18, 2020, 11:33:57 PM »
Thinking back over the shit storm I went through at the beginning of this year and end of last year after my gf broke up with me suddenly mid December.  I went on an awful psychic binge that last more or less a month and a half.  Don’t even want to think about the dollars I wasted.   It’s been just over two months since my relationship ended and I’m finally starting to feel ok.  It doesn’t hurt too much anymore.  If she never comes back I won’t be too upset.  Part of me is actually starting to feel like it was a good thing.  I just wish I could have told myself I would get here while buying  reading after reading, none of which was any help.  None of the predictions came true thus far at least.  Just a huge waste.  Leaving this post for anyone who is in the heat of it and looking for some motivation to pull themselves out of the binge.